show me what you've got [training/open]



OOC- feel free to join him if you want to! obligatory tag for @Glimmerpaw

The sun had just barely risen over the horizon when Johnnyflame slipped into camp to greet the morning patrol just in time before they left. He took a moment, pausing in the chilly morning air to roll his shoulders and stretch out his limbs. He'd started heading back to his twolegs for the nights again now that he was confident the rogues were gone, but the patched tabby was still as diligent as ever when it came to returning each morning as the sun rose, knowing all too well that Windclan was still a threat to be wary of. Hopefully trying to control Highstones would mean they wouldn't be dumb enough to launch an attack on Skyclan any time soon, but that didn't mean that Johnnyflame was going to start shirking his responsibilities.

"Mornin' Glimmerpaw!" he called as he spotted his apprentice, accent a bit heavier in the mornings. "We're gonna run a few drills this mornin', do some proper trainin', aye?"

He trusted that they'd eaten already since it was routine by now for the pair to head out as soon as Johnny arrived, the daylight lead always eating breakfast at home before he showed up. No point in wasting the prey on a cat who could eat for free with their twolegs.

"I'm thinkin' we'll start with tree-scaling before headin' over to the Rockpile to work on precision jumps and general conditionin'.

After that they could come back for lunch, rest a bit, and then head out with the next round of patrols to remark borders and bring in new prey.

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The shining sun rises over the lessening night sky, just as Glimmerpaw becomes a shimmering light when they leave the apprentice den. Dawn is one of their favorite times of day, and they allow themselves to get relaxed in the gentle cold breeze before they join Johnnyflame for the morning patrol. They thank StarClan for allowing them to have thick fur to make it more comfortable.

Their face adorns a small smile as they see their mentor coming towards them from his home in Twolegplace. Others may scorn him for even thinking of retreating to his Twolegs right now while the rest of them have to suffer through the onset of Leafbare, but they were not one of them. The last he needs right now is more stress when he’s finally starting to come back to his normal self.

“Good morning, Johnnyflame,” Glimmerpaw says in greeting. “Sounds good to me. I need to work on my climbing anyways.” It was still not a skill they have mastered quite yet, which brings them some shame as they’re one of the most obviously Maine Coon descendants out of their littermates. Maybe it’ll get easier with more practice and time.​

-ˋˏ ༻✹༺ ˎˊ- Being a house cat for a major part of his life, Rex wasn't very used to having to wake up early or any of that mess. Usually he'd just roll off of whatever table or furniture object he'd slept on sometime in the middle of the day- but, not no more! Alright, he still wasn't super early to wake up but he'd gotten here (without getting lost no less!) in record time, just early enough to chirp greetings to the dawn patrol that was halfway from camp.

Stumbling into camp, paws hooking on brambles along the way, he shoved his way in, shaking his muddy fur out as he entered open air. Ears twitched though, grinning as his nosey self overheard something and with a pep in his paws he bounded over towards Johnnyflame and Glimmerpaw.

"Hey-hey, ya'll headin' out do some crazy kick ass trainin'? Ya'll mind of I tag along 'n see what's up?" He grinned at the pair, paws fidgeting in place. Maybe they'd teach him how to be a bonerfide¹ badass clan cat! How to hunt 'n climb 'n all that other junk that they do that he still wasn't super sure about.

  • bonerfide¹: bona fide
  • picture of a fish goes here
  • TYRANNOSAURUS REX KABOOM he/him/his, daylight warrior of skyclan, 37 moons / ages on the 1st.
    large dark red-orange tabby with low-mid white markings. big empty-headed blue eyes. wears an american flag bandanna. talkative, annoying and straight up stupid as hell but he means well.
    frequently uses words wrong in posts, correct word will be included in ooc section
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted / / underline and tag when attacking ↛ will avoid battles for the time being
    penned by reaver ↛ @reavurse on discord, feel free to dm for plots.