camp SHOVEL THE SNOW ✧ patrols

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    orangeblossom | tags
    — she/her ; deputy of skyclan, mentoring eveningpaw.
    — scarred white-and-ginger she-cat with brown eyes.
    "speech" ; thoughts
    — chibi by waluigipinball
    — penned by mercibun. @ me in any official tabbytales discord for plots.
SkyClan is quiet.

At last, for once, however you want to look at it, SkyClan is quiet and being left alone by the ever-changing storm of Clan life in the forest. Orangeblossom can't help the vague sense of content which overtakes her despite the fact that leafbare is upon them, bringing with it a heavy night of snow and a harsh wind that the deputy is glad gets stifled by the trees. Her leg, so bad she hadn't been able to do her duties for a quarter moon, is considerably less painful than it had been (maybe Dawnglare was good for something after all). She decides she'd push it, but there's something she has to do first, overdue:

"SkyClan, gather around for patrol assignments!" Her voice doesn't crack, doesn't waver, but she's acutely aware of the mist her meow looses into the air. Orangeblossom waits at the base of Highbranch's trunk as she always does, nodding and making eye contact with SkyClanners who approach in varying degrees of cold and enthusiastic.

"Dusk patrols this evening will be to ThunderClan and Twolegplace." She normally opts to assign dawn patrols first. A little change wouldn't harm anyone. "I'll be taking Coyotecrest and Dogbite to ThunderClan. Since Littlepaw is injured, Thistlepaw will be coming with us. Applefrost,- she seeks her littermate in the crowd next, brown eyes meeting blue- "will lead the Twolegplace patrol. Tigerscar and Moonfang will go with you, as will your apprentices.

"Dawn patrols will take place tomorrow morning."
As always. Orangeblossom seeks out a familiar earthen pelt in the crowd, nose lifting slightly as she catches sight of the familiar warrior. "Sparrowsong. You'll be going to RiverClan with Drizzlepelt and Cloverjaw. Take Happypaw with you." Next, she finds their leader. He's easy to spot, looming head and shoulders above half the Clan. "Blazestar, I'm sending you to the unclaimed border with Greeneyes and Chrysaliswing. Take Falconpaw with you, Greeneyes, this will be a good experience." Falconpaw's training is coming along nicely, she hears, but meeting other Clans made a cat complacent.

"Duskpool, you'll be on warrior training. Choose a skill, make sure the others have it pressed into our heads by the time the day is done." Knowing him, it might be a class on defense, but Orangeblossom could never be sure. She seeks out two dark shapes in the crowd. "Hazelbeam, I want you on a hunting patrol. Start near the sandy hollow and fan out, see what you can find. Slate, you're trying something new: see what you can find near one of our borders."

"If there's no questions, dismissed."

As always, patrol leaders (listed first) are in charge of making their threads and tagging the participants! If you can't make a patrol, please let me know :]
Also don't forget your patrol reports! Even if nothing much happens it's good to have a record >:]

ThunderClan, dusk: @orangeblossom @Coyotecrest @Dogbite @Thistlebloom.
RiverClan, dawn: @sparrowsong! @HAPPYPAW @Drizzlepelt @CLOVERJAW
Loner Lands, dawn: @BLAZESTAR @GREENEYES @falconpaw! @CHRYSALISWING

Warrior training: @DUSKPOOL

Hunting, location ffa: @SLATE
— prompt: your patrol crosses paths with another group of skyclanners. randomise and tag one of the border patrols!
Hunting, near sandy hollow: @Hazelbeam
— prompt: something sends rocks scattering down a ridge. look out!
Hearing Orangeblossom's call over the chilly air he quickly finished up his meager meal. Cleaning his maw with a dotted paw as his twisted whiskers twiddiling with interest. Tossing the remnants near dirt place he quickly hauls tail to the high branch where the deputy sits expectantly. Standing across from the orange and white she-cat he's happy to be included. Seeing the other up and around eased his worries a touch.

Then his head perked up at Applefrost's name only to slump as she's assigned her own patrol and of course Bear would be expected to go. Spotting their familiar pelts he gives his brother and friend a tail wave as they're dismissed. Dutifully, the tabby joins the patrol lead's side. Torn ears high and eye peering out into the chilly evening ahead.

