private SIDETRACKED // mousepaw


The morning sun already cloaks the land in oppressive heat, making the hunt nearly unbearable. The patrol members have split off, each hoping to come across their own trail. Stormywing finds herself with Silverlightning’s apprentice, her own former peer, and she casts a curious glance towards the calico. “You’re about ready to earn your name, aren’t ya?” Mousepaw isn’t that much younger than herself. It should be any moon now. “Silverlightning hasn’t skimped on your assessment, has he?” A playful grin pulls at her lips. She hopes their current difference in rank doesn’t change the jests they used to be able to make when they were both rowdy apprentices. Besides, it isn’t very apparent that Stormywing has matured much upon receiving her full name.
She skips along with a warrior who’d not long ago been her denmate. The day is early but warm already, the dawn patrol having split into fractions for better hunting. She’s just emerging from a clump of bracken with a mouse dangling from her jaws when Stormywing addresses her. She drops the bit of fresh-kill and begins to sift earth over its still-warm body. “Any day now,” she responds proudly, her watercolor tail lifting. “I’m gonna get the coolest name ever, I bet.

She rushes to catch up to Stormywing, her whiskers trembling earnestly as she looks up at the tabby. “No, never! Silverlightning is the best. He passed me already.” She grinned, a rare glow of respect creeping into her voice. “He had me track him through the territory. It wasn’t easy, but I remembered everything he taught me.” They puff their frizzy white chest out, chin lifting. “What was your assessment? Didya pass the first time?

  • mousekit . mousepaw
    — she/they, apprentice of thunderclan
    — pansexual ; single
    — long-haired blue tortoiseshell with white and green eyes
    — “speech”, thoughts, attack
    — penned by Marquette
    — chibi by Rai
Stormywing's face scrunches up in haughty amusement. "It'll be cool. Just not cooler than mine," She jests with a flick of her tail and a casual shrug. No name can possibly be cooler than her own. Stormywing? Come on!

They reach the Great Sycamore as Mousepaw continues on, talking about how amazing her mentor is. She pricks her ears in surprise, blinking hazel eyes at Mousepaw. "He did? Wow! That's amazing, actually!" The jesting halted, she can genuinely be happy for her former peer, even for just a moment. She shimmies her shoulders in a show-off manner, thick tail lifting high in the air as it dips at the end. "Lucky you, you'll get to share a den with me again here soon!" Her voice deepens dramatically for the joke.

The small she-cat bunches her muscles before leaping high for the lowest branch on the tree, hoping to do some hunting above the ground. "Me? I didn't have an assessment." Her whiskers twitch confidently as she peers down at her clanmate. "I'm surprised you didn't hear the story! I climbed to the top of this here Great Sycamore." For a moment, she genuinely seems offended that Mousepaw hadn't heard! It's a shot at her confidence, but she tries not to let it show. Ever the showman, she flops onto her belly and waves a paw. "Yeah, I wanted to take my assessment and all, but Barkjaw practically begged me to get my warrior name after that. And who could blame him? It was pretty awesome." The lie flows casually from her lips as her tail-tip twitches, dangling off the branch.