development Sick of Not Living || Open, First Catch || To Stay Alive


Cheeto-Dusted and Sopping Wet
Dec 16, 2023

It had become a nightly ritual before bed. After returning to an (often empty) home, Eggshell would wait for the sun to set in its entirety before amber eyes searched the sky desperately for that ball of pale light, settling on and staring at it for a few minutes before trying to get some sleep. The yolk-stained boy’s recent focus on the moon wasn’t born of wonder at the cosmos, or even an attempt to find calm in an anxious life. Instead, the skittish Scottish Fold had been trying to keep track of the cycles.

Two moons. It would soon be two moons since he’d joined Skyclan, if Eggshell had counted correctly. Two moons, and the coward still hadn’t managed to capture a single piece of prey. Practice had helped, winnowing weak muscles until the whelp resembled something more akin to a wild cat. Silversmoke’s lessons had taught the skittish Scottish Fold the basics of strategy, so now yolk-drenched paws weren’t blindly charging headlong after rats, but it still wasn’t enough.

It felt like every time he got close to catching something, the coward would just freeze up. What should have been action became thought; as Eggshell was overwhelmed with the infinite ways he could proceed and, more importantly, fail.

Padding out of camp as a part of yet another hunting patrol, Eggshell wished he could be positive about what was about to happen, but there were only so many self-affirmations one could say before getting burnt out. Still, he would try his best, even if the boy didn’t believe it was enough. Veering off from the others to get some space, the coward tried to remember his training, staying low to the ground and trying to keep a constantly-racing heart under control.

The cracked egg sniffed the air nervously, even worried about taking a breath and altering anything nearby. However, the sky didn’t come crashing down, and Eggshell allowed himself a small sigh of relief as he picked up the scent of squirrel nearby.

As he stalked forwards, careful to stay downwind, the coward couldn’t help but quake with nerves. Where would it be, up high or down low? Would it be in the open? What if there wasn’t any cover? What if it saw the boy as soon as he got close? What if some other cat was already stalking it, and Eggshell was about to ruin their kill?

As the worries got more and more ridiculous, the whelp tried to ground himself. He halted in a shrub for a few seconds, taking a deep, shuddering breath. So far, this was how all his hunts had gone. Eggshell hadn’t even laid eyes on his quarry yet, but felt like he’d run a marathon with the way his heart was beating out of his chest. Calm, calm, he needed calm. The coward cast his mind back, thinking of happier memories. Weaving with Honeyspash and Howlfire. Talking with Johnnyflame at the Twolegplace. Meeting Edenpaw at the border. Small things. Simple things.

Eggshell opened his eyes and sniffed the air, feeling a bit better. The squirrel was closer now, and the skittish Scottish Fold tried to take things slow and steady. The wind changed, he repositioned. Closer still. There was a small tree ahead, surrounded by shrubs. Even closer. Amber eyes searched with barely-contained haste, eventually locking onto the creature as it sat on a low branch.

He repositioned again, agonizingly slow, trying to get right under the tree and into the ring of bushes. Butter-stained fur brushed the bark, and the boy grit his teeth. This was the worst part, the burst of action. Eggshell had gotten this far a few times before, and had always fallen apart. The coward couldn’t take it slow now, the stalking was over. The squirrel was right overhead, still unaware, and the whelp tried to use every second to calm down.

A yolk-drenched paw touched the bark, deathly quiet as he cycled through memories again. Spending the night in camp, training with Silversmoke, being accepted into Skyclan. Eggshell hung on that last one for a few more moments, remembering that day. Padding through the woods, leaving the twolegplace, but what came first was hopping his fence.

Eggshell had hardly left the safety of his home before trekking to the Skyclan border, so hopping the fence was a bigger deal to him than most other kittypets. It was terrifying those first few times, but he’d done so much since. He’d found people who cared about him, who didn’t mind his presence, who wanted to spend time with him. All that came from clearing that hurdle.

“What is this but another fence to hop?”

The thought echoed in the boy’s mind as quaking claws gripped the bark and propelled him upwards, a rare grin on butter-stained features as he felt prey go limp in his jaws for the first time.

The other members of the hunting patrol would soon find their own kills interrupted as an uncharacteristically joyful shout came from Eggshell, his stutter briefly born of enthusiasm instead of anxiety.
“Hey - Hey! I - I did it! I did the thing!” In fact, the Scottish Fold was so overwhelmed that it seemed he couldn’t even find the right words. “S-Squirrel! Yeah, I caught a squirrel!”
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Howlfire always enjoyed hunting in the trees. It was a good way to keep her climbing skills sharp and added some more challenging aspects to hunting. As much as she enjoyed hunting in general, even she could admit it was sometimes a bit slow and boring, especially if prey was being particularly difficult to find.

Her target for today, was a nice looking grey squirrel, happily eating something with its back to her. Howlfire was mindful to watch its movements, stopping herself when the squirrel stopped and ensuring she didn't give herself away. It's tail flicked and she watched as the creature shifted from a hunched position, its meal finished, ready to seek more food out or perhaps climb further up into the tree. Howlfire had just hunched back and was ready to pounce when an excited shout sounded from down below. Birds she hadn't seen flew off from the nearby trees, and her squirrel was quick to vanish too. Howlfire sighed out loud, already missing savouring what could have been a juicy piece of prey. With no more prey to see, Howlfire carefully made her way back down from the branch, joining some of her clanmates back on the ground. It didn't take her long to realise Eggshell had been the cause of the excited yell before. Why, she could practically feel the enthusiasm rolling over him. "Good catch," She commended, looking down at his squirrel appraisingly. Well, at least someone would be bringing a nice squirrel back to camp. "Maybe don't shout so loud next time, alright?" Howlfire prompted, not unkindly. "I think half the prey we were tracking just went into hiding..."

