sensitive topics SHINE, BRIGHT MORNING LIGHT / return from skirmish

morningpaw will die in this thread. fair warning! this takes place after this thread.

╭── ⋅ ⋅ ── ✩ ── ⋅ ⋅ ──╮

He'd been doing nothing of particular importance, though his mind is so terribly plagued. Vermilionsun, who spits and defies herbs and prey, though Blazestar inherently means him no harm. Squallmist and the other warriors had been angry, no doubt, and Blazestar wishes fervently he hadn't allowed such a thing to happen... then the loner Dusk, who'd been hostile and mouthy, still needing treatment... and Blazestar thinks about the Gathering, thinking about Sootstar gloating, turning Coyotepaw like a prize before his former Clan, the cats who'd come to love and care for him...

His trailing thoughts are interrupted. Deersong's hunting patrol has returned. He turns toward the camp entrance, preparing wearily for her report.

But the scent of blood is harsh. Blood scent, ThunderClan scent. Worse -- fear scent. Terror scent.

Blazestar's jaw drops a fraction of the way down. A cat, bleeding, runs to Dawnglare's den. He can hardly stop to ask what's going on before Deersong's patrol emerges through the entrance. Flamewhisker, a ThunderClan lead warrior, helps support a body with pale fur, soaked with blood.

He doesn't know who it is initially, is too lost in the shock. This hasn't happened since Haze had died, since Squallmist had carried his brother home. It's several heartbeats before he sees that the cat they're carrying is Morningpaw. Is his daughter.

"Wait. Wait!?" His yowl is frantic, suddenly splitting the quiet camp air. "What-- who-- is that--" His vision grows dim, narrow. "What..." Why is his quietest child bleeding so much, why is Flamewhisker here?

Blazestar's stomach fills queasy. He lurches on his feet. Is the ground still there, is it?

"Please, Dawnglare..." his rasp is like a cat half-dead. "Can't you help her? That's. There's. The blood. But you can help her, you can? It's... StarClan..." He gives his friend a desperate look, driven rabid and wild.


Meanwhile, Morningpaw is quiet, quiet. Her breath barely ruffles the fur on Deersong's pelt. She's elsewhere. She's going elsewhere.

@DAWNGLARE @~Deersong~ @Flamewhisker

- ,,
Lazy day. The pickings of prey become less and less with each moonset and every sunrise, and it isn't so different for the herbs in his den. The ground worked in mysterious, miraculous ways. Never did the flowers bloom all at once, never did She expend Her resources so utterly and completely, but leaf-bare was not far off. Hard, harder, hardest to come by, Her wealth of most valuable treasures lie dormant, thoroughly cleansed from her grounds when the sun becomes cold and the ground hardens with frost. Pieces lay here and there, souls she has yet to take; and here, only here, will he accept the possibility of mistake by her paws, if only because it was useful for him. For them.

And, most pitifully, an absence of those sun-blooms; petals laced with fibrous gold were... possible to find no matter the season, but so significantly dull when the air would frost over. One, two... a few more, on and on. Staving off the chill in the comfort of his lair, with lazy eyes, he counts. Pauses, at the sudden hustle and bustle of the surface Tufted ears prick with the voices, and more importantly, how Mother rumbles with their return. His jaw sets in idle contemplation, but he barely has the chance before a ruddy face is poking through his walls. Slight jolt, he lifts his head, and with the sputterings of what has come, he can only gape. Slack-jawed, "...Huh?" dumfounded, eyes-wide with alarm. Hardly processing, his gaze is blank; but with the name– one of those oh, so few that sounded bells in his mind– he's...

Pushing his way into the clearing, cobweb snug around a forelimb. Brisk daylight greets him in full, but he can hardly lay aside the time to lament the sun's warmth. Zeroed-in, iced-over pools are round and wide at the disturbance. Panicked faces, some familiar, others not. Blaise's little one unmoving. Nearly a frostbitten statue, woefully still, woefully silent; and she always was, but, oh no, not like this. Blaise's eyes are on him in an instant, raging storm swirling without abandon. Eyes, a million eyes are upon him.

And it's what he craves, is it not? To be revered as a savior, looked to in hopeful adoration, devotion left unoffered to any other. And in one sudden moment, he has it. That crowd-holding attention, helplessness plainly written on face after face. For it was him and only him who had the power. Something to revel in, something that should spread a smile, mountain high and sun bright across his face. And oh, he is. He's simling, but only because he knows that would be a lie. Divine touch and godly eye aside, her neck is slit and her blood is pooling. The trek had been how long, how long? How long for her innards to spill like water and for her soul to detach from her body?

