
Hello, Darling!
Jun 8, 2023

Hmm, a training session.

Redwind was quite average upon sparring and hunting. It took a while to bubble in her mind but eventually it came to her. She spent most of her days in the treetops and excelled at climbing. She wasn't quite swift upon land but when it came to the trees, she was a different cat. She knew what branches supported her weight from a quick glance and knew which trees may not be the most safe to take. She normally chose the wiser trees, age brought strength to the beautiful pieces of their territory. It was just what she chose to take her patrol upon.

Redwind stopped at the trunk of the tree, it had low hanging limbs to tend to the clanmates who didn't quite excel at the skill. A perfect tree for beginners. Although, there were more challenging ones she planned to challenge the best to leap towards. "Okay my darlings! Today we are training everyone's climbing skills. It's not particularly a competition, so no spits of tease. However, those who I see are skilled are going to be challenged to climb the more difficult pieces of work." She announced, finally pivoting to face the group. "Remember, pick the steady limbs and have your tail help balance yourself. If you fall, twist your body and brace for impact as always. Since you all know the drill, I will first demonstrate. Then follow me."

She darted up the tree, clawing her way up and quickly bounding upon each steady branch. Her claws marked each of them deeply in intention until she got where she wanted. Her amber gaze fell upon the group, eyeing each of them from her high spot with a satisfied hum. "If you have trouble, follow my claw marks!"

//This is a patrol assignment so not too many please and only those allowed for patrols. :)

a training patrol brought to a halt by the base of a tree. redwind explained exactly which skill they were to be sharpening today, luckily it was one the lead warrior was already rather adept at. even if she were not to learn anything new, duskpaw and lightpaw would certainly do well to brush up on their climbing. it was something that easily got lost amidst the training of other skills.

nightbird hung back through redwind's instructions, offering a small nod every now and then. quickly once they were done, the tortie was dashing up the tree, marring it with claw marks to highlight a path to follow. she turned to her apprentices who had yet to embark, standing to briefly stretch before addressing them. "go on. move quickly and don't eat dirt." she didn't have much encouragement to offer besides the reminder to not fall.


Out of all of the things that Little Wolf had expected to be doing the last thing was climbing. She looks up the base of the tree and then to her clanmates, her facial epression pulled into a neutral line as she listens to the molly's explanation. Climbing makes her think of SkyClan and idly she allows her mind to wander, to think about Howlpaw and Fireflypaw. Back when they were kittens, she would accompany them and the rest of her kits across the border. She would watch them scale the smaller trees under careful instruction and for a moment her heart aches for what was. This would be a welcome distraction from her troubled thoughts.

She sinks her claws into the bark, thinking for a moment about the best path up to the branch she has her eye on. In the back of her mind she tries to recall everything she had ever learned about tree climbing. It was not a skill she had used much in her life but she does her best an after a considerable struggle she finally manages to pull herself up onto the platform she had set her sights on. Her breathing is labored though and she has to take a long moment to catch her breath. "This tree climbing thing is no joke" she would say to whoever was closest to her, though her tone carried an air of lightheartedness. It was a good workout, that was for sure.
WE HAVE YET TO CRASH ✧°.☀ —————————————————————————————
Not long after the patrol assignments, Lightpaw was dragged away from his nap to join this... patrol. Not a patrol. Hunting? Oh, it was training. The golden tom was quiet as Redwind stood before them. Climbing. Could easily be worse, he decided.

When his gaze lowered from the molly who was now perched in the branches, he was just in time for his smoky mentor to stare at him. Climb, she commanded. And don't eat dirt. He scoffed. "Come on, what do you take me for? You've seen me climb before." It wasn't something he did often, but he enjoyed it. It was nice to see the world from so high up. It made things seem both bigger and smaller.

With a quick roll of his eyes he approached, pausing to let Little Wolf go first. Rearing onto his hindlegs, he sank his claws into the bark, and began to haul himself up. He was no SkyClanner, but he approached Little Wolf in less time than her own. He paused a moment to puff a breath. "Nope, but it's kinda cool to be up here. Bye!" Then, flashing her a grin, he clambered to the next branch up, perching to peer down at the rest.

[penned by its_oliverr - ]