private should've built a home // goldenpaw


periwinklebreeze & 12 moons & demi-boy & he/they & windclan moor runner

With his sudden decision to do better, periwinklebreeze wastes no time in finding goldenpaw once he returns to camp. Blue gaze is gentle and concerned as he looks at the younger tom, a deep shuddering breath coursing through him before jaws finally part. "I... g-g-goldenpaw... h-how are you... doing," its a slow thing, the way he speaks - so cautious in his phrasing, the worry all but palpable. Because peri is not okay, how can he be? And he does not expect goldenpaw to be either. Their brother is dead.

  • Actions && "Speech," && ' Thoughts/Quotes '

    ooc: @Goldenpaw
    tw/cw: —
  • a lithe figured black and white tom with a false-pointed pattern and clear blue eyes that gleam periwinkle in the right lighting. he seems perpetually worn and exhausted, with heavy bags beneath his eyes and a slouched figure. he has a speech impediment which leaves him with a stutter and sometimes even completely non-verbal, and his fluffy tail is adorned with daisies.

    physically medium && mentally easy && pacifist
    non-violent powerplay allowed && healing powerplay allowed && minor injury powerplay allowed
    please attack using [b][color=#ccccff]action here[/color][/b] and tag account


i'm no good man, you won't forget—————————————————
His eyes burned. They felt like they could no longer work, blurred and tired. The wiry tom stumbled back to camp in the slow rising sunlight. He had already missed the burial, some part of him was glad about it though. Avoid it. Avoid the truth, the cruel truth. He was ready to finally give his body up to sleep. He was trying to make his way back to his nest, it was tricky though, the world felt spacey and hard to navigate.

It also became harder to navigate when Periwinklebreeze stood in his way. The gentle eyes of Periwinklebreeze reflected off the glazed embers that were Goldenpaw's eyes. The fire that usually shot and spit out of the apprentice had been doused with rain, now he only flickered in and out of thoughts, blinking slowly. It was a good thing the lithe moor-runner talked slowly, fast words simply would have gone in one ear and out the other. Still even with it being slow it took time for the lilac tom to figure out what he was being asked, "I... uhh... I am... I am fine." Unconfident and slow the words finally drooled out from him.

rude words i said, i'm still a mess————————penned by WriteAboutRadish

periwinklebreeze & 14 moons & demi-boy & he/they & windclan moor runner

The younger tom claims he is fine - but peri can't find it in himself to believe it. He's familiar with lying to others, to lyign to himself - how many 'i'm fines' has he said, even when he was on the brink of collapse, paws dangling over the edge? But he won't call goldenpaw out on it, only stares with pale blue gaze. "V-v-vult, he wouldn't w-want you t-to run yourself into th-the ground," he says, concern lacing his words. He doesn't even care if they're true, despite his loyalty to the inkblot tom he'd never really understood vulturemasks opinions all that well - they were different cats after all - but he just... he knows he doesn't want that from the golden-furred feline, and so the words slip out easily enough.

  • Actions && "Speech," && ' Thoughts/Quotes '

    ooc: —
    tw/cw: —
  • a lithe figured black and white tom with a false-pointed pattern and clear blue eyes that gleam periwinkle in the right lighting. he seems perpetually worn and exhausted, with heavy bags beneath his eyes and a slouched posture. he has a speech impediment which leaves him with a stutter and sometimes even completely non-verbal, and his fluffy tail is adorned with carefully woven daisies.

    physically medium && mentally easy && pacifist
    non-violent powerplay allowed && healing powerplay allowed && minor injury powerplay allowed
    please attack using [b][color=#ccccff]action here[/color][/b] and tag account