And he, he most of all understands the nature of things. He welcomes death with open arms, for that is how the world works, and thusly, should not be stopped, nor refuted, nor hated. A universal thing in that it was something everyone would experience. Even him, immortal-bound soul, would feel it all around him. Never one to cry, never one to mourn. He does not dwell, he does not fight. And yet, today of all days, no sin feels deeper than just that. Not when Blaise looks at him like the very world rides on her life or death. And is he to speak mistruth? To lie and to pray when he knows what is to come? It would be nothing less than bitter sacrilege, and yet, and yet...

"H-hah...? U-um..." It's unnatural, it's wrong. It's often that he stops and stutters, but words like these– pure filler; it's wrong. "Kh-HAHA! U-um... We..." Laughter, because that is what he did. What the both of them did. And he swallows, presses teeth to his lip. "We– we'll... We'll s-ee..." We, we, Mother and him, for only an act of god could truly...

A thousand, million eyes on him; and he can't help but shudder. And he isn't cold, he's so warm it hurts. Sudden compulsion, so unfamiliar; he wants to run, so he doesn't have to see the look on Blaise's face. So he doesn't have to see the weakness of her form and the flickering light in his eye. His smile quavers the further he steps, and so badly does he want to take her and run, away from the prying faces and away from the noise. But really, what more would that do than smear more blood across their floors?

Nearly, he meets her with a halfhearted lift of his paw, to start working, tending to her wounds. But, hesitance, hesitance because he knows it's in vain. Could her breaths be any shallower? Her neck any more bloodied? "I..." Guilt burning in the back of his skull. Just how did he look? A traitor? Unmotivated? Unwilling to heal? And that isn't it, it isn't, he swears. Jitters, tapping of his hint leg. He scratches for a name, her name. "M-Morningpaw..." he remembers. And it helps, that he remembers what Blaise had said, that she was named after him. But it also helps that it's her. "C-can you hear me? Us..." His smile fights. No longer wide and bright, but tight-lipped, strained. His eyes pinch the corners of his eye, and he's... struggling.
He's shoving his way through the bunches of cats by the time Morningpaw is brought back to their camp. One supposes the Fates had different things in mind for his sister, but Fireflypaw resists the idea. She was meant to be away from all the fighting- that wasn't her thing, watching friends and family fight with each other.. It was better left to those who had the eagerness for it. Fireflypaw ached for the day he could go to battle, to win a victory and die for the cause. A good cause.

But he didn't think he'd be fighting with his own clanmates. Fighting Jaypaw. Fighting family.

It was like all noise stopped when his father saw Morningpaw's body, crumpled and weak from blood loss. Fireflypaw watches in horror from a short distance away, the way his father clambers for the High Priest to help. To settle his blessings. "I-I can fetch whatever you need me to-" Please don't take my baby sister from me. Take me instead. She deserves to live a fair life, become a Warrior, fall in love, have kits one day! He shouts to himself, fighting with the ideal that she could die. So, so much blood- it creeps towards his own paws and taints the tips, and he chokes as if suffocated by it. His paws lift, stepping back from the bubbling ichor.

Green is a deadly color. Green is a deadly color. Green is a deadly color.

He's repeating the words like mantra, as if prayer. Red seeps into green, and Fireflypaw feels sick. Dawnglare is laughing, and he can't help but to follow- though the tears that pour down his cheeks in rivers betray him. He's not smiling, it's a sorrowful laugh- once, nasally as if breathing in air. Breathe. His mind reminds him, but it's useless in the eyes of terror at the sight before him. His hulking body is so crooked, so bent- he can't stand up straight. Before he knows it, he's trying to scoop up the trickling blood that flowed towards him. Go back, go back- blood is supposed to be inside, go back. He's sobbing seconds later, shrieking- though deaf to the sounds around him.

"Someone get my siblings! I want my siblings!" He cries out, screaming to the Mother below as if she could help. Help, help.. T-That's right, if he could.. If he could just count their heads, make sure everyone was present, it would be okay. One, two, three, four.. Four. Four. Four. Four. Four.
  • Crying
Reactions: Floppie and Chérie

Trailing behind the returning SkyClan cats, Howlpaw bounds into camp. Although she was at the battle she walks away unscathed. Well, physically unscathed at remains to be seen how her mental and emotional state will hold up as the day ends.

She walks into Dawnglare's den with a wobbly and uncertain gait. Her father is with them now, confused and begging Dawnglare for help. "She'll be alright, she'll be alright, she'll be alright," Howlpaw mutters as she steps further into the den. It's unclear whether it was meant to reassure her father or herself. Morningpaw would be alright. Sweet, sensible Morningpaw.