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    ✧ 30 moons old
    ✧ skyclan warrior
    ✧ he/they ; single
    ✧ child of npc x npc
    "speech", thoughts, attacking
    ✧ peaceful powerplay allowed
    ✧ penned by tasmagoric
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Moonfang's ears pricked up as Orangeblossom's voice rang through camp, quickly taking his last bite of his meal. He brought himself to his paws, green eyes sparking with interest as the deputy began to lay out the patrols for the day. He looks up towards the branch the deputy finds herself sitting on, wondering if he'll be put to good use. The newly promoted warrior liked being useful to the clan— if he wasn't assigned to a patrol, then he'll make himself useful in some way or the other. "Applefrost will lead the twoleg place patrol. Tigerscar and Moonfang will go with you." He hears his name called out, his eyes briefly searching for his patrol mates in the crowd.

The twolegplace. This will be interesting, Moonfang quickly thinks to himself with a swish of his tail. He would've much preferred patrolling RiverClan's border, but the young tom knew better than to argue with Orangeblossom. He should be happy that he's been assigned to such an important patrol, but he can't help but wonder why she wanted him to patrol the twolegplace. Why him out of all cats in SkyClan? Once dismissed, the warrior pads over to the patrol lead, Applefrost, giving her a silent nod of greeting.

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    credit to antiigone for the artwork <3
  • Moonfang
    experience: trained
    backstory: mistaken identity
    biography: [HYPERLINK]
    credit to nopeita for the pixel! <3
    cisgender male [he / him]
    eyes: green
    pelt: bluish-gray
    fur length: short
    parents: persephone and hades (kittypet npcs)
    12 moons

Blazestar pads over and sits beside Orangeblossom as the deputy calls out for the Clan to gather for their daily patrols. As always, though her breath frays into white threads in the cold, she is authoritative and efficient, and he flicks an ear in acknowledgment as she asks him to lead the dawn patrol to the unmarked border where cats without Clans dwell.

He turns his dark blue gaze to the cluster of SkyClanners crowding forth for their assignments, searching for Greeneyes and Chrysaliswing. “We’ll leave first thing tomorrow, so get plenty of rest tonight. That goes for you, too, Falconpaw.” The Ragdoll stretches, feeling the bend in each of his leg muscles, before straightening up and nodding a friendly dismissal to his future patrolmates.

, ”
anger makes you stupid . stupid gets you killed .
Duskpool glanced up from another one of his grooming attempts, having been nipping at one of the smaller mats that he accumulated over the past few days. It’d been a long and tedious task, but the smokey male was able to accomplish a good portion of it when Orangeblossom’s voice rang out through the clearing, glancing up with narrowed molten hues. Figured it’d be about time.

With a tired grunt, the smokey warrior gathered himself onto his paws—closer. He waited in silence, wooly tail flickering at the familiar names called out for patrols until Orangeblossom called out his name. Duskpool rumbled with a dip of his helm in her direction.

Warrior trainin’, huh? His gaze narrowed, mangled ear flickering against a smokey background in thought. He wouldn’t be all that reliable when it came to climbin’ but he was well-rounded in fightin’ with his bulkier build. He’d seen less teamwork with the apprentices before and after he returned from the journey, but with all the newbies joinin’ it’d be better if the lot of ‘em focused on teamwork. He breathed, mind reeling with different scenarios, deadpan hues narrowed.
thought speech

The time for patrols to be organized has arrived once more, snow-freckled ears twitching at the familiar call ringing through the frosty air. A final bite of his meal is taken before the young lead pads forward in answer, settling among the growing crowd waiting with anticipation for their placements.

Greeneyes' name is held in connection to Blazestar's this time — a dawn patrol to the clanless border, an unfortunate addition of Chrysaliswing's name to complete the patrol's part. Couldn't Orangeblossom have chosen anyone else?

And, while his fondness toward such early patrols is minimal, the tom has grown used to them, has grown to tolerate them more than he had as an apprentice, with how often he finds himself having to wake early from his slumber. The tom nods in response, though concern thrums against his chest at Orangeblossom's reminder to take his apprentice with.

