private Silence break me // Honeysplash

Honeysplash returning to SkyClan was not something that Drizzlepelt thought would happen. The circumstances for her disappearance was so vague, as to where it could have been just about anything. Was it on purpose, or by accident? He’s always believed in her though, and just by how she arrived shows him enough evidence that she was taken against her will. He can only imagine, forced to leave your new mate…

When he has some free time, away from preparing for more rogues, he takes the opportunity to show himself into the medicine den where the creme tabby warrior lay. Anxiety already wells up from the pit of Drizzlepelt’s stomach, because he’s still not exactly sure what to do. They were friends, he thinks? Maybe she wasn’t ever that connected to him as he was to her. But he still feels the need to talk to her.

He looks at her silently at first, unsure of what to say. How do you even start this kind of conversation with someone you’ve lost? “…Before I state the obvious, I just wanna know. How are you? I mean…other than being hurt,” Drizzlepelt says, shuffling his paws awkwardly. Was she homesick at all? SkyClan might not be perfect, the medicine den suffocating, but he hopes she’s not too uncomfortable.​
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The medicine den had become almost a prison. She didnt want to stay here any longer but what other choice was there? With her wounds, it’d be a good couple of weeks before she was even allowed to be back in the warriors’ den. She missed it. Sleeping with the others, hearing their snoring or talking in their sleep, the warm bodies and comfort it brought. Dawnglare wasn’t a cuddles and neither was Fireflypaw, so they more or less just laid alone.

Though it wasn’t all too bad. Flowercloud had visited her, and she was hoping to see Orangeblossom sometime as well as her niblings. She just felt like she could face the clan with his disappearance. She probably hurt so many cats by just upping and leaving like that and taking so long to get back. Though it wasnt entirely her fault? She got lost a few times wondering but it was fine- right?

Her trail of self doubt was interrupted by the sound of pawsteps and she looked up slightly startled from the sight. Drizzlepelt. The young cat was a good friend of hers, or well she saw them as friends at least cause she didnt hate Drizzlepelt. Honeysplash adverted her gaze as he stared at them quietly for a moment. She didnt know what to epxect out of him really.

Then he asked how she was.

Honeysplash blinked a few times and then gave a dry chuckle, one that wasnt so heartfelt anymore, “[color#ae905e] I am- or well I- dont know really,[/color]” She said softly and gave a small shrug of her thin shoulders, “Suppose I feel like an outsider to my own home? I was gone for so long- i worried so many cats,” She sighed softly to herself and lowered her mossy hues to her paws.

The cream tabby then forced a smile on her face, “Though it’ll be fine, I just have to work extra hard to get there again,” Honeysplash then gestured for Drizzlepelt to join beside her in her nest, moving her leg out of the way, “How have you been Drizzle? Anything new?” ​


living in a world so cold
Drizzlepelt’s eyes droop more at Honeysplash’s admission of how ostracized she feels, but at least she’s being positive about it. He’s not sure he would be able to do the same if he was in her position. He wasn’t attached to his life before now, but suddenly being dragged away against his will would ruin him, at least for awhile. Being taken away from SkyClan, his real home, though… he doesn’t even want to think about it.

He sighs as he takes a seat next to Honeysplash, who asks him how he’s doing. Better than her, to be certain, but otherwise he’s not exactly certain. At least he can understand on that front. “Well, I’m Drizzlepelt now. Warriorhood has been a rollercoaster, to be sure. Mostly just…dealing with whatever foxdung WindClan tries next. They’re blocking the Moonstone even; Sootstar keeps getting more bold and dangerous.”

Drizzlepelt feels bad solely being negative, so he tries to think of more positive things to bring up. “Well, otherwise, things have been normal. As normal as it gets, at least… We’ve had a lot of litters recently, so I don’t think we’re going anywhere any time soon,” he smiles softly. “And now you’re back, too. What… what even happened? Do you remember?” The way she looked when she first arrived back on their doorstep, it wasn’t pretty. Do they have something else to worry about?​
They gave a light chuckle, an impressed nod of their head following, “Oh! I do apologize, Drizzlepelt, i am so proud of you for earning your name! That is amazing,” She teased the grey cat playfully and smiled sweetly. Suppose she had missed a lot. She also msut’ve missed Chrys’ warrior ceremony too and that hurt her more than anything else. She missed so much. Even her nibblings where grown and almost warriors now too.

Honeysplash then looked to Drizzlepelt as he said Windclan had been causing an issue, not allowing cats past to the moonstone and she blinked in surprise. Sootstar was truly loosing her mind. She hoped that whatever Starclan decides is enough of a punishment for her wrong doings.

Then the grey tabby cat spoke of many litters and she giggled, “I noticed that when i got here, lots of new faces ive yet to meet!” She mused back to him with a shrug of her shoulders. It was good to see, so many fresh cats for Skyclan to grow stronger. Though it made her heart ache in a way. She would’ve been one of those queens too if she hadnt been cat-napped.

Speaking of, Drizzlepelt then went on to ask her about what had happened to her. Honeysplashs’ smile faltered on her muzzle before she adverted her gaze down to her white paws, “I do remember, very vividly,” She murmured softly and seemed apprehensive on talking about it. The time she spent away from her home had been the harshest time she’s ever been through.

I was out hunting by twoleg place when i got stuck in this metal- cage. It closed behind me when i stepped in it and the next thing i knew i was in a twoleg den,” She spoke softly about it like it was a large secret and she pawed at her face for a moment, trying to suppress the wavering tone to her voice. Honeysplash flicked back her ears for a moment, “I thought id be able to just leave and come back to the forest- but the twoleg den was far into twolegplace to be any where close to the forest,”

She felt a small tear run down her cheek and she sniffled slightly before shaking her head, “But enough about me, that’s far too much! How has warriorhod been for you? Do you have an apprentice yet?,” ​


living in a world so cold