SHOW ME WHAT IT'S LIKE [ hunting training ]

The day after the meeting, Batwing had risen early. In absence of other hunting patrols, he'd decided to start his own little patrol- mainly for the fresh apprentices, and those perhaps just getting healthy again and wanting to get back into the game of life. Batwing pushed his nose into the apprentice's den, rousing his new apprentice. Tigerpaw being his own gave him a bit of a start, of course, but Batwing was going to strive and do his best to teach her- make her one of the greatest warriors the forest knew. A tiny grin touched his face as he padded into the center of camp, lifting his voice gently. It was still early, but plenty of cats were out and about already.

"If anyone else would like to tag along, I'm taking Tigerpaw on a hunt." He called, sitting neatly and waiting for his apprentice to join him (and any others) before starting off.

@tigerkit. (apprentice tag)​

"Fancy joining them, Gingerpaw? It would be a great opportunity for me to gauge where you're at currently in your training." Shiningsun suggested as he looked to that of his own apprentice. Despite his confident posture and manner of talking he was honestly rather nervous in truth, but he was simply a master at hiding it. The warrior approached Batwing and Tigerpaw whilst offering a wave of his bushy tail in greeting. "Count us in!"


*:・゚✧ Shiningsun. His mentor is now shiningsun, it's not darkflight anymore. it's funny his mentor's names were opposite in meaning. he started training in darkness and now he would train in light. he knows who shinningsun is because when he was a still a kitten, shinningsun was an apprentice. an older apprentice that turned into a warrior a little before his own apprentice ceremony. there was no way that shinningsun would be given an apprentice when the older tom had just finished his own training recently, so he had been given darkflight. he liked shinningsun and would listen to him and continue to give it his all, although he would be lying to say he wasn't shocked when howlingstar paired them together. he had thought she would give him someone fresh, not someone like him with a previous mentor.

in any case, he had woken up early and met up with shinningsun to show that despite the circumstances he was ready. he hears batwing announce that they'll be taking the new apprentice tigerpaw on a hunt and whoever wants to join are free to come with. ears flick and he turns his head towards Shinningsun who addresses him. Oh, right. You don't know where i'm at. He nods, "Sure! U-uhm, so are you going to test me in other things too today? just to figure out where i'm at in different skills, or is that a we'll see how we go kinda thing?" He hopes that is a fair question to ask his mentor, given he too is new at this. he isn't sure if he's supposed to help shinningsun figure it out, or let shinningsun make a plan for him to follow.

he would pad beside shinningsun and flick his long white tipped tail in greeting at batwing and tigerkit, "Good morning!" He then focuses on Tigerpaw, "Are you excited Tigerpaw? Nervous? We're gonna do great if we try out best, so here." He takes a pawstep forward and offers Tigerpaw his own paw as amber eyes look at her excitedly, "Put your paw on mine and on the count of three we say good hunting! it's a little thing i do, but if you don't wanna, it's alright!"
Tigerpaw still to this day was on the routine of waking up early for long journeys and days of walking. So she was already up tidying her nest when Batwing called her. And she was more eager than she ever was before. But that also wasn't true, she was eager to meet the thunder cats, and eager to pick flowers.

But she had been cooped up for what felt like FOREVER. it was forever, in her head. It had to have been a bajillion days!

The tortie would rush out of the den, bouncing on her white toes, and her form would brush against the much larger form of Batwing as he tried to gather others for a hunting lesson. "And I'll remember to keep my butt down! or try!" she purred, pulling away from her mentor to sit beside him instead. She remembered his words, but it was just putting those words into actions was still a struggle.

Shiningsun and Gingerpaw arrived quickly to join them, and Gingerpaw seemed just as eager. Who wouldn't be? "Good morning Gingerpaw! I'm so excited, are you? It's gonna be amazing!" she squealed, and as Gingerpaw put his paw foreward, and explained what was going on, she nodded. Her paw was placed on top of his, and as loud as she cheered, " Good Hunting!" she said, letting out a giggle.

"That was so fun! Do you think we're gonna be training a lot together? Maybe we can get others to do it to, to motivate them!" His idea was amazing, and others had to think it was too.

"May I join you all?" Flycatcher asked, padding over to the small group. The deputy had already assigned the patrols for today and her was on none of them, which left him with the possibility of tagging along with a hunting patrol or assisting around camp in some way. If the small group did not want him to intrude, he was happy to pass by and do something else. After all, he was the only one present whose apprentice was currently not with him, what with Shinepaw recuperating from Yellowcough. Flycatcher had no ulterior motive for joining other than wanting to hunt, but he supposed spending time with the two new mentors would allow him to see how their training was going.

Little Wolf does not have an apprentice anymore. With Ragwortpaw gone she had nothing to fill her spare time with and her days feel strangely empty sometimes. She misses the gray-furred she cat more than anything and she often finds herself watching the other mentors leave with their charges with wistful green eyes. Today is one of those days. A hunting patrol is getting ready to leave and, for a moment, she considers joining, but when she looks she sees that every cat who volunteers is accompanied by another. If she were to join them she would be the odd one out.

