pafp SILENCE | prompt, successful hunt

Pebblepaw wasn't entirely sure how the idea of a hunting competition started, whether it be a wager between mentors or initiated by another apprentice, or perhaps a third option that simply eluded his fleeting memory. Regardless, the lilac tom had been dragged into it, promising his splotched opponent that victory would be easy. It was not the words a leader's apprentice should speak but ones that the former kittypet had felt deep within his heart, each win determined by fluke after fluke as opposed to the growing skill the apprentice was developing. He was not a competitive animal, happy to fade into the background and let others take the spotlight, he seldom saw the need to draw attention to his withered frame. Time within the forest had flown by Pebblepaw as he hunted, the trees and grass seemingly teeming with life that the lilac tom had never seen from his home before. Newleaf had truly come and blessed them all, he thought, unaware of how poor the hunting had been on the other side of the territory. Regardless, Pebblepaw's journey back to camp was a long one, his maw burdened with the heaviness of his prey.

Two doves hung from Pebblepaw's mouth, the pair of birds too caught up arguing to notice the tom sneaking up on them before it was too late. He was expecting Thunderpaw to have caught a dozen of the things by now, so much so that it took Pebblepaw a second to acknowledge the large figure lingering by the camp's entrance. "Oh, Thunderpaw!" He greeted the other with a start, his eyes falling from the chimera's face and towards the suspiciously empty space by his paws. Pebblepaw dropped his doves, a weary smile placed upon his maw as he addressed the other. "Were you looking for help to carry your own prey back?" His tone was as sincere as anything, the weight of the competition still lacking from the lilac tom's form. He knew there was no way he'd won, he knew there must have been some explanation for Thunderpaw's lack of food. Perhaps the chimera had already brought back enough food to feed the clan, or perhaps, as Pebblepaw speculated, there was no way he could carry it all back by himself. Head tilted timidly and a paw raised to his thin-furred chest, the ex-kittypet waited for an answer from his acquaintance.


  • Love
TAGS — Thunderpaw is not like Pebblepaw. Since birth, Wisteriafrost had instilled a competitive nature in him-- one that she insisted would keep him and his brother alive. So far, she'd been right. But so far, it had also proven a difficult cross to bear. The nicks in his pelt are marks of that competition; times he'd won against Lightningpaw and times he'd lost. The excitement he felt for the promise of a hunting competition was part of it, too-- and the minor spark of anger he'd felt when Pebblepaw had told him that it wouldn't really be a competition. Sure, he knew that already, but he didn't want Pebblepaw to not try. Surely Howlingstar's apprentice had enough sense to do that much? Not that Thunderpaw was jealous. No, not at all.

And yet he'd failed to catch even a single piece of prey today. Not even a vole. He's not like Lightningpaw- his anger is not so hair-trigger -but he can't help the disgruntled scratch in his chest as he pads into camp with nothing to show for it. The string of defeat is plucked when he hears Pebblepaw call out to him. Blue-green gaze flicks up to the other apprentice only to fix immediately upon the boons he'd obtained. Great- shown up by the guy who wasn't any competition. It's just his luck, really, but he can try to be kind. It's too bad he can't keep the sting out of his voice when he greets the other apprentice: "Hey." Thunderpaw manages a smile, but his ears tilt backwards ever so slightly when Pebblepaw offers his assistance with the totally-real prey he'd totally-definitely caught. His tail flicks as he tries to think of how to reply. "Er... no," he admits, head tilting. "It looks like you might've beaten me today, actually." He doesn't like saying it out loud. His gaze sweeps camp for Lightningpaw or Wisteriastorm. Well, as long as they aren't seeing his abject failure, he supposes he can live with himself.​
TAGS Unfortunately, from where he grooms himself Lightningpaw is quick to spot his brother padding into camp looking less than pleased. Dark green eyes immediately lock on the other calico, ears pricking as he studies the other from a distance for a few moments before rising to his paws and jogging over. Pebblepaw's voice cuts off his own before he can call out a greeting, a question that once again piques his interest — though it's Thunderpaw's reply that truly rivets him. He stops before the pair, hardly acknowledging Pebblepaw in his tunneled focus and zealously homing in on his brother as they lock eyes. "Don't tell me you didn't catch anything." They lean forward as the exasperated words fall from their curled lip, and briefly their appraising gaze drifts to the pair of doves brought home by the competitor — a former kittypet, no less! Lightningpaw is entirely unaware of the competition that had gone down, but regardless he's of the mentality that Thunderpaw has suffered a humiliating defeat today for being out-shined by someone like Pebblepaw. Yeah, sure, he's Howlingstar's apprentice which obviously counts for something (probably a lot), but still. Not that he'd ever voice any of this aloud... in public, at least. Thunderpaw will definitely fall victim to vicious teasing behind closed doors.

There were plenty of things the lilac tom was expecting to hear, nothing could have prepared him to hear the truth of the matter though. It took a few seconds for copper eyes to register the younger apprentice's moving mouth, his ears even longer to decipher what each word meant when it was so different from what he was anticipating. When he finally clocked on that his predictions were wrong, the apprentice almost collapsed in shock. "I... I won?" It didn't feel real. His maw remained parted from the shock, his eyes equally as slack and wide as he considered the implications of such a thing. There had to be some sort of mistake, a kindness shown by Thunderpaw they hadn't seen yet or an under-exaggeration of quite how much they'd caught. Then, out of the corner of his eye, Lightningpaw appeared, his voice chastising the other for his failure - only then did it sink in that Thunderpaw had been telling the truth. "I won... I really did... wow..." Elation didn't reach his tone, only surprise - he'd never prepared for what would happen on such a day. Was he supposed to bob heads with Thunderpaw in congratulations? Offer him kind words and tell him it could've been anyone's game?

Or, was it chastising to reach a paw down when the wild apprentice was not truly beneath him? His narrow neck tightened as he considered it, his focus eventually falling back to the chimera. Even as he worried about offending the other, he felt his heart flutter with excitement. He'd done something right, no one could take that away from him. "I'm sorry I... really wasn't expecting that. I... are you sure? No of course you're sure... I'm sorry for doubting you." Large ears briefly drooped, but a little smile appeared on his maw all the same. He shuffled his paws, his head tilting to the side. "What... what do you do when you win something? Is it ok for me to boast?" It wasn't as new of an experience as he was making it out to be, but all his previous competitions had been with those of a similar background. Thunderpaw and Lightningpaw were wildborn, a totally different social hierarchy to the lilac tom. But, should he get permission to grin and grin until his whole face hurt, then he would do it in a heartbeat - it wasn't every day he got to say he beat a wildcat.