SICK OF LOOKING TO THE SKIES — first catch & observing

BRIARPAW — hello, my old heart.
Hunting patrols, while routine, had become awfully stale early in Briarpaw’s apprenticeship. Prey was meager, and the ebony apprentice had yet to catch her first morsel, running behind on the heels of Nettlepaw and Applepaw.
Moisture clings to the ground from long melted morning frost, and Briarpaw could swear she felt the chill spark through her paw pads and up her limbs, but she perseveres along the rest of her clanmates.
The apprentice can tell that their route purposefully skirts around the burnt sycamore in subtle avoidance, and while slightly frustrating, Briarpaw can’t say she doesn’t understand.
The twitch of something sunning on a jutted rock is quick to catch her eye.
Toad. Catching the last opportunity of chilled sun, the prey cautiously shifts around, not yet aware of Briarpaw’s piercing gaze.
Lowering herself, the ebony she-cat carefully picks her way though the marshland, desperate to bring her own catch home and make Forestshade proud.
Bulged eyes turn to her and the frog takes off, instinctively sending Briarpaw after it in a determined game of chase.
When ink-coated paws finally do get ahold of it, her kill is quick and clean just as Skunktail had demonstrated to her.
Her tunnel-vision opens now that the prey is clasped in her jaws, enough so to notice the gnarled shadow of the Burnt Sycamore now casting over her. Briarpaw realizes she is on the outskirts of the other clans temporary sleep-over. Hazel eyes are electric with intrigue, only rocks and withering grass block her from a good view.
She peers over, giving into her curiosity and is pleased to find herself undetected by the others for a moment.
Slitted eyes flicker back and forth as she watches them move about, almost in awe of the sheer amount of cats in one place.

// she’s lurking, feel free to bust her! :3
Mentor tag — @Skunktail
"Atta'girl..." It was quietly uttered under his breath, more for himself than anything. He'd seen the display from a careful distance away, losing his focus on his own tracking to pay attention to the apprentice sprinting along after her toad and it took quite a lot of willpower not to cheer her on when she finally landed it; no need to go scaring the rest of the prey in the area over one lumpy little amphibian. They'd ended up closer to the Burnt Sycamore than he'd have liked given their company but he wasn't about to avoid good hunting ground just because of the other clans. Skunktail found himself wandering over slowly after the tiny black-furred apprentice, smiling in silent greeting though her attention seemed more focused forward than on him. He settled into a careful crouch near her, peering around the foliage and stones as well to spy on the freeloaders taking up their territory.
"Good catch, shame none of them saw so they could quake in fear at your skill~" A ShadowClan apprentice putting them all to shame when it came to catching prey. It would've been nice to gloat about really.
"You know, I heard RiverClanners have gills..." He raises a paw, gestures to his neck with a single unsheathed claw as if drawing a line, "...around the neck, supposedly. Hidden under all the fur."


  • 62602478_UrpK9NsUJpgnTSw.png
    —⊰⋅ Warrior of ShadowClan
    —⊰⋅ He/Him
    —⊰⋅ SH Black & white tom w/spearmint green eyes
    —⊰⋅ penned by Rai

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”Ya seen that, @POPPYPAW ?” She looks to her apprentice with a soft grin, ”S’important to watch and learn.” Just as much as it was to actually take on an objective hands on, Stumpyspots would argue. Some of her greatest skills were learned by observing fellow warriors of ShadowClan, in fact the best climber she had ever known had came from before Briarstar’s time even… She swears Twitch Tail would’ve made an excellent SkyClanner in the modern day, if not for his hatred of kittypets.

She pads up after Skunktail and gives the warrior a complimenting nod, he must train his apprentice well. She can only hope to be doing the same for young Poppypaw. ”Poppypaw has come close to catching their first prey… won’t be long now.” She mentions, giving her own apprentice a look of encouragement. ”Congrats, Briarpaw. StarClan knows we need all the prey we can get.” ’Now more than ever…’ She thinks with a glance torwards the Burnt Sycamore.
  • » Half Maw . Stumpyspots
    » ShadowClan Warrior
    » She/her ․ Twice Widowed
    » Calico she-cat with rounded features.
    » ”speech”thoughtsattack
  • » A heavy hitting foe capable of standing her ground
    » Excels in slow, but powerful blows and kicks.
    » Fights to defend and protect
    » May powerplay minor harm. Can powerplay healing
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