pafp show me your teeth | teaching

Life doesn't discriminate
Adderpaw watches Whitepaw with a careful eye after the recent events of Badgerpaw's bullying. Head low with shoulder blades high he sits like a menacing beast prepared to strike. And strike he would, should another apprentice be foolish enough to vex the alabaster molly. Although not asked of him he stood guard over her, shadowing his denmate from a respectful distance. She was such a soft little thing, meandering about on delicate paws with an even more fragile demeanor. It sickened him to think the tuxedo apprentice was right in one aspect. She was too gentle. What would happen if Sunflowerpaw, Spiderbloom, or himself were not there to stand up for her one day? The bridge of his nose wrinkles at the thought of her shrinking as some cat looms above her all over again.

"Whitepaw," Adderpaw calls, shattering the silence between them. Rising from his statuesque stance Adderpaw tosses his smoldering gaze elsewhere, surveying their surroundings to ensure her safety for the time being. "You need to be able to defend yourself in the event someone is not around to help you." Several steps bring the boy forward, tail lashing like his namesake."At the very least you should put on a convincing front. Ears back, eyes narrowed, a hiss exploding from you mouth...picture the word beneath the weight of your paws." He murmurs, attempting to paint a picture for her before cocking his head to the left ever so slightly. "Try it. After that attempt to pin me." (@whitepaw)
Between the sinners and the saints
After the event of Badgerpaw, and being scolded by Spiderbloom, Heathclaw, and Sootstar about her lack of confidence, Whitepaw has been a little bit somber compared to normal. It had been a thought that had been plaguing her before the incident, but it was more reinforced than ever now. It was the only issue of being unsure how to go about it. She had considered asking Ambertail, but the blind tunneler was very... nonchalant and mostly a loner when it came to clan affairs. Though it would be nice to be able to be unbothered by the opinion of others, it was something the anxious albino thrived for in the future. She was also considering taking up Heathclaw's offer as well since the chocolate tom suggested a response she could do if such a scenario occurred again. She didn't know much about the Moor Runner, not having interacted with him all that much, but he was nice. So maybe she would.

The recent occurrence she has noticed however was the constant shadow that was Adderpaw. It wasn't something asked for but deeply appreciated action for the ivory molly, though she did worry for him, the last thing she'd want is for him to get in trouble over her, especially with how displeased his mother had seemed before. The two were lingering nearby, as she groomed the dirt from her paws. Having been in the middle of said grooming, she had ended up pausing mid-lick when the tom got her attention, blinking at him with rosy hues as she listened to his words. Straightening up to her paws, she flicked an ear as she considered his words. They were all very important points, she did have to learn to protect herself, slow as a process it may be. Considering the image he painted for her, she thought further. It was easier to be aggressive when thinking of stuff that upset you, wasn't it? A lot of things upset Whitepaw, they never actually angered her, exactly, but they did upset her. The bullying that both happened to Sunflowerpaw and Herself, The other clans causing bloodshed amongst her home, Greyhawk's cruel distance... Anger wasn't an emotion she felt often, if ever, but it was easy to build it up, even if it was only for a minute or so. Scrunching up her muzzle, she lifted her head, ears pinned back and eyes narrowed, teeth bared as a hiss spilled from her lips. Perhaps it wasn't as explosive as desired, and the expression could be considered odd on the gentle femme's face, but she did succeed.

A moment after, her expression smoothed though she did give the other apprentice a timid beam. "That was okay, right?" She asked softly as she considered what he had said to try after his lesson to put on a convincing front. Pinning the tom wouldn't be easy, given their significant size difference, but that was life wasn't it? Most apprentices and warriors, should she fight, would be bigger than her. She tried to recall most of the spars she had a chance to spectate. Most pin attempts started from a tackle, didn't they? Kneading the sand below her paws for a second, the pale molly attempted to dart towards the tom to tackle and pin him.

//hissing; rolled a 4 of a 1d4
pinning; rolled a 1 of a 1d12
Of all his kits, Adderpaw is by far the most difficult for the rest of the Clan to get along with. Brash, quick to attack, and often condescending, he's managed to make himself unpopular with some of his Clanmates. Still, being the son of the leader and a lead warrior and apprentice to another lead warrior surely comes with a certain amount of egotism; Weaselclaw can forgive his eldest son for that.

