private side effects [ tigerkit ]

Several weeks had passed since she and Batwing had found Tigerkit along the border. She had tried her best to check up on her as often as she could at first. There was a special connection to the young kit that no matter how hard she tried, she couldn't seem to push away. Maybe it was because they shared a similar history...or maybe she was just trying to fill one of the holes in her heart.

Flamewhisker pads into the camp, two flowers dangled limply in her jaws. The blue hued flower drops a few petals as she carries it, but the yellow one remains in one piece. When she was returning from a patrol, she had spotted them and picked them for the kits. It wasn't a strange sight to see her returning with some sort of a gift for those in the nursery. She spots a figure bouncing up to her, and she raises her plume-like tail in greeting. "Tigerkit! You are just who I was looking for, I thought you would like these." Once the kit is close enough to her, she bends her head down and sets the stems down on the ground.


Darlin' dont quit your daydream

Tigerkit seemed to so far like everyone here in thunderclan. she still definitely thought it was cooler to be called thundercats, but, it was an already pre existing name. She just was misinformed, and that was alright. She had been pawing at the dirt, attempting to dig it up. She felt she might find cool things if she dug.

Her play was distracted when she seen the fire furred molly enter camp, her face lighting up in glee as she bounded towards her. Flamewhisker and batwing both got the same greeting when they entered camp. There was always a slight fear that they wouldn't come back. But she was always so excited to see them return that it made her a little trusting that they would always come back. "Flamewhisker!" she greeted. Her eyes spotted the flowers hanging from the mollies jaws, and she let out an inward screech of excitement. "You remembered! Oh! I knew you would remember! I love them so super much!" she said, her paws lifting high as she spun in a circle.

Her ruddy pink nose would sniff them, a relaxed sigh coming from her maw and her body slooping as it seemed to relax with her. "Can you wear one with me? I think the yellow one would look so super pretty on you! And-" she paused as she realized the blue one had lost a few petals. "And ill wear the blue one! It may have lost some petals, but it hasn't lost its prettiness!" she purred.

"We'll be twins! And then everyone will be like, complimenting the prettiness!" she said, almost begging at this point for her to wear the flowers with her. Even her eyes widened and her lip pouted out, a puppy dog face on the little kitten to try to convince her further.

thought speech
Tigerkit's excitement towards the flowers caused a purr to begin to rumble in her throat. To get to the flowers, she had to tango with a few thorns, but her thick fur had kept most of them away from her skin. It didn't matter to her...simply seeing any kit smile was worth it to her, especially one who had gone through as much as Tigerkit had. After Tigerkit smells them, she begs for the both of them to wear the flowers in their fur. Flamewhisker hesitates, but only for a brief moment. Wearing accessories has never really been her thing, but she would make an exception.

She leans down and grabs the blue flower gently with her jaws. Carefully, she would slide the stem in a tuft of fur beside Tigerkit's ear. She steps back to judge if it would stay or not, and she leans in again, this time to slowly turn the flower, so the missing petals were not as noticeable. She then confirms with a nod that it looked good. "You were right, the blue one looks beautiful."

"Could you put the yellow one in for me? You're probably better at it than I am." she would ask, before lowering herself onto her belly so Tigerkit could reach her ear easier.
