but he never really quit, he'd just say he did
Sep 4, 2023
Is it just past here? He waits for a moment, unsure of whether or not he's supposed to enter first through a gap in the brambles. Despite the fact that he has been given a month of permission to prove, he is still very much an outsider. If all goes well the cats that led him here would become his friends? warrior friends? They did introduce themselves as warriors, if he remembers correctly. In any case, he should consider them his superiors and make sure not to do something stupid. Obviously picking a fight with one of them before they enter what he assumes is the warrior's home is a sure fire way to get chased off their land in a heartbeat. As they drew near, the scent of warriors become stronger. Not gonna lie, it's kinda daunting. Just past these brambles, there's a whole bunch of these warriors.

Eventually the cats who led him here would push past the brambles and for a moment he remains where he is. It isn't until one of them waits for him by the entrance that he nods and follows suit. Of course, his nose is struck with their strong pine scent. Scents aside he can't help but be in awe of this place. So this is the home of warriors? Amber eyes glance around, unsure of what he's supposed to be looking at. Everywhere he looks there is hustle and bustle. There are cats that are grooming each other, there are cats laying in the sun, there are cats laughing and chatting among each other, and there are young ones scampering about. It is a community. Nothing like what the everkits have told him or any loners who ran into the forest cats.

Small. This place makes him feel small. Everyone already knows each other here and understands how this place works. Yes, he is in awe of this place, yet he can't help but feel out of place here. What am I supposed to do now? He said one month, but am I supposed to say hello to everyone first? Do I sleep in the corner somewhere? Not like I mind, but not sure if they'd get upset if I feel asleep somewhere I'm not supposed to. Cats... One thing at a time Stormy. He has forgotten about those who he had met at the border. Maybe they've gone off to do more important things, which is fair. They are not obligated to hold his paw as if he were a kitten to find his place here. Deciding to go for it he turns to the nearest cat. "Sup, warrior? I'm new here, so I'm just wondering... Are there things I have to know while living here? Like, rules and other stuff? Whose in charge of this... Gro-clan?"
  • Love


Mismatched eyes narrowed sharply on the stranger who'd interrupted his conversation with Twitchbolt, the fur along his neck compulsively winding up like spines.

Well, actually, they hadn't really been talking so much as they were quietly sitting together, but obviously they were busy, right? It was all the same thing. Why did some newcomer have to come and ask for an entire rundown on the clan at that exact moment?

Okay. Maybe that was just leftover frustration at having been couped up in Dawnglares den the last few weeks where he hadn't been able to hang out with the one cat he wanted to see, but it didn't change how he felt at all.

"Blazestars in charge, and of course there are rules." the scarred warrior replied, tone flat in a way that would have left you wondering if he was bored or annoyed if it weren't for the obvious glare he'd fixed the other tom with. There. He'd answered their questions- they'd go away now, right?

OOC- sorry he's a jerk!!! He's been on lockdown in the medicine cats den and is super clingy with his 'best friend' right now. Loving Stormy so far!!!! Tagging @TWITCHBOLT because of course they're together.

skyclan - male - 16 months (Feb 17th) - bisexual - homoromantic - a very tall, dark chimera tomcat with mismatched eyes and several scars. has bluejay feathers woven like spikes along his spine and neck.


mottledove & 20 moons & female & she/her & skyclan perma-queen

it is the sound of voices, of a returning patrol that draws the queen from there nursery. Though she's not questioned it aloud, she's learnt by now that wherever blazestar goes, @bobbie is certain to follow - her only friend, now that yukio has passed on. The woman has been a great comfort, a surety in a world where everything is unknown - a sheltered princess kept locked away in her tower for so long she hardly knows which was is up. she's excited to greet her upon her return, to ask what she's learnt, to perhaps share tongues and prey while they rest.

The last thing mottledove expects when she approaches the entrance, a light smile on her lips as she hobbles upon her tri-pod limbs, is to see an unfamiliar face. Or perhaps, a familiar one. Its almost comical, her reaction - the way the fluffy she-cat freezes in her motions, doing a double take, dull teal gaze wide and round in shock. She's all but gapping as she stands there, frozen. Because he's here - why is he here?

