shut up and dance - crag


Apr 30, 2024

It is late morning when Frogbelly slips into the den, bringing with him a fresh fish for his mate and kit to eat. Shimmerkit ran up to him and greeted him warmly, threading herself between his legs, and asking about his day. As usual, Frogbelly stays to eat with them, answer Shimmerkit's questions, and then leaves to continue his duties for the day. It is a routine Shimmerkit is used to and although the time is always brief, she always looks forward to spending it with him.

With a belly full of food, she has energy to spend, and ropes Cragkit into playing mossball with her. "Hey, Cragkit, can I ask a question?" She asks, blue eyes staring at him. Shimmerkit would wait for his approval before continuing on. "How come I never see Iciclefang's mate bringing food here?" It's a question she'd pondered before, even asking her mother to no avail. In fact, Lavendersong had hushed her and told her she'd tell her when she was older. Shimmerkit had considered asking Iciclefang, but if she was being honest, the tortoiseshell queen scared her a little bit.

Cragkit is an energetic kit, and he doesn’t mind the games of mossball that are always thrust upon him by his denmates. Today, it’s Shimmerkit that brings him in for a game, and just ‘cause she’s a girl doesn’t mean he’ll go easy on her! He grins as he chases and leaps after the ball, swatting it back to her with grunts of exertion. When she addresses him, he picks up his mismatched eyes to look back at her, head tilting to the side. “Sure,” He mews back, curiosity glinting in his gaze.

He had never really questioned why he had no other parent. That’s just…always the way it had been. It’s always been Iciclefang, uncle, and Lakemoon looking out for him. It was normal. The tom shrugs casually, dismissing the question. “Iciclefang doesn’t have a mate,” His explanation comes easily, ears twitching as if the answer is obvious. It never bothered him. He has all he needs without a second parent.

"Oh, okay," Shimmerkit said with a flat tone when he finally answered her. She tries not to show it too much but she was slightly disappointed by his response. With how cryptic some of the queens had been, Shimmerkit had been quietly hopeful that Cragkit might have been able to let slip some that not even the adults would tell them. "I guess you don't need another parent really," Shimmerkit considered after a moment. "Iciclefang does fine on her own. Besides, all the queens take turns looking after us. I think my mom actually grooms you better!" She laughs at this remark but is also slightly hurt by the notion Lavendersong groomed the kits of the other queens better than her own daughter.
He tilts his head, ears twitching as he listens to her. She's right! The queens take care of all of them well enough; he's never really paused to think about what he lacks in a father or something like that. Sure, he doesn't have another cat visiting the nursery like some of his denmates, but all he's never needed is Iciclefang. Her question does stir something in him, though...Who is his other parent? And why haven't they come to visit him...?

He is snapped back to reality by his denmate's light laugh and it brings out a smile in him, too. He makes a playful face of feigned disgust. "Tell her to stop! I don't want anymore baths!" With a lighthearted laugh, he throws himself onto the ground and begins to roll in the sand, legs kicking out at the air. "Now you'll have to be cleaner than me!"