private sick of chasing .. rosewater

Nervously she stopped outside the elder's den, staying outside the view of whoever was inside. The silvery cat was silent, nodding her head politely to the few that passed her. She patiently listened to her sister inside talking to their mother. Both their voices were soft murmurs, unable to pick up anything understandable. After a bit of back-and-forth, silence fell. She held her breath as she heard Rosewater's approach coming closer.

As the two met eyes, Hazecloud felt a moment of relief in silent understanding. She didn't have to face their mother alone, they were free to go.

Hazecloud could hear her heart in her ears all the way until they were several tail-lengths beyond camp. The open plains greeted them, and the silky she-cat felt all the tension in her muscles release. She turned to face her sister, and her face lit up in a smile. A complete different cat than she appeared just a few minutes before. "It's felt like forever since we've done anything together! How did mother take all the moving, has she gotten any better recently?" Hazecloud felt a bit of guilt creep up her throat. Questions that could be more easily answered if she visited her mother even once in a while instead of leaving Rosewater solely to deal with her. Though she never knew her older sister to be bothered about it, she did wonder if it was ever tiring to deal with every day.