Howlpaw wants to say or so something more to help but her mind hasn't stopped spinning since Morningpaw first fell on the border. Fireflypaw's cry for their litter mates, snaps her to attention, albeit for a brief, fleeting moment until the world collapses around them. For once, it is not Fireflypaw swooping in and comforting his younger siblings, but rather Howlpaw and the others taking his place. "Fireflypaw I-," She speaks his name before pressing against him. Although Howlpaw is comforting her brother, she is very much aware that he is keeping her steady and upright in that moment too. "I'm here, Fireflypaw."
  • Crying
Reactions: Floppie

In the cold of winter, the forest is alight with despair.

She can feel it, she can smell the blood and suddenly she feels so small. There's new people, familiar people, rushing into camp, carrying a flickering light with them. The morning star near reduced to embers. Suddenly Dawnglare's den feels like its across the forest, like its as far as her and her grandfather travelled to get to Skyclan. The kit is stumbling through the snow, eyes vacant and yet she is all too present in the moment and perhaps that is why she feels so lost.

Its not her sister, its not her sister but its her best friend.

Everything is overwhelming but she chokes it down, chokes down long lost screams of a family she's still not sure is dead or alive, buries the panic of slobbering, monsterous teeth inches from her nest. Morningpaw looks worse than what she had first assumed, barely any give to her chest as she breathes. 'Its...its like she's sleeping but she's not-She has to wake up she has to live for-'

For Blazestar, for her mother, for her sisters and her brother, for Fireflypaw.

'We're just' She looks between Howlpaw and Fireflypaw, confused yet afraid. "How..How did-why-?" She can't articulate what she's feeling, but her mind won't accept that someone else would do this, even though the wound is so large and yet so small. Surely, it consoles her, surely its just a monster we haven't heard of yet. Surely thats what happened.

But then why was an outsider here?

'Maybe it happened by the Thunderclan border, Morning is their apprentice too so of course they'd help, of course they'd help us save her-' The rose in her eyes, cracked from the loss of her home, is panickedly trying to hold itself together. Its straining under the weight, chips falling off the longer she tried to hold herself together.

Somewhere in her heart, she knew how this would end, but she doesn't want to close this story yet.

Not now, not like this.

  • Crying
Reactions: Floppie
having been sitting in a small group sharing idle gossip, the growing cacaphony of voices rapidly approaching the entrance of camp immediately quiets down the chatter as all eyes are now flickering towards the gap in the bramble where cats returning from patrol are pushing through and suddenly the acrid scent of blood is immediately overwhemling the clearing as most of them are covered in wounds that weren't there before.

in the midst of it all, being carried by two warriors, was her sweet sister morningpaw who remained rather motionless in their grasp while liquid scarlet plasters itself against pointed fur and steadily drips against the frigid ground. something went wrong. something went horribly wrong.


a warbled, grief-stricken caterwaul is clawing its way out from her throat before she's suddenly on her feet, scrambling desperately after the growing crowd where there is no care in the way she is shoving herself between bodies in order to get to her sister, to her family. morningpaw, timid and kindhearted, is supposed to be smiling and stammering like she always does but instead she lays pitfully at the paws of the doctor who tries to tend to the damage as so many are begging for him to save her.

crescentpaw should've gone on that patrol, she would've endured the gross conditions of leaf-bare a hundred times over if it meant having a chance at saving her sister from a fate as horrible as this one. a series of distraught sobs would wrack through her small body. "we can't lose you, not now. . .please! words spilled out as best they could between the occassional wet gasp as she tried to take in air into tightening lungs.

"please don't leave me. . ."

there was so many things they had yet to experience together and it was all falling apart at the seams, slipping through her paws like sand she so desperately tried to keep a hold on.

it's not fair.
[ penned by cobi ]

No way...this couldn't be right. It couldn't be the same Morningpaw he had just meet for some few days ago who had got forcefully assigned to show him around in camp. Blight had not even been here for a week... Someone was already dead and it just had to be someone like her. Fucking damn it. Blight bite done on his lip, thinking this was unfair. He couldn't help but to think this was his fault. Wherever he went bad things always happened to other cats, and that was why he had been given the name to begin with. Blight, like a disease who spread itself to every living being to claim. Violetpaw had not been wrong with what she had said back then, although he had never admitted to it back then. Treating it like a joke.

So many were upset and sad, and he couldn't really blame them. Blight too feel sad over Morningpaw's fate. What had even happened to have caused this?. It was the wrong moment to ask and he did not think this was his place to be at the moment. Blight was about to turn himself around and spotted Fireflypaw, all heartbroken and crying out after his family. Tears streamed down that poor boy face, and Blight could do nothing but stare after them in sympathy. He felt for them even if he had never known what it felt like to lose a family member he could only imagine it just by looking at the seal point face that it was painful.