He'd plenty practice re-learning to hunt in unfamiliar lands, though- Mallowlark supposed that, when he joined SkyClan, he'd had a bit of an advantage over any old shmuck that threw themselves into the open jaws of the wide, wide wild. From an early age, he'd been taught to hunt- it was instinct, second nature. Only since being a Skyclanner had he come to realise that it was a learning curve- something it took a good handful of cats quite a while to wrap their head around. Eggshell's stuttering shout of celebration snapped owlish, silver eyes to him from the shadows.

Howlfire did the light scolding, so Mallowlark could double down on the celebraton. Black paws teetered on over, his achingly wide smile glinting with fierce-looking glee in the light that fluttered through the pines. "Congrats, congrats," he chirped, like a hulking, snowy songbird... or some sort of hungry seagull. "You should keep its skull as a souvenir." A suggestion made in joyful earnest... for who wouldn't want to commemorate something like this? A bleached prize to mark of the day he truly became a wildcat! Imagine the memories it would whisper!

Eggshell was quick to come down from his emotional high, unusually outgoing features gradually shrinking back to their nervous resting state as amber eyes spotted Howfire’s approach. “Ah, t-thank you” the boy mumbled, shuffling his paws like a kit until the other shoe dropped. Eggshell hadn’t realized his mistake until the older warrior pointed it out, and the coward was quick to to apologize. “Ohmygosh, I-I’m so sorry!” A head topped with folded ears bowed in submission, remorse given a slight comedic cherry on top as the squirrel muffled his voice and made it nigh indecipherable.

However, that wouldn’t last. Eggshell placed the squirrel on the ground - gently, like it was made of glass - and turned back to Howlfire. “I-I’ll try and catch enough to - to make up for it.” Though the boy’s voice was wavering, his resolve was firm. If the kittypet could catch one, he could catch more, right?

Before he could get to work, though, amber eyes met the fang-filled grin of Mallowark. Eggshell didn’t know much about the other cat, and what little he’d seen only served to make the boy nervous (well, more nervous than usual). So, even as the warrior sauntered over with words of encouragement, Eggshell couldn’t help but shuffle a few inches back. That proved to be good instincts as the other’s suggestion reached folded ears, and the boy had to stop himself from turning away.

“N-No, I - I think that’s alright” The spineless whelp stammered out, noticeably more nervous than he’d been with Howlfire. The thought alone made Eggshell’s neck feel tight. What if he died? Would his housefolk keep a little skull on their table to commemorate him? Would they keep it in their nest, as a memory of when a butter-and-flour covered kitten used to snuggle with them? No, thank you!

Still, there was a slight morbid curiosity buried deep within Eggshell. Willing himself to lean closer, the coward dropped his voice to a whisper, as if he was talking conspiracy. “Is - Is that s-something cats do, though? Do…do you?”


Johnny drew in a long, steadying breath as the bird he'd been after escaped into the treetops- and not a moment too soon it seemed, since an excited voice was calling out a moment later, likely sending the rest of the prey into hiding. Frustration was hard to avoid in a situation like that, but he tried not to let it fully dampen his mood. Eggshell hadn't meant it, and he could understand their excitement. The first time Johnny hd managed to catch a piece of live prey he'd felt on top of the world, and he wasn't about to cut the other down any for feeling similarly.

"That's a good one!" he praised as he made his way over, "And it's okay- lesson learned. We'll move on a bit and try our luck elsewhere. Worst case scenario I can have the daylight warriors hunt on their way back to twoleg place tonight and send our catches back with a few fulltime warriors." he assured them, sure that from their regretful apology to Howlfire that they'd learned their lesson about the importance of stealth.

At the mention of skulls, Johnny was quick to roll his eyes good naturedly at the white tomcat. "It's something Mallowlark does, aye." confirmed Johnny with a chuckle. "Can't say it's something all cats do, though. Most are prone to collecting things like feathers or rocks, but I have to admit the skulls are pretty cool."

No one bit his head off for mentioning skulls here, like they used to in WindClan- Johnnyflame stated his hobby, in fact, as one that was merely a fact- simply entirely true about him, and a shory, chittering purr shuddered behind Mallowlark's fast-fastened grin, smile managing to touch his gaze. "Mhmmm!" he confirmed, with an enthusiastic nod. Skulls, bones, anything of the sort...

"Oh, feathers too! But skulls are the coolest." The leaf Dawnglare had given him was long, long withered... but the skull they had exchanged had lived forever, and still stood sunbleached. Through his life he'd come to understand that he was rather in the minority with this hobby, but... so long as no-one begrudged it!

(Still, he'd never seen reason to be squeamish- everyone was made of blood and bones, and it was the wy of it all... and once somehthing was already dead, the memory of its corpse would live forever!)

"I love collecting little memories, but if it makes ya sick, it doesn't have to be a skull!" It was all for preservation, after all!

Howlfire almost felt bad for reprimanding Eggshell, seeing his response. Still, despite his jittery tone, he seemed to take her words to heart promising to be better. "It's alright," Howlfire assured him, nodding in agreement to Johnnyflame's words. "You're still learning. It's alright to make a few mistakes now and then." The chocolate torbie bumped his shoulder in a friendly manner. "At least you'll know for next time now, hmm?"

Mallowlark's comment about keeping the skull, unnerved Howlfire slightly though she could at least appreciate the sentiment of keeping the occasional trinket. "I've never really given much thought to keeping a skull before," Howlfire admitted. "I much prefer feathers or flowers, though I admit they don't last as long." Her amber eyes studied him cautiously. "I imagine it takes a bit of work to get it ready to keep by your nest."