camp SHOW ME ALL YOUR FLAWS | open & kitsitting




When she had finally made up her mind about joining Skyclan, Bearpaw had not thought for a moment it would be anything like this. They had just welcomed her in without a second thought, and by this point she's practically fully integrated into clan life, at least for appearance's sake. A new name - strange, but in a way she feels it's fitting for a new start. Good, friendly company, though she hasn't exactly had a chance to really get to know her clanmates yet. Even a mentor, someone to help her learn about Skyclan life and to guide her into becoming a warrior, and he's the reason she sits in camp today, near the bush she's come to recognize as the nursery. Ever since becoming an apprentice, Bearpaw's been working hard to catch up, practicing her hunting and learning new fighting moves, but today her mentor had suggested a new activity - entertaining the kits. He'd said something about it making her a more well-rounded warrior, though she's starting to suspect that the NPC had just wanted a break for a day. She's...not the best at fighting, or even hunting for that matter, and while Bearpaw is trying she's beginning to worry it's getting frustrating for both parties. Whatever the case may be, she's not about to ignore her task, even if it's not what she had been expecting when she woke up this morning.

Turning a discerning glance towards the kits that were gathered, she tries to size them up in an attempt to figure out just how hard this job would be. Bearpaw...doesn't have much experience with kits, admittedly, and frankly she's not even entirely sure where to begin. Nobody had told her what she was supposed to be doing, either, just said to entertain them. Does that mean she actually needs to worry about keeping on eye on them at all times, or can they be trusted not to run off behind her back? She at least knows that they're not allowed out of camp, but anything other than that she's drawing a blank on. Bearpaw doesn't even have any ideas on how to entertain them, since the last interactions she had with kits were when she and her siblings were younger. Oh, she can already feel this is not going to go well. Despite a feeling of impending doom, she fixes a grin on her maw and finally sweeps her tail towards the gathered kits. "So, what do you all normally do for fun around here? Any games you wanna play?" she asks, attempting to throw out a lifeline. Maybe they would have an easy answer, something that she's capable of doing with them, though knowing her luck there's probably some sort of strange, intricate clan activity that kits like to do.
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If there were any intricate clan activities kits were supposed to do, they had never deigned to inform Mushroomkit.

"Usually we just make sure Dawnglare isn't hiding cat bones in his den." She begins casually, as if discussing what she had for breakfast. "If not I just listen to Grandpa tell stories." There's still a bit of hesitance in her tone, a flower learning to bloom in a new garden, but she's gotten better since socializing with Blazestar's kits. Their presence helps bolster her confidence in the face of this new cat, though she does keep very close to the group regardless.

When it comes to knowledge about group activities....well hers is rather limited. Mossball was something she'd learned about on accident during her first few suns here, and she mostly kept to herself when Blazestar's kits weren't in Skyclan. Squirrelkit-Paw, Squirrelpaw was dealing with loss, and with her getting ready for her apprenticeship when she first got here, the two of them didn't have much time to interact as kits. Charcoalkit was...confusing, also perhaps a little intimidating to go up to on her own. Perhaps that was true for everyone right now actually.


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The little tortoiseshell point finds herself stuck in SkyClan again, pawned off on a warrior with no idea what kits liked to do. Morningkit doesn't mind, nor does she blame Bearpaw -- she knows it isn't the apprentice's fault the warriors were busy and SkyClan had no queens. But back home, she had Little Wolf and Sunfreckle, and she misses that comfort, that solidity.

Morningkit sits dutifully beside the other kits, including fluffy little Mushroomkit. She is only half-listening to Bearpaw's question, jolted into action only by the SkyClan's kit casual assumption about their medicine cat.

Her jaw drops. "Bones!?" She throws a nervous look over her shoulder. Her voice becomes hushed. "Did you say... cat bones?" Oh, had her father really named her after such a cat?!

- ,,

At Mushroomkit's words Bearpaw blinks once, twice, before properly taking in her words, practically mirroring Morningkit's reaction. Dawnglare - the medicine cat, who was supposed to help them when they were sick, she's gathered - hiding bones? Bones from cats? Real, actual cats? "Have you found any?" she asks, voice kept down in case there was anyone nearby listening in. "Does he...have you seen anything else other than bones?" She can't bring herself to ask if Dawnglare retrieves the bones himself, both for the kit's sake and her own sake. Suddenly, Skyclan life doesn't seem all that great anymore, not with the potential that someone could kill her and add her bones to some sort of secret collection hanging over her head. What would he even do with the bones, anyways? Actually, Bearpaw doesn't even want to think about that; it's probably a question better left unanswered.

She almost misses Mushroomkit's second answer, though understandably so given the first one. Listening to her Grandpa's stories, huh? Perhaps she's referring to Morningbird - he had told an excellent story before, one that had kept her enraptured the whole time. It must be neat to have someone who could always tell you stories like that, though Bearpaw's suddenly concerned for both the kits present and the elder. What if Dawnglare decided he wants their bones? Not that she has any real proof he collects bones in the first place, but he had seemed like an odd fellow the few times she had seen him around. Just in case, she scoots a tad closer to Mushroomkit and Morningkit, not that she'd be much defense if he were really determined. By this point, she's completely forgotten about organizing any sort of games, completely enraptured in whatever strange things were going on behind the scenes in Skyclan.
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