He ducked his head down so he not needed to look anyone in the eye as he walked away to distance himself from the scene. They needed to mourn and he needed some fresh air because his own tears was about to throw themself up inside his throat. I'm sorry Morningpaw, i'm so sorry. He wished a cat like her could have lived longer. He would even have replaced his own life for hers if he could. Unfortunately, that was nothing but a discomforting wish.

// out



Panic. Angish. Blood. It fills the camp like water in a cup, drowning every cat inside. Quillpaw hadn't known Morningpaw well, had spent more time with Butterflypaw, Figpaw, Twitchpaw, and even Basilpaw than he had her. Still, anger seeps into him at the sight of her broken and bloody body as its set before his clanmates. There's a sense of guilt that settles in his chest despite knowing he had no part to play in it, but maybe that in itself if where the feeling was born from; a lack of action, of intervention.

As mismatched eyes simply stare at her, he feels his mind start to take him somewhere, and to spare himself from it he summons the numbness and lets it spread through his body like cold water through his veins. This was nothing to him, it meant nothing. It was his own mantra, mentally uttered to fortify him against whatever his body was trying to make him feel in that moment. Anger was the only safe feeling, the only thing that didn't drown him because instead, it burned, searing holes through anything it touched.

Dawnglare is laughing, and Quill can't tell if its genuine because the guy is actually nuts, or if some type of hysteria is taking over them. Maybe the later, because a moment later Firefly begins as well. The other boys laughter is quick to break into broken sobs though, calling out desperately for his siblings. Again, Quill feels something twist in his chest at the sight of it, but he says and does nothing, a stone in an ocean of grief and noise.

ALways so much noise.

Why couldn't things just stay quiet?

skyclan - male - 8 months - bisexual - homoromantic - single - very tall tabby tomcat with broad shoulders
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) Totoro still had many lessons to learn about clan life, but bitterly some lessons could only be learned through horrific events such as this. The large tom found himself lingering near the scene where Dawnglare tended to Morningpaw, or tried to. It didn't look like much was happening in his opinion, but given how the young apprentice looked he doubted that much could be done. There were no twolegs in strong smelling pelts here to help with their strange abilities.

He didn't know Morningpaw well, but his heart still burned with building concern and grief. How could this have happened? Why? Who? So many questions but nothing to give him an answer. Not yet anyway. All he can do is sit quietly and wait. Just... waiting.

Panic. Chaos. A similar scene had only just been brought upon him - his sister, collapsed in the midst of camp, foot twisted every which way. A curse he'd brought upon his sister, now brought upon his friend's sister in worse means.

She lays there, practically lifeless, shallow breaths, crimson covered. She lays there and Fireflypaw screams and cries for his siblings. Greenpaw wants to be there for him - wants to comfort his friend, tell him that everything would be okay because... because Figpaw was okay, and all Morningpaw would need is to sleep in the medicine den, right?

But he's already bored enough green into the scene, stared too much at Dawnglare as he begins his attempts to heal such deep wounds.

Stared far too long at everyone, gotten green everywhere.

Green is a deadly color. Green is a deadly color.

He wastes no time, swiftly turning away from the crowd and racing into the apprentice den. The ginger tom falls into his nest, a panic-filled sob following as he shuts his eyes as tight as he can - rid the camp of his green while Dawnglare works. He begs the stars to wash away the poison his gaze left behind. Begs them to pull Morningpaw out of it, to save her.

Figpaw had been in and out of sleep all day, it was nothing new. Since arriving in Dawnglare's den not only did her leg need time to heal but she's also caught on a fever. There wasn't much else for her to do but allow herself to slip from reality and into the dark abyss that was slumber, roaming through any dreams she entered.

Yet orange eyes groggily blink open to not one- not two- not three but several cats in the den. Figpaw's head jolts up and she spots Dawnglare trying to mend- oh... oh no... no! She shuts her eyes tightly, wanting to forget what she had just saw yet it was burned into the black of her eyes. Morningpaw had been laying there unconcious, carrying the most nasty wound she's ever witness. Though somehow not as gnarled as her own injury, it made Figpaw grimance and grow nauseous.

I can't look... I can't look! Not only was the image too much, but so were the yowls and sobs of tremendous grief. Figpaw desires to run, but she is imprisoned in this dead, with Dawnglare, with sobbing clan-mates, with dying Morningpaw.

She puts her paws over her ears in a dull attempt to suppress sound as light sobs and tears swell in her still shut eyes.


( primary character / "speech" / ic opinions )

· FIGPAW, AMAB — she / her
╰ ‣ 7 moons .
╰ ‣ skyclan apprentice . believes in starclan, doesn't fully understand

· DOMESTIC FELINE, smells like pine nettles & sap, status — 100%
╰ ‣ A red tabby she-cat with orange eyes.

