oneshot silent night // 'sleeping'



chamomilepaw | 10 months | genderfluid | any pronouns | physically medium | mentally easy | attack in bold #ffff99

The moonlight filters through the clouds as Chamomilepaw stares up at the heavens. From his spot in the center of camp, it seems as though there is an entire world up there. He wonders if this is the starclan the clans speak of - a wonderous world made of stars and clouds and moonlight. Pale golden gaze gives a slow blink, and then another. Soft whisps of his breath spiral up into the night air, as small flakes of starlight begin their decent. Snow. It has been a long time since he's seen such a sight - not since he was but a nameless kitten wandering the world with a neglectful mother and his faithful siblings. He wonders, sometimes, where the last of them was - if they had survived that night at all. As he watches the flakes dance dizzily overhead, he wonders if wherever they are, they're looking up at the same starry sky.

A quiet, sleepy sigh slips past his lips, eyes beginning to droop. It's nice out here tonight - the cold chill of the air a welcome sensation against his big fluffy pelt, and he finds himself slowly lulled to sleep - pulled into his dreamscape. As his eyes slip close, he gives a silent prayer to whatever deity is out there - be it starclan or something else - that his family is okay, wherever they are. That they are sleeping as comfortably, as safely, as he is. He's fast asleep before he even knows it, soft snores echoing through camp from the mountain of golden fur, a small smile still firmly on his lips.

// Advent Prompt Day 4 - Sleeping