show me your soul // intro

► Flickerwing.


flickerwing & 14 moons & male & he/him & thunderclan warrior

It's quiet this morning. Early rays of sunlight filtering in through that canopy overhead, the world is still and silent save for the quiet buzz of insects, only a few pawprints disturbing the dusting of snow upon the forest floor. A serene scene, peaceful in it's beauty as a bird pecks away at the roots of a tree. The soft thud of paw steps and the futile fluttering of wings is the first sound to break the moment - jaws wrapping tight around the pitiful thing before it can even raise its cry of alarm. Amber eyes flash with pride as the finch drops to the floor, still - a bright smile on his face. Its far from Flickerwing's first catch, but that burning sense of pride fills him now just as it did then, leaving chest feeling warm. Ears twitch and tail flicks - the soft crunch of ice under paw alerting him that he's no longer alone - the rest of the hunting patrol, most likely. " Any luck? " he asks cheerily, voice as upbeat as ever. Even the winter chill couldn't sour his mood - not that he feels it much, made of fur and fluff as he is. He doesn't think he's ever been more thankful for his thick pelt than he does now.

actions & " speech, " & 'thoughts/quotes'

P L A Y I N T H E D A R K ' T I L I ' T S G O L D E N A G A I N

⋆˖⁺‧₊☽◯☾₊‧⁺˖⋆ finishing up the hunting patrol, her paws were tired and cold. a small mouse wedged itself between her jaws, not an awe worthy bounty by any means, but it was prey. she settled on flickerwing, the young warrior stood cheerfully with a dead finch. nightbird flicks an ear subtilely to honor the effort.

"seems as though starclan's happy with us today," she mutters through the kill, pulling her weight backwards to stretch. "the deer didn't cause you any trouble? heard they had settled over here last night, but i haven't seen them." she chatted idly while waiting for the rest of the patrol to gather so they could return to camp. an early hunting patrol was never her forte, but the deer seemed harbor opposite sentiments.
  • ooc ↛ @Palepaw
  • NIGHTBIRD she/her, lead warrior of thunderclan, 30 ☾'s
    a small black smoke molly with a single white paw and pale silver eyes.
    mate to raccoonstripe / / mentor to palepaw
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted / / underline and tag when attacking ↛ see battle info here
    penned by vayle@vayl3 on discord, feel free to dm for plots.
𓍊𓋼 Falconheart’s mood has swayed wildly as of late, changing from fear to excitement as each day passes. His mother is expecting kits—he’s going to be an older brother! But is now the best time for such a revelation, when the cold has yet to dissipate, and dangerous creatures have invaded their territory? Either way, he’s glad that things are starting to look better for ThunderClan. The fact that the hunting patrol has gone this morning without passing by any deer has lifted good spirits somewhat, but at the same time it makes him wonder whether they’ve just gotten lucky.

Nightbird’s mention of the deer has his chest tightening, anxiety coursing through him. But he tries to put on a shaky smile, flicking an ear in an attempt to seem casual. "Yeah, the deer make it hard to hunt. Scaring off all the prey, you know?" His tone is lighthearted, though strained—he can’t quite hide his nerves, no matter how nonchalant he tries to act. He glances at Flickerwing, though, hoping to change the subject. The other tom’s managed to catch a bird, which is a good sign. "I saw a squirrel, though. I guess it’s finally getting warm enough for them to come back out." Hopefully the cold will end soon; he’s looking forward to watching the forest turn every imaginable shade of green, to seeing spring-plump prey come out of their wintertime hiding places.
leafbare was becoming less of a nuances as the snow began to melt. the slush between her paws was another issue, but she can momentarily enjoy it. for once, the delicious scent of prey fills the air. leafhusk briefly broke off from the patrol to do her hunting duties. eventually, she came back with something. it was small, but food is food. someone will be fed from this.

"i didn’t come across any deer." she explains after setting the food down. idly, she pushes dead leaves onto the thing. hunting is her favorite activity, but she can’t stand looking them in the eye after. "thank goodness for that. i’m tired of wandering aimlessly trying to find something."

flickerwing & 14 moons & male & he/him & thunderclan warrior

" Must be, " he agrees cheerily, though he's careful to keep his voice quiet - just in case. " None yet - thank the stars... though we probably shouldn't press our luck, " he says with a shake of his head - sparkling eyes and warm tone making it clear he's half-joking. " Newleaf can't come soon enough - we'll have many mouths to feed, " kits are always a welcome addition to the clan, though flickerwing has to fight of that nagging worry that at the rate things are going, they won't have enough prey to go around. But they'll deal with that when it happens - for now he'll just think happy thoughts, put out positive vibes like he always has.

actions & " speech, " & 'thoughts/quotes'

P L A Y I N T H E D A R K ' T I L I ' T S G O L D E N A G A I N

The newly made warrior joined in the conversation after resting her meager vole on the ground in front of her paws. It wasn't much, but food was food, right? Listening to each of the elder warriors murmur about the deer, she couldn't help but feel a twinge of worry. Nonetheless, she'd add in cheerfully, "Even if the deer are a nuisance, at least they're cute,"
Palepaw trailed quietly after Nightbird as they regrouped with Flickerwing and the rest of the patrol. She cast a small smile to Lightpaw in greeting as her friend also appeared, but quickly turned her attention to the conversation at hand. Unfortunately, she herself had not caught anything so far that day, and while she would love to blame it on the deer infestation, in truth she just hadn't seen any prey to chase. It seemed like the older warrior had better luck than herself today, however, and she nodded at the small bird in agreement with her mentor's words. "Something is always better than nothing." She felt a pang of jealousy at not being the one contributing to her clan's freshkill pile, but the feeling quickly faded and she refocused her thoughts to the deer as Lightpaw mentioned their 'cuteness'.

"I'm not sure if i'd call them cute," she snorted sarcastically, remembering the sight of the towering hooved creatures as they grazed aimlessly in the forest. There were far too many of them and they were far too big to be anything other than concerning. It wasn't likely that the deer would actively go out of their way to cause harm to Thunderclan's residents, but that didn't mean tragedy couldn't occur accidentally. She shivered at the idea of being trampled by their weirdly long legs. "I think they're weird, and I hope they leave soon." A quick glance at Falconheart's thinly-veiled nervousness told her she wasn't the only one who felt that way.
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