· ENFP-A ❝
CAMPAIGNER❞ , Gryfindor, Lawful Good
╰ ‣ Excitable, generous, caring, quick-to-act, daft, naive
╰ ‣ finds relative ease relating to others . kind-hearted, will show mercy

· NPC X DAISYFLIGHT, sister to Greenpaw, Violetpaw, Snowpaw & Butterflypaw
╰ ‣ IDK HER SEXUALITY I LIED . mistakes admiration for romantic feelings
╰ ‣ Apprentice to Tallulahwing
╰ ‣ poor fighter . okay hunter .
╰ ‣ unlikely to start fights . will flee .
╰ ‣ attack in underline . penned by user @ava.

He hadn't even fought as hard as he could have, and Churro wasn't the heaviest thing he could have carried, especially with help from Thistleback. Yet, he felt heavy. Weary.

He knew what was going to happen, yet he prayed and prayed Morningpaw would make it through. She didn't deserve to die over a squirrel. And seeing Blazestar's reaction, his fear, his worry...

It broke his heart.

It broke his heart that all he could do was watch. He was not someone who cried often, but tears certainly threatened to show themselves today.

His sorrow was just enough to keep his anger at bay. It was all that kept him from smacking Flamewhisker.

That, and Morningpaw. She hadn't wanted them to fight at all, and she was paying the price in blood.
╭── ⋅ ⋅ ── ✩ ── ⋅ ⋅ ──╮

Morningpaw does not see the turmoil around her. She's somewhere else, a shiftless gray nothing that feels like she's falling towards something. The pain in her neck is there, still, and the wetness, but the farther she drifts into the mistlike veil, the less she feels it. There are voices -- shouts, reduced to muffled whispers in her purgatory. "MORNINGPAW," that's what she hears most. Whispers. Whispers that would have frightened her, confused her, before the skirmish.

But she isn't afraid anymore. She creeps along, her back to Dawnglare and Blazestar and her siblings, her Clanmates, the camp she's known her whole life, the mother she's left at home. She doesn't know where she's going, but the pain -- the pain is going away as she walks, and --

"M-Morningpaw..." A voice, tremulous and unfamiliar, caresses the tufts of pale fur inside her ears. She pauses. There's a dull throb, a lance of red agony shooting across her throat, and she cries out.

The gray, it's there, but there's Dawnglare now, and his face is close to her. He asks her, "Can you hear me?" And she wheezes, stuck between two worlds, held in a painful limbo. "Dawnglare..." she tries, but her mouth cramps and clots with her own blood. It spits up, making a scarlet bib on her fur.

Now she hears them all more clearly. Panic. Fireflypaw, Howlpaw, and Crescentpaw, comforting one another; her father, stark-eyed; Figpaw, shielding her eyes, leg bent impossibly; the voices outside of her Clanmates, some murmurs, some screams, some cries.

"Don't cry," she pleads, her voice hoarse and choked with blood. She looks at Dawnglare, and she smiles at him. A tired smile. The smile of a child begging to be left alone, to curl into their nest and fall into a dreamless slumber. Her eyes begin to close again. She's lost in silvery gray fog again, but he's still so close, so close. "Don't cry... Dawnglare. Tell them. No."

Her paws reach earth, no more falling, but she blinks her eyes at Dawnglare one last time. "Crying."

And she can't anymore, she can't keep sitting here in this nest, talking to him, when the pain goes away in the other place. It's fearsome, it's stark and bleak, but oh, she hurts so much here, and the siren's call of what lays beyond... it takes her, takes her.

The mist becomes tangible, and she meets the starshine eyes of a silver-furred warrior curiously. StarClan. Is this a StarClan warrior? His eyes are a strange yellow. "Come, Morningpaw. They will be taken care of. Let us take care of you, now."

Still, she hesitates. If she doesn't go... what will happen? And her siblings... her father... her mother... all of them, all of them... "But I can't help them anymore," she whispers. Her throat is clear now, her voice strong. "Can I?"

The silver tabby touches his nose to hers, and she feels grass cool under her paws. A forest lies just beyond, where shining eyes peek at her through the brush.

"StarClan will always be there for them. So will you."

Morningpaw looks at him, hesitant, before she follows him. She leaves her tiny bloodied body behind, empty.

- ,,

Flamewhisker I'll sleep when I'm dead

Once they entered the camp, the red warrior had kept a respectful distance. She immediately offered help to their medicine cat, but she wasn't going to crowd him...give him room to work, and give Morningpaw's family room. Her heart was racing, and her chest had never felt tighter. She had been weak already from hunger, but after fighting, then helping Deersong carry the apprentice back all the way to their camp she could barely hold herself on all fours. The tabby slid her claws into the ground, hoping it would steady her. "Please...please save her." she would mew quietly, her eyes round with both horror and worry.

