sensitive topics SIEGE 〘 KIT LESSON 〙ˊˎ﹤

[ sensitive topics tag is just for a very cautious animal harm / detailed injury of a prey animal! this thread is also pafp ]

Energy has built to bursting beneath Sunstride's fur, an electrical storm without an outlet. The air around him smells of ozone, of lightning just before it strikes– he has busied himself throughout the entire day to try and soothe it. He should have known from the early hours that it would not go away. If waking for a dawn patrol did not settle his aching for motion, nothing would. He is no youthful kit to bounce around the territory, yet neither is he old and worn. There is simply too much to be done for this energy to leave him.

Were he to sit and think on it, he knows he would find that it comes from fear. That he should feel such things at all was...distasteful. But he knows that it is part of life to be caught in such tides. And with RiverClan's threat still looming overhead, there is much to worry of. Perhaps it is his intention to ease it some, to ensure that they are prepared. That even the youngest among them were not wholly defenseless. He cannot send them to war, cannot pit them against each other when they are still so young that their mouths stumble over some words, but he can teach, if not train.

A bird's panicked wings beat terribly against his jaw as he returns to camp, yet the lead warrior is unflinching. Its short talons cannot reach him, and his hold on its neck keeps the beak far from his sensitive maw. It is small and light, a poor meal but an apt enough target for what he has in mind today. He had found it as it was, panicking upon the ground with one wing held oddly. It squawked and screeched to drive him off, but even at first sight the ideas had come rolling through. Now that he has returned to camp, near where the nursery is cradled, hidden, he shifts the prey from his maw to the ground, pinned carefully if callously beneath a paw. "Come now," he calls to the entrance, encouraging them out with bright warmth in his tone. "I've something important to show all of you, if you are quick enough to see it."

  • ooc: please wait for @Adderkit !
  • SUNSTRIDE. named for his coloration and his bold chasing of fate.
    —— cis male, he - him. thirty-six moons old. lead warrior of windclan and former rogue.
    —— gay, but somewhat closeted. will not be open about his interests.  single, will be so.
    —— seems comparatively stranger than who he was some moons ago, serious and cool.

    sunstride is broad and bold– a creature standing above most of windclan, though not a beast beyond its borders, with fur that flames red at its base and deepens to a burnt amber with every whorl and stripe. his eyes, in comparison, are a pale summer's blue, still as bold as the rest of him.
  • "speech"
Life doesn't discriminate
The sound of something squawking and causing a general ruckus cause the boy to lift his head from large growing paws. Vermillion shaded eyes land upon a frantic bird beating its wings furiously within the clasped jaws of Sunstride's mouth. Interest immediately prompts the young prince to stand. He's never seen live prey brought into camp before, only those previously slain by the warriors while out on the hunt. The lead warrior's warm tone coaxes the tom forward, eyes still locked on the bird as instinct to pounce kicks in. Although, he maintains upholding his composure, curious as to what the golden shaded male wished to show them.

Translucent claws prick the sandy earth beneath his paws, restraining himself from launch launching upon the feeble avian. "See what exactly?" Adderkit asks, tail flicking back and forth with building anticipation. His head lowers, the twin blades of his shoulders accentuated from the sudden change in stance. "If your..." What was the word he was searching for again? Ah yes, "demonstration does not end in finishing the bird, can I land the final blow?" Flame colored eyes drift from pinned prey up to Sunstride's brilliant blues. He wanted to know what it was like to feel the rush of catching your own prey early. Even if the majority of the work was already done for him.
Between the sinners and the saints
Birds would not be her primary catch in a few short moons - she knows that she'll sooner grasp a thousand rabbits before finding a single bird underground. Still, Sunstride is commanding and interesting, and the poor bird he holds beneath his paw is enough to coax Cottonkit out of the nursery (in truth, anything is.) She says nothing at first, following behind Adderkit as the tom requests to land the final blow. She, like her brother, has yet to see live prey before. Even the mole she and her sister ate as a first meal had been long dead prior to arriving at their paws.

"Hmm..." she starts slow, eyes narrowing as she watches the bird attempt a feeble fight back. Its wings are unnatural to her in their erratic movements - her arms definitely do not bend like that! She almost wishes that Sunstride would let it go, just so she could see it take off and study it a bit more. However with Adderkit's implications, she's far more sure that the feathered being isn't long for this world soon enough. She sits down, a thousand questions on her tongue, though only one plows through her pursed lips. "What're you gonna show us?"

With something to show the kits, an increasingly recognizable voice calls from the nursery's entrance. Sparrowkit rises to her paws and files out behind Adderkit and Cottonkit with a growing curiosity. With wide amber eyes, the girl looks to Sunstride, before a loud flapping of wings calls for her gaze to lower to the lead warrior's paws and the bird trapped beneath it.

She's seen live birds before, of course. But, as is likely with the two who'd arrived to the scene before her, never this close. Always from a distance, small in the sky. Sparrowkit tilts her head at the sight. It's bigger, this close up, isn't it? She always thought birds would be as small as they were in the sky.

"It's a bird!" Sparrow squeaks, gaze moving to look back up at Sunstride, "Is... Is that what you're going to show us?"