private shining in the sun || wrenflutter


forever a wide eyed fool
Mar 27, 2023
"Wren?" called Crowflower in a hushed tone. "I brought you somethin'!" She made an attempt to be quiet just in case the kits were sleeping. A cobweb dangled off of one long whisker, petals of small pink blossoms glinting like jewels in the tangled blackness of her long pelt. Cleanliness was never her best skill, despite the effort she took to smooth out the knots and wash off the dirt. Their parents always tried to tame the wild forest of Crow's pelt, but to no avail; their child was destined to always carry little memories of her adventures with her wherever she went. A strange bundle of flowers dangled from her jaws. They were periwinkle blue with a touch of purple, and they were striking in contrast to the dandelions woven in between. "I made this! These flowers always make me think of you," Crow said with a warm smile after setting the bundle at her sister's paws. It was a woven circle of flowers—blue phlox and dandelion and bloodroot—that, truly, looked more like a bird's nest than something meant to be worn on as a decoration, but it was made with love.