Moments passed by, and she saw the young molly's side fall still. Cold terror struck through her like lightning, and she felt herself slipping away from reality. She could hear the cries of others around her, but she was lost to her own thoughts.

I failed.

Tears that she had been managing to hold back started to bubble, falling down her blood stained cheeks.

If I had just run faster...If I had heard her sooner...If we had just given them that stupid fucking squirrel...

Her legs tried to buckle from underneath her, but she stumbled, catching herself. "" Her legs were trembling, and she lowered her head in grief. She was gone...

"Pl...Please ex-excuse me...butI...I have to inform my clanmates..." she barely managed to stumble the words out of her trembling jaws. The world around her was spinning...How was she going to break the news to the rest of Morningpaw's family?
So much noise all at once. The midnight-pointed tom– Firefly; Firefly heaves a dry cackle, and too, too quickly does it descend into sobs. Collective mewling from both him and his littermates, sobbing, sorrowful sound. And there are so many of them in that moment. Faces peering, prodding, a few he'd never so much as acknowledged until now, but together in their shared grief.

Subtle stir. At first, he thinks he'd imagined it, a ruse conjured in his own mind for the sake of comfort; but she's there, and she's real, and to him, she speaks. Weak-willed atrocity. His heart flutters, foolish hope with the name off her tongue. Only, it dips further and further with the spattering of blood. His smile is gone; not a wearing away, but an instant falling of his face. He's prolonging the inevitable. And why? For his own selfish satisfaction? To hear another word, even if it rips her apart? The mumble of his name wasn't worth it, a waste of breath, waste of blood, and nearly, he claws his own eyes in bittersweet repentance. He would've hushed her if he could move.

What is she, really? To be able to plead against her clanmates' mourning. Her, the one with a gash in her throat, the one with her whole heart and soul leaking from her like miasma. Blank face, soul-stare; that's all it is, the way he looks at her. And again, so soon, her eyes are on him. And again, so soon, they try to fall into nothing at all. Sad smile painted clear as her lids flutter shut. She's losing.

Her priorities aren't in line. Her blood still bubbles and her chest still rises, but she only continues to plead; to plead that her family doesn't cry. Too final. He hates, hates, "Morningpaw. Morningpaw, no. L-look at me–" Strangely calm, but oh, it's growing frantic, pitching high. Because he didn't want to see so many crying faces, and he would have no choice. No choice but to watch as Blaise's kits trudge for home, dead-eyed. And Blaise, himself– "Morningpaw, open your eyes," Like her, he pleads. You can't die he wants to say, but it would only be a lie. Bitter bile. He swallows it down. "You shouldn't– you shouldn't die, Morningpaw..." and it's the truth.

But death waits for no one. Starclan halts for no soul. Final nail in the coffin, her eyes held shut. Shut so that none would have to see that flicker of light be snuffed out. Slack-jawed despair, there isn't a thing he could do.

A long-held breath escapes him, at last. Whisper on the wind, the kind that wickedly and wretchedly final. The conclusion of something horrible. Of something that never should have happened. And when she's so close;; when her body is still warm and her face still wears that sun-bright kindness– A press of his muzzle into fur. Matted and blood-spattered, he does not care. He wishes he could've done more for her. Always, forever. But death waits for no one.

Lift of his head, and the world is spinning. But he doesn't have time for that. Doesn't have time to be breathless. Sunken eyes. Suddenly, he's tired. But his responsibility, star-carrier, heaven on earth, he resigns. Stormy skies, his gaze falls on her siblings, the little ones, and... "Don't cry," he tells them. And perhaps they'd already heard, but it's his job to make sure, isn't it?

Steady, he manages. He manages for a few crucial moments, until his gaze drags to Blaise.

Fear-stricken, his legs are jelly. The beginnings of breath crawling back into his lungs peters out into a dull hiss in that moment. Shock-stilled. Bitten. Broken. He can't judge what to think or what to feel. He can't discern the storm brewing behind blue blossom eyes, and it terrifies him. Absence of nothing, absence of everything, and so, ashamed. He feels ashamed. And he knows it was not his doing. Knows from Mother's rumblings that it was always meant to be. Knows that the one who deserved claws and teeth was the one who had laid their own on her. And he vows that he will wait diligently for the day they are punished for as long as they live. But right here, like this, he can only pray to the stars that Blaise is not upset with him. "I'm ss–suh–sorry," he murmurs; and he can't remember the last time he's said that.