For a moment, she's glad aspenpaw is tucked away in the medicine den, recovering - though the guilt of such thoughts sweeps through her swiftly after. because really, she'd almost forgotten just how much they looked alike - so much so that it'd once pained her to look upon her son, though these days her love for outweighs the haunting memories. And surely, even he would put tow and two together, should he have seen them both together.

Jaws open and close soundlessly as the queen tries to find the right words, folded ears twitching and fluffy tail swishing anxiously - a step back, and then another, uncertainty easy to read upon her delicate frame. "Stormy,"she finally manages, voice a quiet broken thing - full of grief for what once was, and hurt for the wounds he'd left upon her heart. She wonders, worries really, for a moment that perhaps it is her presence that has drawn him here - as though he has no done enough, as though she'd not caught him tangled up with another she-cat. But... she's to anxious to voice her fears - has to convince herself instead of the absurdity of such a thing, has to chalk it up to simple coincidence. Right?

Fur bristles and she hardens her heart at last. "Why- why are you here," she says finally, words dull and tone blank. Why has her past come to haunt her now of all times?

  • Actions && "Speech," && ' Thoughts/Quotes '

    ooc: —
    tw/cw: —
  • a fluffy she-cat with a mane of fur and a mottled cinnamon tortie pattern. she is missing half her back left leg leaving her at a disadvantage in most things. mottledove is very quiet and withdrawn, a gentle soul. she and the kits she cares for adorn her pelt with flowers and 'paints' made of plants.

    physically extremely easy && mentally very hard
    non-violent powerplay allowed && healing powerplay allowed && minor injury powerplay not-allowed
    please attack using [b][color=#74a2a5]action here[/color][/b] and tag account

  • Sad
Reactions: DOEBLAZE

✿—— their newest joiner certainly takes an interesting attitude towards his first time in camp. she pads back with the rest of the impromptu patrol, flanking blazestar, and pushes past the brambles and into the camp without hesitation, trusting that the newcomer will follow. so far, he's promising if rather strange—he seems interested in their rules, honestly motivated, all the things that make for a successful joiner. once upon a time, she might have beckoned him in with a smile and given him tips on how to integrate into their community, but not now. not when the memory of yukio, limp-necked and cooling fast, still lurks behind her eyelids. not when every day, it seems another cat is dragged off to dawnglare's den, another dose of the precious cure gone. not when she has seen far too much blood and far too many bodies - she wants to be friendly, but she cannot bring herself to lower her guard, not yet.

still, the expression of awe on his face is a small pang of nostalgia as his gaze sweeps the camp, filled with cats chatting, sunning themselves, queens chasing kits and warriors dropping off their catches. it reminds her that she doesn't have to let tragedy dull her gaze of skyclan, and it's refreshing to see new eyes on their community—and then, it's just funny, as he chooses quillstrike of all cats to strike up conversation with. of course, the dark warrior glares back with a flatly snappish reply, making bobbie have to stifle her amusement as she prepares to give the newcomer a more comprehensive answer.

or she would - if not for the shocked expression on mottledove's face as she approaches. the tabby is just preparing to greet the cinnamon tortie queen, perhaps explain what exactly a queen is to their newcomer, with a soft smile, when the other cat freezes with surprise. the fluffy queen's voice is shattered, hurt, and far too familiar as she murmurs a name—bobbie's green eyes widen in shock and then flick towards the medicine den, where aspenpaw rests. aspenpaw, with his blue pelt, she thinks as her gaze turns back towards the new cat, even as mottledove's tone hardens and grows dull. it all feels far, far too familiar for her liking—the tabby aims an appraising gaze sidelong at the newcomer, wordless. she has an idea; she prays it isn't true.


