Things have been weird as of late. Understandably of course- with twolegs roaming about and clanmates going missing, with a never-ending stream of WindClanners taking refuge in the pines. And though trepidation gnaws at him with every moment that passes, Greenpaw can only figure the same of the rest of his clanmates too, right?

They need something to cheer them up, all of them. And Greenpaw's mind only has a constant hunger for a distraction.

He's been working on this for a few days now. Here and there, in between training, on the way back from patrols, just wandering around camp. Picking up small things - feathers fallen from birds he's caught, flowers from the edge of camp, interesting-looking pebbles, pinecones, sticks. Anything he could scrounge up, he was bringing back to set beside his nest, a slowly growing pile until he's deemed it enough to start dragging out to the center of camp.

And though some of his findings might be the most fantastic, he thinks someone might like them. It's the best he can find, after all, with limitations set upon the clan, these days. Perhaps one day, when he's a warrior and able to roam more freely, he'll be able to find better trinkets to share with his clanmates. Hopefully, things will be better the next time, and his gifts will be just because, rather than to disperse portions of his own distractions in hopes of easing others' minds.

He sorts out his treasures - matching feathers with feathers, sticks with sticks, fussing with them until they all look just right. Bright eyes gleam in triumph when he straightens the final pebble, and he sits behind his arrangement. Perfect.

"Gifts! Come get your gifts!" the boy calls out to the camp, ginger tail thumping against the ground. He waits in anticipation for his first customers before speaking again. "Take what you want! Only one though - gotta make sure there's enough for everyone! Or... I can choose for you, if you can't decide!"



Admittedly, Greenpaw had caught Johnnys interest. The tom didn't really have much in terms of possessions, but that's because he didn't really have anything that was important enough to keep around. And as he made his way over to observe the many items left out by the apprentice, it wasn't for himself that he was browsing over things. He was just looking to look.

"Seems like you've been busy Greenpaw- it must have taken you ages to collect it all." the patched tabby mused thoughtfully. "It's really kind of you to just be giving them away like this."

Amber eyes would pause on an object then, a thought coming to mind.

"That bone there- could I have it?"

It was a fairly sizeable one, large enough to not come from your typical prey item, though Johnny couldn't tell you what kind it was or what animal it came from. Still, it looked to be around the right kind....

OOC- is it okay to say one of the items laid out is the leg bone of a fox that Greenpaw found?


The call caught Sparrowpaw's attention easily, their head raising from where they rested idly in the sun. Gifts? It sent a spark of excitement through their chest.

The tabby clambered to their paws and eagerly padded over, tail high and eyes bright with anticipation as they joined a quickly gathering group, nearly squeezing their way between two NPCs to gawk at the assortment of things. "You found all of these?" they asked, a smile splitting their maw. Moreso, they could take one?

With a giddy tip-tap of their paws on the earth, Sparrowpaw stooped in for a closer look. It wasn't long before one thing caught their eye in particular- a feather, long and blue, striped with black and tipped with white. With something nearing reverence they reached out, pulling it closer. "Ooh..." they breathed softly. "It's so pretty, Greenpaw!"

With their paw still placed lightly on the soft feather's vane, they looked up to the apprentice in question. "I can- I can have it? You're sure?" They would be sure to keep it near their nest, a beloved splash of color.



It's Johnny that arrives first at Greenpaw's call. The apprentice's gaze brightens at the warrior's words, a nod of his ginger head following.

"Yep! Very busy!" he chirps, watching as Johnny browses the collection of trinkets. "Took me days to find everything!"

His days were almost always busy as of late, but he's been fortunate to find time to collect the items that lay before him. Greenpaw can only hope that the tom finds something appealing out of the assortment, that he walks away with a new prize. That's what these were for, of course, for giving away to everyone else with the aim of brightening their day.

And, oh! Johnny's choice is a good one! Really good! That bone had been one of his better finds, a lucky one at that. Though, it'd taken some effort to drag back into camp, and was tricky to find a space for among the rest of the trove he'd been building up.

"Ooh, great choice!" Greenpaw says, before nudging the bone closer to Johnny, "Here you go, Johnny! Hope you enjoy it!"

And, it's Sparrowpaw he hears next among the building group of gift-seekers. He thinks he's starting to think they're alright, with how often the newcomer is within range of him. Even if he didn't think so, they still deserve a gift, right? New face or not, they've been through some scary stuff too! You found all of these? they ask, and the boy nods his head in response.

"Yeah! It's not that hard actually, and it's kind of fun, too," he tells the apprentice, tail thumping against the ground as he speaks. Maybe, if Greenpaw continues to think Sparrowpaw is alright, he could show them some good spots to find things similar to what he's collected. He watches on as Sparrowpaw chooses a feather, blue and black and white in nature. Another good choice - pretty, just as Sparrowpaw says it is. Greenpaw nods once more in agreement.

"I bet the bird it came from looked cool too!" He'd found this feather strewed along his path while hunting the other day. And though he hadn't been able to find the feather's owner, he bets the bird was just as pretty as the stray plume.