All of a sudden, meek, he shuffles away. Closer to the cowering form of her– dead-footed girl, so that her Morningpaw's family may say their goodbyes.
╭── ⋅ ⋅ ── ✩ ── ⋅ ⋅ ──╮

Morningpaw is in Dawnglare's paws now, and he can see from the look the medicine cat gives him that the girl's wounds are worse even than they look. Blazestar's lower jaw begins to tremble. "We-we'll... We'll s-ee..." As if he has found reason to doubt the ground he places his paws on for the first time. He sees the shudder rack through Dawnglare's body, sees the hesitance as he speaks her name, asks her if she can hear him.

She's not moving. Blazestar stares in dismay. Why? Why isn't she moving?

Fireflypaw tries to be brave, tries to be stoic. Blazestar looks at him, distraught, as he seems to lose his composure, as he wails for his littermates. Blazestar wants to go to comfort him. That's what he should do -- he should lick his son's ear and hold him close and tell him it'll all be okay. Howlpaw's mutterings, "She'll be alright, she'll be alright," while Crescentpaw's scream splits the darkening air like a wolf's howl, and the first movement crosses him -- he is racked by shudders so intense they almost drive him to the ground.

The other Clanmates either watch with shock, with grief, with anger, Blazestar cannot move at all. His paws are frozen, eyes beseeching, begging Dawnglare to save her, StarClan to have mercy on him and his family.

And she speaks, and he's almost overcome -- but it's accompanied by spit-up blood, a quiet and stunted request for no one to cry.

Blazestar chokes, the sob sounding splintered. Tears wet his eyes, begin to seep onto his cheeks. What have I done. StarClan, what have I done?

It's the last thing she says, his selfless little girl. Don't cry. Tell them no crying.

He hardly notices Flamewhisker leaving. Blazestar in his right mind would think of Little Wolf, alone in ThunderClan's camp, having to deal with this by herself --

But he only tilts his head to the sky. Tears seep from his eyes, a promise unkept, and his body shudders with his grief.

Dawnglare tells him in a tone he's never heard before that he's sorry, but oh, Blazestar knows this is not Dawnglare's fault. He crumples to the snow and covers his eyes with enormous paws, like a kit, and begins to cry like he's never cried before.

- ,,
Don't cry,

It's words spoken on holy lips, but brings no comfort to the seal point. His sister shudders her dying breath, and goes still, leaving blood to continue running even after her passing. It's coated the ground, staining it with the disgusting smell of blood. Howlpaw tries to reassure him that she would be alright, but it didn't turn out how she thought it would. But it isn't the silence that hurts, it's the feeling of missing something that does. When she took her final breath, Firefly felt his own leave him as well. He crawls towards the bleeding body of his baby sister, curling up beside his father. A piece of him was gone now. He chokes on his own screams of agony, of grief as he buries his face into his father's fur.

"Y-You have.. You have nine lives, right, dad? You can.. You can tell StarClan to spare one for Morningpaw, right? Right?? Tell me there's something we can do to bring her back- She- She has to.. She has.." His head swims as he lays it down, hiccuping against the tears that spilled. His paws reach out to the sky, as if he could yank her back down from the stars. Back to the living, where she belonged. But nothing came.

He stood up then, wiping his tears away with a shaky paw. He needed answers. He couldn't.. He couldn't keep standing around like this. "Where is Snowpaw?" He choked out, voice hoarse from his screams of agony- he looks over to his sisters. Crescentpaw is wailing out in grief, and Fireflypaw gestures Howlpaw over to her to try and nuzzle close to their sister. "It's okay, Cres.. She's.. She's okay. She's in StarClan now, with all the strong Warriors there to protect her." But she's not here. I want to know how this happened.
  • Crying
Reactions: DAWNGLARE

Don't cry. That is her sisters final request. Don't cry.

She remains close to Fireflypaw, watching numbly as her sister draws a final shuddering breath and then grows still. She is quiet for a long moment, her young mind unable to fully comprehend what had happened. Her sister is dead. Morningpaw is dead. It feels like a cruel dream, though nightmare might be more apt. "D-D-Dawn-...Dawnglare!" Howlpaw calls the medicine cat's name in desperation, struggling to call his name at first. "You have to do something. You have to help her! She needs her please! Don't just stand there d-d-do something! She's not dead! She's not! She's not!"

For a moment Howlpaw struggles to breath, no longer able to speak before she's racked with tears and sobs. First a pitiful whimper and then a full on howl of grief. She practically throws herself to the ground, burying her head into her paws where her screams are briefly muffled. This wasn't fair! Nobody deserved to die over a damn squirrel. Not a warrior, not an apprentice, and certainly not Morningpaw. Not dear, sweet Morningpaw. She had just wanted to stop the needless fighting and she had died for her efforts. Taken the blow for another. A blow delivered by Snowpaw...

