pafp shine like morning - gathering peonies

Ever since Ravensong had gotten sick with yellowcough, Ratpaw was on edge. Before, she could pretend that things were fine, that the illness didn't exist, and so long as she stayed away from those that were sick it had been working. But now their medicine cat was sick and those that had been pushing it away had to actually come to terms with the fact that it was real and it was effecting them. The lack of able-bodied cats had already been concerning and had already been noticed by the amount of hungry cats there were running around trying to catch food, but now with the one who knew how to heal needing healing himself she couldn't help but let that worry bubble up and over, and the white-furred apprentice was about to explode. She needed to do something - anything - to help, so she had turned to her mother and after speaking with her, Ratpaw finally had an idea and that little urge to explode was pushed down and replaced with restless paws and running around camp.

Every warrior she could find, Ratpaw was going to them and asking the same question, and if the answer was no she would quickly run to the next warrior and the next until finally at last she had reached Lichentail, and quietly the apprentice walked over to her, trying to make sure the lead warrior wasn't busy before speaking at last. "Lichentail..." She began, trying her best to not sound rushed despite her want - no, need - to do this as quickly as possible ""Do you have any peonies that you don't want anymore?" She knew they wouldn't be in the prettiest condition, petals dried and color drained from moons of sitting in a nest, but she needed them, and she was sure them being dried and dead wouldn't be an issue.
  • please wait for @lichentail to respond!
  • rat_colored.png
    ratkit - ratpaw - rat???
    ⋆ female - she/her - 5 moons
    ⋆ homosexual - too young for relationship
    ⋆ apprentice of riverclan
    attack - speech - thought
    ⋆ penned by tikki
⋆ ✧    ·   ⋆ ✧    ·   ✧ ⋆     ·   ✧ ⋆

Brows furrow in contemplation... the warrior standing in front of her had just come back from a hunt empty-pawed... it did not bode well for the clan. Another week hungry. Lichentail's stomach practically twisted at the thought of passing another day by without sustenance but... "There's nothing you could've done to change it," they offer that meager reassurance to the downcast tom, clearly haunted by the same realizations she had come to.

It appears she is not needed only by the adults either... a small, squeaky voice chirps urgently from beside her- it is plenty easy to recognize Ratpaw. Salmonshade had been at her ear not long ago nervously tittering about the small girl and how she might grow, who she might become... what she'd need to thrive. It seemed that today, that required some peonies.

Smiling softly, the lead cannot say she has any fresh ones to offer-- the sun is growing fainter each day. But...

"I've got some in my nest from the last bloom- you could have those if you like," Eyes trailing across the camp towards the warriors' den, they use their nose to point towards it, "They're a bit dry now. Hopefully that doesn't impede your important work...?" She could not fathom what dusty old flowers could be needed for but Ratpaw clearly had a mission for them.​

Much like Ratpaw, the ivory striped apprentice needed her own vein of distraction to keep her mind relatively at ease. After realizing Stalkingpaw had become sick, Sablepaw found it increasingly harder to do anything but fret over her sibling. Thankfully, if only for a moment, the girl's inquiry over flowers captures her attention long enough for her to become engaged. Eyes of powder blue blink as she draws near, head tilting momentarily. "What do you need the peonies for, Ratpaw?" The older apprentice asked, lowering into a seated position as she did so. Could it be that Ratpaw was also an avid flower collector? She remembered sharing some orange flower petals with Beepaw a while ago. Perhaps it would be good to pluck a few more later.
≖≖ riverclan apprentice / twelve moons old / she/her ≖≖
As Ratpaw waited for Lichentail to answer - as patiently as a cat with little practice in such a thing could do - she found herself bouncing on her paws slightly, more out of excitement than impatience. When the lead warrior answered with a yes she couldn't help the excited gasp that left her, head quickly turning towards the warrior's den as soon as the other had told her where they were. For a moment she almost quickly left the conversation, her destination now on the flowers that were in the warrior's den, but decided against it when more was said and then questions were asked. "I think those will be okay! I think they're still pretty and will work when they're dry, I never heard any different." There was no reason to believe dried flowers wouldn't have the same meaning as when they were freshly picked.

Sablepaw asked about what Ratpaw needed the flowers for, and the smile grew slightly on Ratpaw's maw as she began to answer, "My mama told me that flowers have different meanings, and I remember her saying that Peonies are for good health-" She began, smile fading slightly as she went on, turning into a more serious look of determination, "I figured with Ravensong sick now, the cats in the medicine den could use some extra luck with staying healthy, even if they're not growing around the territory right now, so I was gonna gather some together and put them around the outside of his den, and then they can stay healthy while we wait for the cats to come back with the lungy plant." It was the last hope from a naive child, that simply being around the flowers would help them to get better, but it was all she had and it was all she could think to do to help.
  • rat_colored.png
    ratkit - ratpaw - rat???
    ⋆ female - she/her - 5 moons
    ⋆ homosexual - too young for relationship
    ⋆ apprentice of riverclan
    attack - speech - thought
    ⋆ penned by tikki
₊· ͟͟͞͞➳˚ Beepaw liked flowers but she clearly didn't love them as much as Ratpaw had, she still remembers when the apprentice had gone to wake her from her slumber to give her zinnias and buttercups. These flowers having become dry but still scattered nicely on her nest, she wishes she had fresh ones but they were still lovely so she was content in keeping them. The molly walks over seeing both Sablepaw and Lichentail being near with Ratpaw excitedly bouncing on her paws which is enough to bring Beepaw over, curiosity getting the best of her and overhearing the rest of what the snowy molly says. "Peonies are good health..." She echoes quietly to herself with bottlebrush tail sweeping behind her and her head tilts to the side trying to think of how those specific flowers brought good health but she was no medicine cat so she couldn't quite question the knowledge or widsom that Ratpaw's mother has about flowers and their meanings.

"Is... Is there any other flowers that bring good health? The river princess finally asks her friend not knowing if the lead warrior would have enough peonies for all the sick cats that were in the medicine den with Ravensong, she would help Ratpaw in her search if she had to.

  • beekit_chibi.png
    ❥ 3 moons old
    ❥ riverclan apprentice
    ❥ sexuality unknown; single
    ❥ sister of cicadapaw & starlightpaw
    "speech", thoughts, attacking
    ❥ easy; still learning how to fight
    ❥ peaceful powerplay allowed
    ❥ penned by bosstaurus