// retro thread for the boy's assessment! @skyclaw

She had brought her apprentice out to the Sandy Hollow at the crack of dawn. No patrols today, no hunts. And they are here far earlier than any other mentors with their own apprentices, so as the sun begins to rise in the sky they know they are completely alone. The stout old she-cat circles her patched grandson, head and tail held high as she stares at him through narrowed eyes. "I've trained you for several moons, Skypaw. And before you, I've trained many others. I know when a cat is ready. You just have to believe it too. So I am giving you an assessment I know you can win. But will you win it?" She turns sharply on her heels to face him, head lowering below her shoulders as her stance widens. "Pin me, and I will give you your warrior name." Howlingstar is no easy opponent, either. She bears strength and sturdiness, typical of a ThunderClanner, but her grandkit bears the same power. On top of that, they have height on her; if he places his attacks right, he can and will win this.