Instead, she smiles at the group that is getting ready to depart "I hope you guys have a good hunt!" she calls out to them, a friendly smile on her lips as she tries to suppress the slight jealousy that she feels when she sees the amount of mentor and apprentice pairs there is. Perhaps she could ask Hailstorm if he would want to hunt with her, that would take her mind off of things.
Batwing lifted a grin towards Shiningsun. At least he wouldn't be going this one alone- and with the new code in place, this was perfect time to be splitting open a new patrol to get ahead of the curve. No one would go hungry, not on his watch, and not if he could help it. Batwing opened his muzzle, responding to the other mentor. "Perfect. Glad to have you two along." He hummed warmly. A tiny grin lit on his face as Tigerpaw approached, proudly declaring she'd try to keep her form solid.

"You're working on it. We'll get the bad habits worked out in no time, kiddo." Batwing stated towards his apprentice. "Good morning to you as well." He finished up. Batwing didn't lean away from Tigerpaw as she brushed up against him- after all, it was a greeting in a sense. Amusement blanketed his feature as he watched the two apprentices interact. A small spark of.. joy, was what followed, not just the hollow smiles on his face. He was glad that Tigerpaw was getting along with other apprentices, he realized.

His head turned towards Flycatcher, offering the other a nod. "Of course." Batwing stated- and just as he did, Little Wolf was calling out to them. His eyebrows lifted. "We'll try! Though, you're more then welcome to join if you change your mind." Batwing called, pushing to his paws. He signaled with a gentle flick of his tail that they were heading out, moving towards the gorse tunnel and pushing his way free of camp.

He led them out into the territory, short conversation slowly falling away as he started to open his senses to the world- a gentle nudge given to Tigerpaw. "Go ahead and try and scent something. Remember how the prey on the fresh kill pile smells, okay?" He whispered softly, then picked his head up to give her space to think.

// feel free to split and hunt now! ​
*:・゚✧ At the question of things being just as exciting he can't help but nod and chuckle from her enthuasim, "mhm, It's going to be super awesome! This is my first time with Shinningsun, so I want to work hard and make him proud!" One would think just because he was older than tigerkit by a few moons he would be mean or boss her around due to his superiority, however he was not like some apprentices. also, he may have been moons older than tigerkit, but he wasn't exactly... er, skilled as others the same age as him. besides, they were all apprentices and that means they were all training. regardless of who was older and who was younger, they all had the same goal of trying to become the best warriors they could be! being a jerk was totally not cool! besides, tigerpaw seemed to be nice and maybe they could be friends. nothing wrong with making more friends, right? after all, there was going to be a day where he would need tigerpaw's help and vice versa.

He is over the moon when Tigerpaw places her own paw over his. despite the fact that this was his own tradition, she didn't reject it and even decided to join in. his voice practically roars from happiness, "Good Hunting!" His white long tipped tail sways in content behind him as he listens to Tigerpaw ask him questions and give suggestions. hehe seems like someone's excited! "I'm not sure, we'd have to ask our mentors. we'll definitely see each other and maybe spar one day. for now i think we'll hunt more together than spar. i train a lot with dreampaw, so maybe the three of us can train together? dreampaw is a good hunter, so maybe you can learn a few tricks from him. but! for sure if you'd like we can ask the others if they'd like to train together." maybe he's making plans with tigerpaw a little too quickly. after all, she was still rather new in their ranks. he was pretty sure that batwing would wait a bit before considering to have her spar older or other apprentices in general.

Amber eyes flicker to Flycatcher's form. He flicks his tail in greeting towards the warrior, not knowing what to say. He hoped he wasn't rude to the other warrior, but it really felt like this was warrior talk. It was something apprentices couldn't really intrude on and it's not like he can tell Flycatcher he can or can't come. Only batwing could. A familiar voice calls out to them, that he can't help but turn his attention to little wolf. once again, he doesn't have much to say to her. all he can do is look at her and bow his head towards her in respect. eventually they would depart and it is strange to pad alongside his new mentor shinningsun. i'm still used to darkflight. it's only been a few days, of course it's still not normal. give it some time ginger. shinningsun is a nice tom. he'll make sure you become a good warrior.

He can't help but give a small smile watching Batwing nudge Tigerpaw. her training has begun, which means that he won't speak to her. after all, she needs to focus on hunting and listen to batwing's guidance. he would take this time to look at his mentor shinningsun. "should i just go for it? today you're just watching me, right?" i'm not sure what i'm supposed to do. is there something specific you want me to catch or? uuhhhhhh, cats this is so stressful!

Flycatcher have a small smile when Batwing agreed he could come. "Don't worry, I won't overstep on your lesson," He assured him with a good-natured chuckle. Little Wolf saw them off with wishes of good luck and Batwing responded that they'd try. And try they would. Greenleaf would be coming to a close soon, so the days where prey was plentiful would soon be getting further and further apart. Flycatcher already hoped that this year's leafbare would be more bearable.

The patrol leaved soon after and Batwing urged his apprentice to break away and catch something. Flycatcher watched with an interested eye to see how Tigerpaw would react. Not wanting to interrupt the lesson too much, Flycatcher lifted his head in the air and drew in a breath of air, finding the familiar scent of mouse. "I'll be nearby if you need me," Flycatcher mewed, glancing at Batwing and Shiningsun before slinking away under a bush to hunt.