Of course, he would take him along — he would've, even without the SkyClan deputy's order. Even so, Greeneyes worries for his apprentice, for the wavering of chocolate paws, a potential rush back to camp to fetch Fireflypaw again. At Blazestar's words, the lead warrior gives him a swift nod as well.

" Will do! " he chirps, before turning to Falconpaw, " I'll come get you in the morning — no staying up too late, yeah? "​
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    ── Lead Warrior of SkyClan

    ── Daisyflight x Raven Ramble
    ── AMAB; He/Him
    ── A red tabby and white tom with bright green eyes.
    ── Mentored by Sheepcurl; Currently mentoring Falconpaw
    ── "Speech"; Attack

He likes to think himself competent when it comes to the territory, Applefrost has instilled him with apt knowledge of the land. While still settling into his skin, the customs and ways of clan life which have been unbeknownst to him have become strangely familiar. He wasn't supposed to stay this long, let his paws stagnate and time slip his by like nothing, but here he is. Where once he would have loomed on the outskirts of the group Orangeblossom has called, he sticks relatively close to Applefrost and in turn, those around.

Instead of subjugating Applefrost to his suspicious, sidelong glances, which have since eased off the more familiar he allows himself to become with the clan. Never good at hiding his emotions, Orangeblosson is regarded with a nasty distaste. He bares enough sense to keep his jaws firmly attached together. He's certain she's going to sink her claws into him when he's not looking, a suspicion that most receive. He's quickly distracted by the departing patrol. Twolegplace, somewhere he's deeply familiar with. He's returning near famillar ground it seems. Bear offers Dogbite a nod of shaggy his head before trotting off.


Chrysaliswing heard his name called by Orangeblossom, ears pricking upwards as curiously as the hare's. It cut through the silence of the oncoming leaf-bare, piquing through the anticipation of the whiteness and bitterness. He walked over on dainty paws hiding nettle-pricked claws, as if a microcosm of the winter itself, despite the wildfire that blazed along the blackened forests of his pelt. Like a dogged plague, the mist hung to his every breath - it had been especially persistent as the season worsened. Still, he moved forth, for he was a warrior now and he would do his duty.

The Twolegplace was somewhere he had not visited in a very long time. It was not an old friend, but perhaps more of a bittersweet polaroid of a recollection, and something his mind often traveled to without his designation. Poignant, almost, and reminiscent of dried tears and open wounds. He remembered a brief stint in the summer where he would wait for an old love to return from where she had come from. A wistful moment, interspersed with the smoky sky from Twolegplace maws, though the acrid stench never overpowered his own sorrows. Perhaps she had her own hedonic reasons for leaving that he could never understand. Perhaps the mind of an outsider would forever be unknowable to him.

The warrior drifted along with the tides that he had been deigned to, with motions like a floating wedge of wood along the river's course, almost as if some other force controlled him. Aimlessness had taken more of a hold on him than usual. He joined his leader and his fellow clanmates, though made no acknowledgement of them outside of a nod of the head and a sideways glance. Then, he left with them and followed behind as if a lonesome shadow.
Her name called? To lead a hunting patrol? The black and blue she-cat approaches with the brightest of smiles across her maw, whiskers quivering in excitement. "You got it, Orangeblossom!" Hazelbeam called out, voice high and delighted at getting to take charge of something for the first time despite her Dayight Warrior stature; it was an honor to finally be recognized as helpful enough to have such trust and she grinned as she looked around the other cats to see who might be available to come with her.


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    —⊰⋅ Daylight Warrior of SkyClan
    —⊰⋅ She/Her
    —⊰⋅ SH Black/Blue Chimera w/blue eyes
    - Does NOT wear her witch hat while hunting or on patrol.


Applefrost perked her ears forward as Orangeblossom called on her. She looked to the cats expected to go with her and decided it would be substantial enough. She didn't have any strong opinions aside from Bear of course, but he was her assignment. Tigerscar had fought brutally when those rogues attacked Littlepaw, maybe he would be scary enough to deter any from messing with them in Twolegplace.

"Alright, Bear-" The orange-spotted molly waved her tail in farewell to Dogbite. "- Maybe I can show you my old nest in Twolegplace. We'll have to be careful, of course. Lot of monsters travel those paths."