  • ooc: ——
  • nothing here, have a nice day :-)
  • 69139399_py669CBh1zLPqxi.png
    — bobbie
    — she/her ; warrior of skyclan ; 40 ☾s
    "speech" ; thoughts ; attacks
    — chibi by its_oliverr
    — penned by dejavu

Guess he isn't one to have much luck when it comes to friendly faces. Then again, it was partially his fault for being so awestruck that he had failed to realize his surroundings. Had he been more aware, perhaps he wouldn't have been met with such disgust. One of the cats beside the one who is currently glaring at him (yeowch, harsh much?) was someone he knew. Well... He never asked for their name, but the tom beside the glaring one was the first cat he saw. Didn't he tell me to be quiet or something? Anyhow, Stormy knew when it was his cue to leave. Despite the annoyance that drips from the tom in front of him, he is thankful that he was given an answer. Blazestar huh? Is that big lion looking tom is called? His maw opens, however he stops himself from asking the glaring tom in front of him more questions.

Instead, he would opt to give the pair a nod. Gotcha! The leader of this group's called Blazestar, and we be having rules. Thanks for the info, whatever your name is!" Hehe, I wanna tease his buddy again. He was so weirded out. Not really caring for proper etique, he glances over to Twitchbolt and gives the tom a smirk. Without any warning Stormy would balancing himself on his two hind legs and wave at poor Twitchbolt who has probably had enough of his twoleg walking ways. "It's nice to see ya again! Anyways, seems like I interrupted you two, so I'm gonna skedaddle out of here. Toodeloo and have fun you two," he mews as he slowly walks away from the pair. Oh Starclan give Skyclan the patience to not fling him out of camp for walking on two paws.

Blessed is Skyclan when he decides he has enough walking on two paws and begins walking on all four paws once more. While he is motivated to learn more about the warriors and their ways, he is blissfully unaware of his past creeping up on him. A past he had thought he'd never come face to face again. However, woe is Stormy of the future. For now, he will pad over to someone who appears friendlier and not busy as the pair he interrupted. "Hey there! Got a sec to spare? Name's Stormy and I'm new here, so I'm trying to learn what's this place about. Heard Blazestar is like the leader of this place and there's rules here. What's on the not to do list?"

The black and blue she-cat wanders alongside Bobbie in silence, offering a friendly smile and then glancing in Mottledove's direction as the fawn-colored molly did as well; she wasn't sure what that glance was for but it was probably nothing! Mottledove seemed to know this tom and even said his name before he wandered off and she followed after him curious as to why he was blatantly ignoring her to pounce in front of him with a grin.
"HEYA, don't think I introduced myself. I'm Hazelbeam!"
When she was allowed to join the first words from Blazestar's mouth were an introduction and how the clan worked and that was how it was for every single cat that was permitted into SkyClan from what she was told. You had two moon trial, you learned the rules and the code they abided by and you learned the borders and how to hunt to provide. Hazelbeam thought it was all very straightforward really, a lot less complicated than the rituals she liked to make up in her spare time and a lot more interesting to boot!
"Maybe I should've taken your ears since you don't use them instead of your eyes!" Hazelbeam laughs, amused by how genuinely out of place this cat was and she was here wearing a floppy hat! To think she'd find another who made her look like she fit in with how daft he was; a bubble of a giggle rose up in her throat as she waved a paw, "They tell you the rules when you join! I'll repeat them for you-there will be a test!" And if he failed she'd take his eyes as promised before, "Ready?"
Whether he was ready or not she inhaled a deep breath and launched into the explaination without pause, "'You're going to be assigned a warrior for two moons to learn how things work! You can't be aggressive with others, don't pick fights. You're not allowed to be in a relationship with other clan cats! There's four more in this forest! You can be friends with them sure, but SkyClan comes first you know." What cat hadn't heard of the tragedy that caused that particularly rule? The one that Blazestar himself had suffered through, though he seemed fine now she was sure it had been a very upsetting time in his life. Poor guy, he seemed so nice too so she hated the idea of him lost to despair. "We also can't eat before the queens, kits or the elder cats! So make sure you bring your prey back to camp to see who needs it first!" A paw taps against her mouth, that's a new rule but one she isn't too worried over because she usually ate plenty before she came to camp and was rarely hungry by the time she left. A mouse here and there was nice, but she didn't really need it and to be honest she rather liked her kittypet food even if the clan cats called if bland and boring when she brought it up. That was fine! More for her!