private SHIP IN A BOTTLE | Petalnose

ᓚᘏᗢ Ever since she tried to fish to not much luck, Ratkit had decided that she was going to hang around by the water as often as she could, wanting to try to practice the techniques Petalnose told her about. She was small, and impatient, but she was stubborn, so she kept trying, even if there weren't very many successful attempts at catching something. Ratkit was going to become an apprentice soon, and she was determined to be better than them from the start, cause she was so cool and awesome, and she'd be the best apprentice ever.

Finally catching a minnow was not going to make that ideology leave her head any time soon. Paw lifted out of the water, claws out, as a small minnow flopped around in her claws before sitting still. She did it. She finally did it! Scrambling to figure out what to do next - she hadn't gotten this far before - Ratkit picked it up in her mouth and turned around tail high as she started walking back towards the nursery to show off her catch before it happened. A noise. A strange, low noise that sounded... creaky. The white kitten stopped, ears flicking around before she heard it once again and she found it. A frog. A huge frog. The biggest frog she had ever seen. Dropping her catch, Ratkit screamed and started running away from the bank, tears filling her eyes.

… . . ᘛ⁐̤ᕐᐷ [penned by tikki]

Petalnose was in some way comforted by the sound of frogs. At least, from afar. As long as they weren't interrupting her nap as the last unfortunate one had. The chorus of amphibians were the sound of home and the bearing season of summer. It brought touch to the night, peace. The larger frogs, toads, were more of an annoyance to the female. They possessed a call that was louder and they tended to stray near their dens for whatever reason. Her ears flattened at the call, giving an instinctual grumble of distaste and annoyance. She was ready to launch another into their little habitat they seemed to not want to stick to lately.

Ratkit interrupted her thoughts by screaming and flying in her direction, obviously spooked by something. She would make an effort into springing in front of her to bring her to a halt, her paw outstretched to prevent an impact. If she had stopped, she would keep glaring down at her with her head held high. "What's gotten you so spooked? Where is it?" she asked in a tone of demand and authority, tail lashing as she prepared to solve an issue. Petalnose was not aware that the toad was what was causing the child's dismay. She had not yet even figured out where the creature was just yet. Dark copper eyes watched for her response and reaction. Who knew, maybe Ratkit was witness to an enemy sneaking into camp. Being a subject to unfair play or bullying was also a possibility within the mob of ruthless tail-biters with sour attitudes. Punishments circled her mind as she impatiently waited for a response. Anything it would be, she was confident to face whatever it was.

ᓚᘏᗢ In her fear, Ratkit almost hadn't seen Petalnose jump out in front of her, but as the older RiverClanner's paw came out to try to stop the kitten from colliding with the other, Ratkit finally noticed and skid to a stop, body touching the paw before quickly skittering behind Petalnose and squinting towards the direction of the bank of the water. "There's a... there's a monster over there Petalnose!" She spoke between breaths, chest heaving as she finally caught it.

Head shaking she looked around, ears flattening to her head as she didn't see the "monster" right away. "I swear I saw it, I was trying to catch fish like you showed me to and then I caught one! I caught one Petalnose! And then a monster tried to eat me! It went bwahh so I ran away with my fish so it couldn't get me!" And that's when she finally realized her fish was gone, and she didn't know where she dropped it at. Looking around, a frown formed on her face before she looked back up at Petalnose. "It took my fish!" That was the only explanation.

… . . ᘛ⁐̤ᕐᐷ [penned by tikki]

A monster.

Her eyes narrowed slightly, the word was normally described as the rumbling beasts that flew across the thunderpaths. Although, it was nearly impossible for a monster to ease way into camp. If one had, they would all pick up upon the sound. So, she only assumed this perceived danger was something she could handle.

Then Ratkit mentioned her fish was taken, a pike suppose? Or a bigger fish? Something she warned Ratkit about previously that was an apperant danger to their young. It could indeed devour and drag young Ratkit to the unforgiving depths of the river.

Petalnose then finally came to a slight conclusion at the description of sound. A toad was what it could be, if it was something else she almost would be as concerned as Ratkit lacking the fear.