There is another side to Adderpaw beginning to develop, too, though Weaselclaw has only noticed it when Whitepaw is around. He'd never imagined he would find his son acting almost gently with another cat. The rose-eyed tunneler has no kin but a distant mother who abandoned her to remain a warrior; he's oddly touched to see Adderpaw attempting to teach her how to fight for herself.

"The hiss was good," he rumbles approvingly. He gives Whitepaw a smile. "You'll need a bit more to pin Adderpaw, though. Use your speed and size to your advantage." He decides, though, that he'll let Adderpaw continue to teach Whitepaw. Instead, he'll watch from a distance, looking at his son through different eyes.

Life doesn't discriminate
His fellow apprentice seems to contemplate how to go about making such a face, but after a moment or two she pulls it off. Scrunching her face up into something menacing that certainly did not match her gentle demeanor. Whitepaw's hiss is quickly replaced with a sheepish smile, seeking approval for her efforts. A low, amused huff pulls from his chest, a ghost of a smile present upon his lips. "Yes," She did well. "My only suggestion is to maybe fluff yourself up a little. You'll look more intimidating." He voices with a flick of his tail. Turning about he places about a fox length of distance between them to allow her some pace to work with during her attempted pin. With a nod he signals her to start.

The gentle apprentice's paws kneed the ground beneath her toes before taking off. Adderpaw's own stance shifts, a single hindpaw sliding backwards against the sand to ground himself. Amber eyes hard and calculating. Before her tackle could connect he lunges forward himself, kicking off from the paw he'd used to steady himself. His forearms butterfly open, aiming to wrap them around her frame and tackle her into a restrained roll. Should the maneuver land he would be standing over her by the end of it before stepping away. The voice of his father catches within his ears as the boy turns his head to face the lead warrior. Quietly he listens as Weaselclaw compliments the ivory molly and takes the reins of teaching shortly before passing them back off to his son. Nodding in agreement with his father he attempts to nose Whitepaw, coaxing her to her paws. "Again." Surely she would do better this time.
Between the sinners and the saints
Babies teaching babies...Badgermoon's eyes were lit with surprise as he caught sight of Adderpaw coaching Whitepaw, and he drifted closer to observe, dark tail swishing. He knew vaguely of the fact that the young cloud-furred she-cat had been having troubles; apparently, Sootstar and Weaselclaw's eldest had taken it upon himself to handle the matter. His brows crinkled as he considered the ramifications of this. On the one paw, it was very sweet, and indeed revealed a new side of the combative child, that he would want to guide and protect his friend. On the other paw, it was a mentor's job to teach apprentices how to defend themselves, both against out-of-Clan enemies and inter-Clan disputes. Though he supposed socialization among their peers was an important part of the process, too. The deputy made a mental note to check in with Ambertail regarding Whitepaw's training and settled beside Weaselclaw to watch, flexing his speckled paws against the sun-warmed ground. "He's a force to be reckoned with." Badgermoon remarked, casting the lead warrior a small grin, before teasing, "I can't imagine where he gets it from."
Her first attempt at tackling the tom to pin was a fail, which, a small part of her expected. She had skidded in the sand, and yet for the full minute before she could stabilize herself, she was tackled, a soft 'oof' spilling from her lips as the two apprentices rolled. Her ear gave a twitch as Weaselclaw approached, offering her praise for her hiss attempt and some advice. It was good advice to consider as she was coaxed back to her paws by Adderpaw. Twitching her ears, she bounded back to give them more distance, slowly walking a circle around the bigger apprentice as her eyes narrowed. Her feathery tail kinked as it lashed, curling at the tip before she darted when she was at the chocolate tabby's side. She sped forward, aiming to knock the moorland prince off his paws from below in her tackle. Should the attempt land this time, her momentum would have the duo rolling for the briefest of moments.

//rolled a 10 out of a 1d12 for pinning :awesome: