no angst SHINE BRIGHT // Coming Out


May 22, 2023
Glimmerpaw’s mind had finally settled after weeks of contemplation, and today was going to be the day. Today…they would come out and finally be happy with themself. It might be a slow progress to fully come to accept their situation, but they know that finally changing how they’re referred to, deciding who they are for themself and not anyone else will give them peace of mind. And hopefully, SkyClan would be the accepting group of cats that they know they are.

Their steps are wobbly as they make their way to the middle of camp if you look close enough, but they try their best to keep their head up and not seem too scared. They can do this…it’s about the simplest thing they’ll ever have to do in their life, compared to warrior duties. Even so, it’s hard to convince their nerves to steel. But they got this. They’re the child of the deputy, one day the leader, and someday maybe they’ll even become leader themself! They can do anything they set their mind to.

Glimmerpaw takes a long sigh in and out, and then speaks up before the regret sets in. “Hey! I have something to announce.” They don’t notice how loud they were being before eyes turn to look at them, and they gulp. “I’m…I’m not a she-cat anymore. I decided that…both it and tom doesn’t fit me. So if you could all refer to me in a neutral way…I would really appreciate it. That is all.” Worry starts to fill their face as they look down to the ground and await the reaction.​
Over-grown ears too big for the head they rest on swivel instantly at the sound of a familiar voice-- it was Glimmerpaw of course, the same one that had kept them company at the Gathering when Cherrypaw had left. (Did Glimmerpaw miss Cherrypaw just as much as they did? Probably even more so... they'd do their best to fill the void while their favorite molly was busy adventuring). Green eyes, wide in their usual state of curiosity, focus clearly on their den-mate, a paw stuck in the air where it had been greedily scratching at the itchy spot under their flea collar. What could the other apprentice possibly be announcing to the middle of the clan right now?

Perhaps it is a confession of great admiration for Edenpaw! Or maybe it's a call to action to smite down Doompaw for his self-inflated ego.... Both seemed like equally possible and reasonable outcomes. Though it is disappointing to not be named the apple of their den-mate's eye, the black and white feline brushes it off in good sport-- this is something far more important than that, and Glimmerpaw could always tell them how much they idolized the bob-tail later.

Smiling easily at the nervous bundle of pale fur, they set their suspended foot down before trotting casually up to the other and sitting down close by with a stern glower on their face. "Don't be RUDE or I'll show ya just how tough kittypet claws are!" An unnecessary threat, as SkyClan never seemed the type to be judgmental or cruel... But the loyalty in those words held true.

You wanna upset Glimmerpaw, you gotta go through me chumps!

Turning a cheesy grin to their friend, Edenpaw bumped their shoulder playfully, "Hey we're more alike than ever now, huh? We're basically twins!"
  • Love
Reactions: Glimmersun
Cinderpaw remembers a time, maybe not so long ago now, where Glimmerpaw mentioned not wanting to be a she-cat. Their announcement is still a bit of a surprise, but not a bad surprise. A happy surprise. A gleam of hope in tough times, proof that good could still happen despite everything.

"You found yourself!" she purrs, a smile of her face. "I'm really happy for you, Glimmerpaw! And if anyone says you can't be who you wanna be, I'll... I'll tell them off!" She is not a fighter, nor is she the type to get into a tussle. But Edenpaw's willing to fight for Gliimerpaw's honor, so she turns to them. "You can be the claw defense and I can be the word defense! Together, we'll make sure everyone respects them!" With all their bases covered, Cinderpaw looks around, prepared to defend with her tongue should the need arise.


  • Love
Reactions: Glimmersun

There was always a pressure to become comfortable with one's self that the clans rarely pushed, but many struggled all the same. Silversmoke could not recall a time where he had called his own gender into question, from birth he had known the way he'd felt, but accepting that he was a cat that could love just as strongly as anyone else, but that that love would manifest differently, had taken a bit more time than the taciturn tom would like to admit. It was a brief observation as Glimmerpaw spoke, a way of trying to connect with the younger cat when there was little in common with them. The tabby did not have to speak before other apprentices rallied around Glimmerpaw, praising them and admonishing an aspect of SkyClan that the Lead Warrior had been lucky to never see. He tilted his head incredulously at the threat of kittypet claws, rapid blinks suggesting he wanted to say something about that particular notion, but decided against it. This was Glimmerpaw's moment, not some time to remind the future Daylight Warrior that their claws would always be blunter while they shared their loyalty with evil.

"It takes some cats their whole lives to find themselves," he observed instead, stepping closer. 'If only Orangeblossom could see you come into your own'. A little smile stretched upon the surly Silver's face, muted, but approving. Male, female, in-between, neither; none made a difference when it came to serving one's clan. "I'm glad you found your happiness faster than a lifetime," Silversmoke nodded.
  • Love
Reactions: Glimmersun
Glimmerpaw wasn’t exactly sure what kind of reactions they would get, but it warms their heart how quickly the support pours in. Two of their fellow apprentices are quick to defend them, saying they’ll get in the way of anyone who wrongs them, and they can’t help but giggle happily. The one cat they didn’t expect to comment on it was Silversmoke, however. They didn’t exactly have the best image of him, so they’re taken slightly off guard. Even so, they appreciate the sentiment greatly. Maybe he’s not as bad as they first thought. “Thank you…”

eggpaw & 07 moons & male & he/him & skyclan apprentice

"That're my sibling now, right? Not a sister or brother," honestly, the change isn't entirely unexpected - there have been conversations and hints after all. And eggpaw doesn't particularly mind the change either - a sibling is still a sibling, and he'll still like glimmerpaw just the same. Unconditionally. But... for so long, eggpaw has only had brothers and sisters - it'll be weird, for sure, to have to say sibling now when he tells his border-friends about them. He wonders if how he'll manage to remember. Oh well - it's not like its a big deal.

  • Actions && "Speech," && ' Thoughts/Quotes '

    ooc: very late but wanted to squeeze in his silly response
    tw/cw: —
  • a round faced and slightly pudgy boy, with long legs and too-big paws. his pelt is pale eggshell and cream, and he has dull grey-blue eyes. he wears butterfly wings and flowers in his fur, and seems to be growing at an exponential rate.

    physically easy && mentally easy
    non-violent powerplay allowed && healing powerplay allowed && minor injury powerplay not-allowed
    please attack using [b][color=#108297]action here[/color][/b] and tag account



"I'm proud of ya, Glimmerpaw." said Johnny as he made his way over at the sound of her announcement.

He could remember his own transition, how difficult it had been and how frustrating it had left him. Cats back home hadn't been so quick to accept a change like that, and while his twolegs had eventually caught on that their feline friend had preferences when it came to his toys and collars and name, it had taken some time.

He was almost relieved to see that such wouldn't be the case in Skyclan, Glimmerpaws friends already rallying around them.

"Be who you want to be- and good on the rest of you for supporting them."

His gaze shifted toward Silversmoke for a just a moment, begrudgingly including the tom in his praise even though he knew his fellow lead was all too happy to judge in other areas.

OOC- super late but he's here and happy for them!!!!
