pafp should have known better


untamed 10-04-23
Oct 1, 2022
If you don't like me, that's your problem
Ebony paws pound against the ground repetitively, rushing to get as far away from camp as possible. She could still hear them, the laughing ringing mockingly in her ears. Tornadokit slowed, her limbs quivering from the strenuous sprint as she slouched and came to a stop. A bitter sob broke forth from her maw, the force of such raw emotion shaking her very form. Laying her body down as the tears began to flow she tucks her chin, hiding her face in her paws. How could she have been so stupid? She was foolish to believe that anyone would actually think she was pretty, elegant or whatever word you wanted to use. Halfshade was wrong, the yellow flower didn't look good on her and that fact was proven by the laughs tossed her way. As time passes she becomes increasingly aware that the sun was beginning to fade and night was coming to take its place. It was risky to be out alone at night but her wounded pride would not allow her to return to camp. She was exhausted from her cry anyway and Tornado thought perhaps she could just sleep here for the night despite the danger. Warm tears continued to slide down curly cheeks as she curls into herself, seeking some form of comfort. (@STARLINGPAW . )
When I let it bother me, that's my problem

Starlingpaw had never been the type of cat to worry about appearances. She had never really given it too much thought, always concerned with other things like when the next game of moss ball would be or how she was ever going to make it through her apprenticeship when she did not have her mother to guide her through it. She supposes that is why she is so drawn to cats like Granitepaw, or Tornadokit. Their parents were also not around and in a way she can relate to them. She has so much family and yet she feels so alone. She had not seen the interaction that had led up to Tornadokit fleeing the camp, but she had heard snippets of it from the mouths of other cats. Tornadokit was missing, they needed to find her. She looks around the camp, green eyes narrowing in concern. Perhaps she was around here somewhere? But no, if she had been the adults would have found her by now.

Silently, Starlingpaw slips out of the camp, her black and white paws carrying her across the marshes. The sun is dipping low in the sky, casting the territory in a soft glow. Soon it'll be dark, which was in no way a good time for kits to be out and about. She bites her bottom lip in worry, perhaps she should go back, and find someone to help her look. Before she can make up her mind, though, she hears a soft sobbing come from nearby. Her ears swivel in the direction of the sound and she follows.

"He-hey" she murmurs softly, nudging the curly-furred kitten gently with her nose. "Wha-wh-what hap-h-h-hap-happened?" she doesn't scold her for running away, she knows the importance, the need, of getting away sometimes, of putting some distance between yourself and others. She settles down next to her, pressing herself comfortingly against the child's side if she would allow it.
If you don't like me, that's your problem
She was so consumed by misery that Starlingpaw's voice genuinely startles her upon hearing it. Her body flinches before she finally takes a moment to look up with teary citrine eyes to see Starlingpaw standing over her. For a moment Tornado half expects the dual toned apprentice to laugh and tease her also. But the mocking never comes. Instead, the molly settles down to gift the little laperm a sense of comfort. Tornadokit sniffles, ebony paws kneading at the ground to try and alleviate some of the built up tension currently flowing through her. Another tear slips down her cheek as she recalls the rather recent encounter. "I just wanted to look and sound like the other pretty warriors. I thought that maybe, just once, I could look pretty too..." The child's voice trails off. Talking about it nearly threatening to make her weep all over again. Snow didn't know how Tornado often felt about herself. How could she? It was something the little black smoke never spoke of. Her breath hitches in her throat and she turns her head, leaning further into Starlingpaw's side to gain additional comfort. "But they laughed, and I-I just couldn't stay there anymore." Tornado murmurs in a soft voice.
When I let it bother me, that's my problem
Him and Starlingpaw were friends, and friends... stayed close to each other, didn't they? Pink-blue eyes blink at the dark shadow that's suddenly gone. He - he should follow... He's gonna follow. Doesn't need permission anymore, cause he'san app-ren-tice.

And... someone's crying out here. Sad. Tornadokit is sad, and he doesn't know why. Tornadokit got laughed at... He gets laughed at all the time, but it doesn't bother him so much... "Why would anyone laugh at you?" who asks, sincere. He doesn't see any reason Tornadokit would get laughed at. She's cool and probably doesn't tell bad stories like he does. She doesn't need to try to look pretty. "You already - you... you're pretty..." Her face was just as nice as everyone else's. Why didn't they like it? "And that's... not nice to say. They're... they're silly if they said that..."