"Of course, you can keep it! That's why I brought it here!" Greenpaw assures the unsure apprentice, "You can stick it in your nest, or, you can even weave it into your tail, like my feather!" Though he doesn't know whether or not Sparrowpaw would like to wear their gift as he wears his own gift from Sheepcurl, he thinks the feather would suit them well.

'Never turn down a free gift'. Some lessons he'd learned were selfish, but it didn't stop the joyous surprise in his expression as one of the wildcats offered pebbles and all-sorts to those around him. He lingered towards the back at first, waiting for approval for a Daylight Warrior to be included in the gift-giving and almost sighing in relief when Johnny was not ostracised for picking something out. Waiting for Sparrowpaw, Momo would then step forwards, eyes lighting up like newleaf trees at the assortment of things. He'd half expected the apprentice to throw everything in a pile, but each placement was meticulous enough to earn a hum of approval from the precise tom. It was a shame their fresh-kill horde couldn't look so organised but alas, hungry warriors likely wouldn't care as long as they could get food from it. "Oh, thank you! That is so nice of you." Momo mewed fondly, mulling over which one he would choose as if it would be a life-changing decision. His nest at home would so nice with a memory of the wild in it.... Ah.... Wait, 'his nest at home'.

Realisation kicked the point feline like a boot and their tail began to lash. Momowhisker took a step away from the gifts to ponder, his exaggerated ears apologetically slack. "I'm not allowed to bring things back to my Twolegs. There was a spider the last time and that was a whole big thing and-" They were talking too much. His reason didn't matter, only his inability to accept a gift from the apprentice did. Momo briefly shut his mouth and brightened up his smile, his pale eyes scanning over the assortment of items Greenpaw wanted to give out to the clan. His face lit up as his attention fell on one particular feather - white with shades of grey, small, slightly curling in on itself. Momowhisker had no clue what bird it belonged to (a dove, perhaps?), all the same, he reached out with a faintly striped paw and gave it a nudge. "Would you mind holding onto this one for me? It can still be mine if you'd like it to be, just.... not with me all of the time." He pondered slipping into a notch in his golden collar, but with the fear of forgetting it and having his precious gift lost, it was best to let it stay with the wildcats.

Momowhisker is next, and Greenpaw watches on as the daylight warrior looks through the assortment. This is kind of fun, watching everyone come up, seeing which things they pick. He eagerly awaits the pointed tom's decision, tail thumping against the ground.

But oh!

Momowhisker says he can't take a gift. His twolegs won't let him. Spiders, he explains. Greenpaw hadn't thought about that, of what would happen if his part-time clanmates had to go home. Then again, why would he have thought about that? Spiders were just spiders, out here. He didn't know that twolegs didn't like them! Greenpaw frowns in concern, watching as the tom still grabs a feather anyway.

"Would you mind holding onto this one for me?"

"Hmm..." he hums, looking down at the feather, small and grey - a perfect decoration for a nest. "I can check it for spiders, if you want? But... But if not, I can keep it in my nest, and you can come and look at it, when you're here!" He supposes that's the best he can do, to keep the feather safe for Momowhisker, so that the daylight warrior can have a gift too.

.°☀ But every time I see you cry

Greenpaw was such a light in life that Bananapaw wondered how someone could be so cheerful in times of dire situations. She watched from afar as the cats went by to pick up stuff from the ginger tabby cat and she tilted her head to the side slightly. Momowhisker had seemed to grab something so would it be possible for her to also get something? She wanted to get a gift for Quillstrike or maybe even Pigeonsong as a thank you for their friendship or cheer them up when they come back. If they come back.

The thought was dark and she shook her head quickly to dismiss it before getting up onto white paws. Bananapaw moved her way over to the group and peered down at Greenpaws' stash of items and tilted her head to the side, before looking at two feathers on the floor that where similar in color of browns and blacks but also slightly different with one having pattern of white on it.

Pigeonsong would like those, they could have matching feather accessories! She grinned at the idea and moved to talk to Greenpaw after he distributed it the others to Momowhisker, Sparrowpaw and Johnny. "Could I have these two feathers? I think they'd make good matching things for Pigey and I," She looked up at Greenpaw with an excited wave of her tabby tail.


With these wings of mine I'll stay awhile .°☀

  • //
  • BANANAPAW named by her mother Alice
    — she/her, 12 moons, single
    — skyclan daylight apprentice, mentored by Sharpeye.
    — self-doubtful, overlaying smile, very closed in

    primary character, high activity. penned by wolf_.​
  • banana.png

"Hi, Bananapaw!" Greenpaw beams at his friend as she steps up next. He's glad to see her, after all! And to be able to give his friend a gift? Even better!

And, stars, he's glad he collected all these feathers! If he knew they'd be the popular choice out of everything he's brought over, he would've spent a little more time collecting everything and grabbing even more!

The daylight apprentice requests two of them, and though Greenpaw had said only one, she explains that it's for another clanmate. Pigey, Bananapaw says. Pigeonsong. He supposes that's fine, if one of the gifts is meant to be passed on to another.

"Two? Hm... I don't know about that..." he teases the tabby, sticking his tongue out at his friend. White paws slide the chosen feathers forward, tail thumping against the ground. "Here you go! Enjoy!"
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