private SHIKI NO UTA ✧ Orangeblossom

Apr 24, 2023
He’s in time out. Doomkit sits, pouting, beside the somehow-sharp ginger and white form of his milk mother. The two of them watch the other kits tumble, writhe, wrestle, all free from too-hard bites and scratches now that he’s been withdrawn from the fray. The tiny tortie’s whiskers bristle, and the fur on his shoulders is almost-needlelike with anger. “Can I please just go back? Won’t do it again,” he mutters, but Orangeblossom is no dummy and can likely sense the anger radiating off of him. The insincerity glows dark in green eyes. “I won’t, he protests, voice hot with fury.

Still, he is made to sit. Heartbeats pass. The kits change whatever game it is they’re playing. It’s less violent now—something stupid like follow the leader. Doomkit kneads his paws into the earth, feeling dumb for having to sit and watch everyone else have fun just because he bit someone’s ear a little too hard. “They’re just tryin’ to get me in trouble,” he hisses scornfully. “They know you hate me so they’re makin’ up lies.” He looks at her, finally, and his eyes are shimmering with emotion—childish anger, and even more childish hurt.

// @orangeblossom

  • doomguy . doomkit
    — afab, he/him, kit of skyclan
    — unknown sexuality ; single
    — short-haired blue tortoiseshell with white and green eyes
    — “speech”, thoughts, attack
    — penned by Marquette

Orangeblossom sits tall beside Doomkit, though he's already beginning to grow like a dandelion at such a young age. When he whines a bristling complaint she regards him with a sharp look, which seems enough to quiet him for a few moments after he protests that he won't, even though both of the sun-touched SkyClanners know full well he would. They return to watching the other kittens as their game morphs again, an easy turn from playing warriors to the much less violent bout of follow the leader. Thank StarClan.

Doomkit starts back up again, protesting that his denmates get him in trouble because she hates him. While her initial reaction to the accusation is a deep frown, one that narrows brown eyes and creases the scars on her muzzle, she doesn't address it immediately. Instead, Orangeblossom releases a long, slow breath as she figures out what she wants to say.

"We both know I saw that bite, Doomkit. Just because you know you're not meant to play with your claws out doesn't mean you get around that by chewing on your denmates' ears." Orangeblossom looks at him now, slightly less stern. "And I don't hate you. I wouldn't have kept nursing you if I did. You just ..." She trails off for a moment, another sigh working into the air. "All kits get in trouble when they challenge the rules, Doomkit. You just happen to do that the most when I'm looking."

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Reactions: Marquette
Doomkit sits, shuffling his paws. With each word his milk mother speaks, his ears lower, angling back. She’s right—none of the other kits play with their claws out, though Plaguepaw had, before his apprenticeship, if Doomkit had started it first. The rest of the Clan kits will get rough during play, but their bites are gentle, nipping, and this is far from the first time he’s been admonished for his unhinged behavior during games. “I didn’t chew anyone’s ear… they all bite, so why can’t I?” Sulkily, he kicks at a bit of dust settled on the ground.

“I don’t hate you,” she finally says. Doomkit does not acknowledge this. “I wouldn’t have kept nursing you if I did.” Dark green eyes snap toward her. “Maybe you shouldn’t’ve,” he spits with malice. “Maybe you should’ve—should’ve left me to die where my real mother is.” He glowers at the earth, hating that his eyes are burning with tears—hating that he feels small, and weak, and helpless.

  • doomguy . doomkit . doompaw
    — afab, he/him, apprentice of skyclan
    — unknown sexuality ; single
    — short-haired blue tortoiseshell with white and green eyes
    — “speech”, thoughts, attack
    — penned by Marquette