Shut up heather! // slush time!


they’re the tear in my heart
Jan 18, 2024

The days had been warmer than they had been in a while. After the snow storm, they had been certain that winter was there to stick around for good but then the next following days had been warmer. Not freezing, but definitely not cold either. It had caused some of the snow on the ground to start to melt and form into the marsh as something evil. Something so vile that no cat dared to try to walk through it! Though one cat was more naive and overall not paying attention to what they were doing.

Skywish had been walking along just casually with a mouthful of moss in their jaws. They had been intending to make a nest for Goatcrash, Twilightshade and Sleepyfawn today as theirs had seemed so warn out and gross now. Figured it’d be something nice to do for a friend or so. It was a mere simple task and they trotted along without a care in the world- but everything always had to end horribly now didnt it?

The young warrior had taken a step into something vile. Something that caused their front paws to slip through cold, wet, and overall disgusting- slush.

Skywish then hit the ground pretty hard and the moss they had been carrying flew into the slush. It burst open and scattered pieces of moss every where, and they sighed heavily. They tried to right themselves on their paws, but the slush had another idea. As they managed to straighten up, their back legs slipped in the slush and hit the ground once more. They winced in pain at the sensation of falling down, and growled lowly. Great! Just great!

The little brown and white tabby huffed and pushed themselves up carefully. Though then their paws slipped under them once more and they hit their jaw off the ground from the force of slipping. Skywish sighed loudly and shook their head as their vision spun slightly from the hit. Fantastic.
The wet sound of another clanmate collapsing in something between liquid and solid attracts the thick-pelted woman. She steps closer, but manages to stop when her lowered muzzle feels the cold of the slush. That’s when she knows to lift her head, smirking and facing the sound of slipping paws. By the smell, she can tell it’s Skywish. “First Smogmaw, now you? I swear, ShadowClan must be full of newborn fawns!” She guffaws, a light snicker on her lips.

She attempts a careful step into the slush and tentatively puts weight on her paw, only to feel a slight slip. That’s that, then. She withdraws her foot and offers something akin to an apologetic shrug. “Well, don’t look at me to get you out of there. I’m a more ‘solid ground’ type of she-cat.” She shifts her weight from paw to paw, unable to completely hide her amusement as she waits nearby.

was everyone in shadowclan just a clumsy little fawn? they agreed with forestshade, which couldn't have come as a surprise to anyone. they sit down next to her, lashing their tail in slight disapproval, and yet they express their worry anyways. in spite of the clumsiness, they are still worried.

"you alright? didn't break anything, right?"

they ask.

"you got yourself in there, you can get yourself out. unless you're hurt, then I will help you. alright?"

independence is a good trait for everyone to have, that's for sure. why not start here?
"Oh I do love a good show!" Willowburn cooed as he watched the hilariously unfortunate situation that Skywish had gotten themselves into. A true gentleman would go rushing to assist, but he had just gotten his pelt groomed to the way he liked it and he wasn't about to risk having it all ruined by some slush and mud. The tom seated himself near Forestshade and Chilledstar so he could watch Skywish and their future attempts to escape the dreaded slippery situation.
- ⋆ -

They could feel their ears burn. They had just wanted to get the nest made and over with! A heavy sigh left the brown and white tabby cat as they pushed themselves up once more. Though this time it seemed the slush wasn’t deciding to be a pain in the ass. Yet he could hear Forestshades’ laughter and her crowing about how Shadowclan was full of newborn fawns. Skywish glared slightly at the patched pelted she-cat for a moment as they didnt want to hear it!

They could taste blood in their mouth from biting their own tongue from hitting their chin off the ground. Great, even more fun times laid ahead. Though they didnt think their embarrassment could get any worse but the appearance of Chilledstar only sufficed this. They flattened their ears to their skull and huffed in response, stubbornly of course, though their leader seemed to have some sort of care as they too asked if they were alright.

I’m okay, only my pride is hurt,,” Skywish muttered a bit sourly and shook out their coat for a moment to dislodge chunks of wetness from fur. Though none of them seemed to want to help them get out of this situation and they scarcely wanted Goatcrash or Twilightshade to come save them from this purely embarrassing moment.

Skywish though then looked down at the wet ground and their scattered gathering of moss. Well now it was too wet to use and it made them huff once more in exasperation. Still, they moved to carefully pick their way out of the patch of slush though then paused about halfway- and a kit-like dangerous look crossed green hues.

The young warrior then scooped up a pawful of slushie wet snow, and chucked it at the first cat they could; Chilledstar. They hadnt been looking and really they had been aiming for Forestshade, but when the realized what they had done they where certain they’d be banned from Shadowclan entirely. Worth it? Probably.