SHINE ― rta ; patrol

Dec 12, 2023

The early morning was blowing a chilly wind through the camp, leaving Coyotebite feeling refreshed. Glancing around the camp she would be quick to find a few cats who were awake enough for a patrol, and beckon to them to join her. "Willing to go out hunting with me? We can check and make sure everything is well on the borders while we're out too." Hopefully, a simple patrol would be agreed upon by the cats she'd called over, and their morning could start without any issues. The morning was nice, and with it still being leaf-bare, Coyotebite wasn't sure how much longer they would have until new-leaf was upon them. It would be foolish to not take advantage of the day presented to them.

Raccoonstripe unfurls himself from the nest he now shares with Nightbird, making his way across camp toward the fresh-kill pile. It’s pitifully small today, and the earliest patrols are just heading out. He sees Coyotebite sitting near the gorse, her mew inviting. He shows rows of teeth in a heaving yawn and nods. The wind is brisk, combing wet, cool fingers through his whiskers.

This could do with some freshening up,” he murmurs, gesturing toward the pile, which contains a scrawny mouse and a cold-to-the-touch sparrow. He flicks his tail out behind him. “And we’ve got more mouths to feed and less paws hunting now.” Obliquely, he refers to both the apprentices who’d foolishly allowed themselves to get hunted by an owl in the dark… and to the swelling bellies of the she-cats who are relocating to the nursery. “Shall we hunt near Sunningrocks? I’m sure Nightbird would love a verbal tussle with a RiverClan cat first thing in the morning.

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  • Raccoon . Raccoonstripe, he/him w/ masculine terms.
    — “speech”, thoughts, attack
    — 37 moons old, ages realistically on the 5th.
    — mentored by n/a ; mentoring none ; previously mentored Wildheart, Moonwhisper
    — thunderclan lead warrior. gray wolf x howlingstar, gen 2.
    — currently mated to Nightbird.
    — penned by Marquette.

    lh black tabby with white and dark brown eyes. charismatic, charming, calculating, ambitious, shallow, manipulative.

It had been a mostly sleepless night for Martenmask. His insomnia had buried its teeth deep under his skin for no reason he could determine, and he'd spent more hours staring at the dirt ceiling of the warriors' den or watching his Clanmates get their well-deserved rests than actually sleeping. Near dawn, when the stirrings of his comrades broke him from his fragile doze, the Ragdoll had dragged himself out into the expectant stillness of camp. The day would soon begin for most of his Clanmates, he knew - soon enough that by the time he returned from drinking his fill from a half-frozen stream, Coyotebite and Raccoonstripe were discussing putting a patrol together.

"Room for another?" the chocolate-and-white tom inquired genially, a smile unfurling beneath his bubblegum nose that did not quite hide the bleary cast to his blue eyes. He swished his great plume of a tail, adding, "Sunningrocks sounds promising." It was always a special kind of satisfying to hunt on the land which RiverClan had so foolishly asserted was theirs.
For whatever reason, Palepaw seemed to excel at hunting over every other skill; in spite of her mentor's best efforts. That's not to say she wasn't proficient in fighting, she could definitely hold her own, but she wasn't likely to be named a battle genius anytime soon. She just loved being out in the forest, using all of her senses to track down her prey, knowing that at the end of a successful catch, she'd actively contributed to the survival of her clan. It was very fulfilling, and gave her a sense of accomplishment. She'd been spending the majority of her time working on her sparring recently, though, in order to catch up, so Coyotebite's request for volunteers to go out on a hunting patrol immediately piqued her interest.

The blue-eyed girl bounded towards the group eagerly, stopping at Martenmask's shoulder. "I'd like to come too, if Nightbird is okay with it." Though given that Raccoonstripe was also tagging along, she had no doubts that would be the case. At his suggestion that they hunt near Sunningrocks for the shadowy lead warrior's benefit, she couldn't help but smirk amusedly. It made her think back to the recent Riverclan patrol they'd met, where Nightbird had openly taunted one of their warriors simply for the fun of it. "Sounds about right," she laughed in agreement, glancing around to see if her mentor was nearby so she could call her over.

[ mentor tag @nightbird ]