shooting the messengers // the owl tree

// apprentice tag @antlerpaw

Night creeps closer on the horizon, the waxing moon casting silvery light upon the forest. Shadows drape long across the ground where a ThunderClan patrol weaves expertly through the undergrowth. Tonight, the tabby leader plans to teach her apprentice, and any who dared some along, one of the more advanced tricks a cat can learn: how to use an owl to hunt.

The Owl Tree looms high in the distance and Howlingstar draws to a halt, eyes narrowing on the beast of a thing. "I don't need to remind you how deadly an owl's talons can be." Her normally gentle voice is stern, serious. Green eyes glint as they glance back at her patrol-mates, lingering on Antlerpaw. "If it gets a hold of you, it can carry you off in the blink of an eye. No one survives that." I didn't. When that eagle had taken off with her, it was only thanks to StarClan's lives she was able to walk amongst her clanmates again.

She hunkers low to the ground, scanning the patrol again. "We wait for it to come out. The owl knows how to find prey. This can save fruitless hunts during leaf-bare, but it should only be done as a last resort. Tonight is purely for learning. Everyone understand?"
IF I COULD BURN THIS TOWN ✧°.☀ ————————————
Roaringpaw's pelt is bright and easy to spot amidst the darkening terrain of ThunderClan's land. Deep down he worries he might ruin all this - have the owl spot him and send them all running back to camp ( only to fuel the fire of Skyclaw and the others, of course the kittypet would mess up ). He lays low, always hidden by the shrubbery of the territory.

His eyes were focused on the tree, now; his ears flicking with every word Howlingstar muttered. They must be quiet and attentive, but the excitement of being here practically radiated off his pelt. If they were successful, he would be sure to tell all about it to Orangepaw and the others in Gentlestorm's den - maybe even the kits, too.

The owl knows how to find prey. How? Is a lingering question in his mind, curious as to how the bird could tell were the prey was from so high up in the air. But soon another thought popped in his head: "If the owl can spot the prey before us, won't it also get to it before we can?"

"speech" thoughts
OOC: -
[penned by nocthymia - ]
———————————— ☀.°✧ I WOULDNT HESITATE

Antlerpaw moved under the guise of night near her mentor. Dappled pelt kept her from being too obvious, lighter belly facing the ground. Ears twitched as orange eyes scanned the undergrowth, and as they grew near the Owl Tree, her vision lifted towards Howlingstar. The warning wasn't specifically for her, but for everyone- yet the way her eyes lingered indicated she needed to listen closely. Antlerpaw's head nodded gently.

She dropped into a low crouch, one her body had learned well in the last few moons. Howlingstar had taught her well- that, she was deeply appreciative of. "Understood." Antlerpaw murmured softly. A lesson that she would also keep close to heart- leafbare was only so many moons away, and this was something that would become helpful in the coming leafbares. She wondered quietly how many seasons Howlingstar had before she retired- and her thoughts were snatched away as Roaringpaw spoke.

That was a good question, but one that she knew Howlingstar had an answer for. Orange eyes stayed steady on the tree as she waited, and listened.
  • "speech"
  • GealYnG.png
  • ANTLERPAW she/her, apprentice of thunderclan, ten moons.
    LH cinnamon lynx sepia with low white. smaller body, agile and slippery, fits really well in small gaps in the underbrush. soft spoken but strong and determined.
    mentored by howlingstar / / mentoring no one
    padding after no one / / sibling to fallowpaw and doepaw
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted / / underline and tag when attacking
    penned by dallas ↛ dallasofnines on discord, feel free to dm for plots.

leafhusk trusted her leader. the tabby stripes wrap around her head like a crown, and her voice is calm, but it bleeds of a champion. so, she didn’t see the risks in this patrol— howlingstar weaved through the forest like she owned it.

she settles in the bushes, crouched low enough that her belly presses against the dirt. potentially dangerous activities have become commonplace for her this moon… leafhusk must be coming down with a fever. her tawny ears flick, silently listening to the instructions given by howlingstar. she shows she’s listening with a short nod, turning her gaze to look up at the tree. roaringpaw’s question is interesting, and one she does wonder herself, she’s only ever watched owls perch on top of branches. she stays quiet, however, not wanting to bring attention towards the hidden group.

// appy tag @ADDERPAW
If others had been with the boy in his current place, Adderpaw firmly believed that he could proudly boast that he hadn't tucked tail and fled unlike those quitters. To set his sights upon an owl — the elegant predator of the night skies, a symbol of death for any lonesome feline . . . for anyone else, it would be a nightmare. To him, it was a dream come true. Similarly to Roaringpaw, unbridled anticipation shook through his twitching limbs as he stay crouched next to Leafhusk. The lead warrior's training seemed to have saved the apprentice from the impending doom of failure, reflecting well in his comfortable stance, maw parted to taste the air with a deep intake. Oh, the excitement to become a warrior and do his own night hunting away from the heat and his clanmates . . . Why couldn't the moon turn its face from us now?

Howlingstar's words bounced off his ears as though moss was stuffed inside to block the noise, gaze transfixed on the tree that stood so intimidatingly over them. However, the slight uncomfortable eye contact with the leader snapped the tabby back into reality with an embarrassed clearing of his throat. Cascading fur bobbed up and down on his shoulders as the chestnut-colored apprentice nodded ignorantly, golden hues glancing to Roaringpaw as he spoke. It was honestly a good question, and one Adderpaw couldn't say he had expected. Tufted ears angled towards Howlingstar to await her response with eagerness, shifting the weight between his two back paws for a bit more comfort.

A D D E R P A W ( he/him )​


The mood on this patrol is solemn as they draw closer to the Owl Tree. He does not like coming close to this place, personally, but he understood the uses in hunting by way of owl watching, and there wasn't a chance in all the stars that he would allow his grandmother to do such a thing without him present. Her warning is taken with stride, and he nods his head grimly. She was right, he didn't need to be reminded... He can still picture that eagle, diving straight for his kit and digging it's talons into his grandmothers back instead. He had felt so small then, so powerless. It could very easily be the same with an owl instead. He would not allow it to happen twice though, his claws were already unsheathed as they approached the tree, his watchful gaze burning holes in the night sky as he keeps an eye out for that silent predator.

The apprentices all murmur their soft understandings, and then Roaringpaw murmurs a question. Burnstorm, however, stays silent like Leafhusk. He would let his grandmother take the lead, be the teacher, but he sincerely hoped that she would drill it into their heads how dangerous hunting like this was, how it should only be used in the most desperate of times. Thank the stars we are not in ShadowClan, that we do not have to resort to hunting in Carrionplace he thinks, not for the first time. This made his heart beat in his throat sure, but it had been nothing compared to what they had faced when all the clans had evacuated to the marshes and had been forced to find prey in that rancid place.

  • 73593410_oSE7LuZcU8tOnrY.png
    A large, sharp tongued, tom with long black fur and golden, oval shaped, eyes.
    Difficult in battle. A skilled fighter + fights honorably