The tall patched feline straightened her posture more and hummed deeply in acknowledgement, "How about I teach you some courage? I'm sure this monster is no match to you. I'll help you and assure nothing happens to you." She urged, taking a few steps forward in the direction Ratkit pointed. "I can get your fish back, but maybe we let everyone be proud and defeat this beast together?" She forced a mischievous and encouraging grin in attempts to strike excitement into the youngster. Nevertheless, Petalnose would rid of the perceived threat even if Ratkit didn't oblique. She didn't want their kits to grow up as cowardly warriors however.

Ratkit watched as Petalnose thought after the words were spoken, eyes flicking over the other's face as eyes narrowed before she spoke. Teach her some courage? Yes, Ratkit would be fine with that. Head nod and the kitten looked over towards where the "monster" had been before looking back to Petalnose. "You really think you can get my fish back?" Eyes lit up at this thought, and the kitten jumped to her paws once more, hopping slightly in one place as excitement filled her body. "It's gonna be so scared Petalnose!" And with that she started marching off towards the direction of the frog, pausing for just a moment as they got closer to where she had last seen it.
  • [ooc]
  • ratkit is a three moon old kitten of RiverClan. She is an all white cat with rounded ears and orange eyes. She is currently a weak swimmer, weak hunter, and a weak fighter. She is loyal to RiverClan, is bisexual and is currently NOT looking for a relationship. She is OPEN to plots and private threads, but CLOSED for injuries. PEACEFUL POWERPLAY IS ALLOWED.
  • a reference image should go here (I do not have one teehee)

A soft rare smile met her features as Ratkit showed excitement for the endeavor to come. She crouched down into a stalking position, tipping her head as to encourage the same from Ratkit. "We'll sneak up on it and it won't even know what's to come." she instructed, pulling each limb to move her crouched frame, each paw hitting the earth silently. "Make sure your limbs or belly don't drag, it may alert it." she added, creaping upon the oddly shaped creature that made it into her vision. A toad. She was correct. Laughing she wasn't relieving externally but within her mind there was an amused chuckle.

Once the woman was a fox-length away, she turned her head to gaze upon her comrade. She searched to find fear, hoping that her presence upon the situation would encourage bravery. "Now, we're going to overwhelm it. I want you to pounce first and then i'll come to bring an end to this pesky toad. It won't stand a chance." she suggested, believing in her young comrade to tackle the so-called monster. Maybe this would teach Ratkit, something she could take with her in her apprenticeship. Apprehension was good for her age, to avoid the bigger and more threatening monsters that will cause fatality. She shook her head at her own lack of fear at her youthful age, something that had caused panic in her poor mother. However, bravery was important. What was better than to teach this lesson on a creature who couldn't do much harm. Prey, Shadowclan would call it but Petalnose would let Ratkit's ego and confidence be boosted in this situation for now. She would let Ratkit believe this was a threat until the end of it.
As she paused, Ratkit looked over to Petalnose, head nodding as she was told what to do, trying her best to mimic what the other was doing. She was a little too wobbly and a little too slow for her own liking, but she had the spirit and was doing her best in the moment. Following behind the lead warrior, she found herself pausing for a moment once more as the toad came into sight. If she had been told that this was something that ShadowClan hunted for food, she wouldn't believe them. It was so big and ugly, and not to mention scary and a theif - at least in Rat's eyes. Slightly shaky breath came from the young feline as she swallowed her fear and nod as she was told what to do.

Squinting her eyes, Ratkit decided she was going to be perfect at it, perfect at following directions and jumping at the toad, she wasn't going to let Petalnose down, they were going to show this monster what's what and why RiverClan was the best clan. So, in deciding that, Ratkit sucked in a breath and she crept forward a little bit before she felt her paws leave the ground as she leaped, soaring through the air before landing down... coming up short. A small huff of frustration left her before a split second later she yelled and began chasing after the toad, watching as the startled creature began to jump away.
  • [ooc]
  • ratkit is a three moon old kitten of RiverClan. She is an all white cat with rounded ears and orange eyes. She is currently a weak swimmer, weak hunter, and a weak fighter. She is loyal to RiverClan, is bisexual and is currently NOT looking for a relationship. She is OPEN to plots and private threads, but CLOSED for injuries. PEACEFUL POWERPLAY IS ALLOWED.
  • a reference image should go here (I do not have one teehee)