private SHOVEL SOMETHING OR ANOTHER —⟢ gravelsnap

Feb 23, 2024
There are things that Bilberrykit suspects without knowing for certain.

He knows what it means when two cats spend a lot of time together—he knows what it means when they give each other flowers and say nice things to each other and when they touch their noses to each other's cheeks. For all the things Bilberrykit knows, it would stand to reason that his suspicions would be more than what they are, but for all that Bilberrykit does know, the greatest inhibiting factor to his wellspring of knowledge is that one of the parties is his dad. It makes the whole thing rather confusing and a little gross.

It is only natural then that Bilberrykit marches himself over to Gravelsnap with as serious of an expression as he could muster—he was going to get to the bottom of this. Serious as Bilberrykit is, he doesn't even try to capture Gravelsnap.

"Did you know Periwinklebreeze is my dad?" Bilberrykit tries to squint his mismatched eyes at Gravelsnap but instead scrunches his whole face—intimidation is hard when you need to peer up at your foe, "I even call him dad because of that. And he loves me a lot and he even gave me a rock." And Bilberrykit didn't even hit anyone with it, just like his dad asked of him, "And it's not gross when other cats are mushy but it is gross when he's mushy because he's my dad, so you should stop it. And if he likes you a lot he might like me less so... so it isn't even allowed a little bit."

Bilberrykit nods rather decisively at his own point—this should put his suspicions-without-knowings to rest.

windclan kit | black and white harlequin | five moons | tags
➴➴ If Gravelsnap weren’t so giddy with the idea of having a mate, they would have simply given the kit a cuff on the ear and stalked away to find a new place to sun themself. But they are in a rather good mood, and they aren’t sure how many times they can correct one of Peri’s kits before their mate turns angered claws upon them. So they hear out what the annoying little kit has to say, head tipping as the boy seems to speak nonsense at first. "Of course I…" they trail off as their gaze finally shifts to the kit’s face. Mismatched eyes are squinted, scrunched up with scrutiny. The kit’s entire expression is likely supposed to mean something, but to Gravelsnap it has the same effect as a mouse’s expressions would. Confusion shows across their own face, unsure what the child wants. Surely someone else can figure out whatever problem Bilberrykit is having, right?

Then the kit speaks up in somewhat coherent sentences, and dark ears flicker toward him. The information is not new—Periwinklebreeze has made it quite clear that he is as good as a father to these kits, and that he loves them as deeply as if they were his own. A flash of envy sparks within them, because they recall something that makes it fade immediately. "Your-" he swallows down a scoff, "dad also gave me a rock. A long time ago. I still have it in my nest." The small, copper-veined thing was among the first gifts he’d ever received in his life, and just like Gravelsnap, it has survived countless horrors between then and now. But the precious stone has yet to carry a blemish upon its surface—whereas the black-patched warrior feels the skin tug around the edges of his newest scar. A jagged series of claw marks cut through the soft fur of their underside, joining the patchwork that adorns his face and legs. This kit, nodding so certainly at the end of his little speech-slash-demand, knows nothing of scars.

They clear their throat, looking Bilberrykit right in his mismatched little eyes. "You can’t stop your father from liking me. But it…" Ugh. This is so pointless, so trivial. It shouldn’t be their duty to comfort and uplift a spoiled, insecure kit. They continue, "It doesn’t mean that he likes you any less. He adores you, and my presence will never change that."

  • ooc:
  • 58921334_LvhpdhRxLH7s4eM.png
    GRAVELSNAP ❯❯ they/he, moor runner of windclan
    average-sized black and white warrior who seems smaller than he is. speaks rarely and quietly.
    mate to periwinklebreeze ; sibling to slateheart
    mentoring sheeppaw ; formerly mentored thriftfeather
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted
    penned by foxlore
Gravelsnap also got a rock?

Bilberrykit wants to call them a liar, but Gravelsnap speaks with conviction enough that Bilberrykit knows that they are likely telling the truth. He wants to be angry about that—Periwinklebreeze should only give him gifts—but then Bilberrykit recalls that his dad gives gifts rather freely. He musters a throaty sound then, suddenly unimpressed that Gravelsnap apparently got the same kind of gift as Bilberrykit (not that such a dismissal made Bilberrykit's gift any less special!) and desperate to make his shift in opinion known.

But then Gravelsnap continues on—speaking reassurances Bilberrykit hadn't known he needed to hear. His ears fold one at a time and he blinks at his paws and wonders how Gravelsnap could have known Bilberrykit's worries.

"Are you sure?" Skeptical, although perhaps contradictorily, his squint lessens in severity when he looks back up to Gravelsnap. "Because I'm also going to be an apprentice soon and when that happens I won't be in the nursery anymore." And once kits were out of the nursery they spent all their time with their mentor, and their parents went back to being warriors—and warriors spent all their time with other warriors.​
windclan kit | black and white harlequin | five moons | tags