Howlpaw is dimly aware that her brother had called out for him, but she did not know what reason he was calling out for him. "Where is he?" Howlpaw asks no cat in particular when she finally lifts her head. Tears are streaking down her face and her breath is still uneven from her sobbing. "Where is Snowpaw?" She says, echoing Fireflypaw. There is a furious look in her eye and anyone close to her would see the brief flex of her claws into the dirt at the mention of his name. "I'll - I'll..." But Howlpaw's threats are held at bay by another way of sobs. I'll kill him, She says in her mind. A horrible, dark thought that makes her feel ill just to think about. She's not a killer, intentional or not. But in that moment, despite the tears and her desperate wails, all she can think about is hurting him, to make him feel a fragment of her pain. It was his fault anyway, if he hadn't have launched himself across the border they wouldn't have had to fight and Morningpaw would still be alive.

"Where's Little Wolf?" Howlpaw says, even though she already knows the answer. "I need my mom..." She whimpers.​
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  • Crying
Reactions: DAWNGLARE

Her questions are ignored, answers left unsaid. It frustrates her because she wants to know, she wants to know what happened to her friend. Yet she can understand the crashing waves of grief as they drown Dawnglare, Blazestar, Fireflypaw and Howlpaw in turn. As they send the Thunderclan warrior running from Skyclan's camp. Those waves had once sent her all the way to Skyclan, bashing her into every last rock along the way.

She cannot help them swim, for she does not know how. She too, is drowning again, throat filling with warmth and eyes fogging over with tears. Her chest hurts, a vast emptiness blooming inside a garden that once kept Morningpaw's memory close.

"No....Crying." "Don't cry."

Mushroomkit pulls back from her remaining friends as Blazestar's sobbing becomes all she can really discern, the words of the apprentices lost in the storm of their father's fall. The den is so, so loud, and her eyes burn from how she's squeezing them shut. 'No, no- She said no crying. She said not to cry-" There's a hiccup of a half choked sob before she turns and buries her face in Dawnglare's fur, flame being swallowed by the snow of the tom's lower pelt. Claws dig into the ground, still freshly healed from the medicine cat's help, but her mind does not blame him for the loss of one barely considered older than she, nor does she blame the stars and the earth below. She thinks of her grandmother, of her family, fighting with the valliancy of the cats of old. 'There are some things that even the divine cannot heal and yet-and yet-'' Finally the tears rebel against her, falling down her face.

"I'm sorry Morning."

'And yet why do I still feel so helpless?'

  • Crying
Reactions: DAWNGLARE
somewhere along the way home, violetpaw's voice had fizzled out. the constant insisting that her brother didn't mean to is drowned out by the silence that overtakes her as her adrenaline ebbs away. like the receding tide, it leaves her cold and shivering. her scratches are beginning to sting, her bruises growing sore, and she feels as if she could sleep for a moon straight. with her whiskers brushing thistleback's side, violetpaw trods after the failure of a patrol. she doesn't even know if anyone managed to grab the squirrel, wondered if anyone even cared after morningpaw had been struck.

funny how the one thing that'd started the skirmish became so insignificant so quickly.

back in camp, violetpaw resigns herself to sitting outside of dawnglare's den. her ears are pulled back to try and pick out what the others are saying, despite fearing what she could overhear. there are many who beg the fates to save morningpaw. blazestar is pleading with dawnglare, who sounds... uncertain. violetpaw's never heard dawnglare sound so small; he's always been confident, too sure of himself and his so-called starclan-blessed abilities. to hear him any other way... it plants a seed of dread in the apprentice's stomach. morningpaw isn't going to make it, she tells herself even before the wails echo throughout the camp.

the keening is the worst part of this entire process. it chills her to the bone, the piercing cries of someone who'd lost someone so important. violetpaw grits her teeth and ducks her head. screws her eyes shut as if that would block out the noise. in the cacophony of grief, she swears she hears someone demand to know where snowpaw is. "it's not his fault," she says, voice hoarse. a worthless affirmation that would fall on deaf ears.

she's so.. tired. violetpaw hasn't even cleaned the dried blood from her fur, but in that moment, she finds that she couldn't bring herself to care. it's all superficial in comparison to the overwhelming stench of blood that'd poured from morningpaw. she forces herself onto her paws, swaying beneath the weight of the world. in her dazed state, violetpaw couldn't recall the way to the apprentices' den. still, she couldn't stay outside of this den of death any longer; she's got to get away. so she stumbles to the farthest side of camp and collapses, curling her tail tightly around herself.