sensitive topics Silent Promises || Racc/Frost


|| Mastermind 11-16-22 ||
Jul 18, 2022
@Raccoonpaw @FROSTDROP.


Spiderfall almost felt invincible, he had gotten away with Ashpaw's injuries and even the death of an apprentice. Now, his next target was that who was close to Frostpaw, and he decided to bring her along as a witness. Though she knew of the things he had planned, as he had shown her prior to bringing her along the ride, however she had no clue who he plotted to get trapped into the fox trap and had she known, Frostpaw wouldn't have allowed it. However, here they were standing in front of the camp's entrance as they awaited for their third, the sun slowly peeking it's way through the horizon to greet them. Spiderfall's lanky figure watching over while his shadow shuffled in nervousness, debating if this was even a good idea.

Spiderfall's gaze slowly dropped down onto the young she-cat realizing how naive and much of a fool she was but he leaned down, his muzzle close to the she-cat's curled ears "remember who's side you're on, Frost" Spiderfall said icily into the molly's ear and all she did was silently nod in agreement to the warrior. No one knew, no the only person who knew of Spiderfall's true self was Frostpaw and even then, she tried to turn a blind eye to it, she thought he was trying to do what was good for them, but all this was a ploy of bitterness and hatred. A play at control and power, that is all this was. Spiderfall care not for Frostpaw, or anyone else but himself. Thorns grew tightly around his beating chest, blackening it everyday with hatred and bitterness.

Lifting his head the tom would look over as their third will join in, a soft grin smiling on his maw as he recognized the figure of Raccoonpaw. The kid was naive to what is about to happen, however, things would not go as Spiderfall as hoped for that day, looking down he noticed the look of utter shock that flicked like a light on Frostpaw's face. That's right, everything was about control, about power and Spiderfall wasn't about to lose his grip and weaved webs on the thing he so easily trapped long ago due to a kept "promise" of her mother, as well as his...

Black legs swung every so slightly as they walked along the worn path. Frostpaw had invited them out for a little fishing trip! It was a rather humid day and cool, leaf fall was on the way, and they felt things where starting to look up. Willowroot was finding love of her own, Buckgait was doing well too! Ashpaw came back! That is even more amazing, and Riverclan seemed to be settled down after the brushes with the other clans. Raccoonpaw neared by the location they where told to come too and looked around for a moment; they didn't see Frostpaw?

"Frostpaw? Are you there?" They didn't even think to check the air or put on a cautious face. This was Frostpaw after all! She was a harmless cat, one that Raccoonpaw found themselves gravitating towards.
tw: mention of blood )


Raccoonpaw's voice made her heart drop and her gaze flashed towards Spiderfall in wide fear and panic, of all cats he had gone after it was someone she had held near and dear to her and... She can't, she wouldn't stand back and allow her friend to stretch their neck down, triggering the trap to snap around their neck and she squeezed her eyes shut as the images flooded in her head and she quickly shook her head as she watch them come close and closer. Spiderfall was pushing, encouraging her to allow it but before Raccoonpaw took another step the young apprentice got onto her paws and attempted to push Raccoonpaw out of the fox trap, triggering the trap to snap around her right paw pain flared through her leg but all she could think of was her friend's safety.

"Racoonpaw, run! It's a trap, Spiderfall is trying to-" before she could finish her sentence she was pinned to the ground below her, trapped underneath the weight of her brother while the cord tighten itself around her ankle, blood beginning to swell around as crimson droplets began to stain the grass. Wincing she begin to struggle more as she felt claws beginning to dig into her flank and she let out a cry of pain escape her lips.

All she had been doing was trying to save her friend, the person she loved but at what cost? Spiderfall's face was close to her and a look of cold anger danced in those chilling amber eyes and she flinched. The trap had bells tied to it to alert any twoleg hunters that they had caught something and the more she struggled the more the bells would alert anyone nearby. "You had one job Frost" he would hiss in her ear, not giving much attention to Raccoonpaw as he was more fixating on keeping Frostpaw quiet for ruining his plan.

Bi-colored eyes began to search for her friend in the jumbled messing, hoping, praying that they would run, go get help, somthing, anything to get themselves to safety, Frostpaw did not care what would happen to her but, she did care what would happen to Raccoonpaw and the thought of it made her desperate to know her best friend made it to safety.

Blissfully unaware was the game and they had moved almost enitrely into the trap when suddenly they where pushed. Orange eyes widened and they stumbled a bit on the ground, nearly falling over and then the snap of the trap was heard. "Frostpaw!" Their voice sounded panicked as her leg was trapped within the fox trap, and then from the reeds came Spiderfall. He pushed Frostpaw into the ground, trap and all, and seemed to hiss something into her ear. Was this a ploy? Did Frostpaw lead them out here for this? Hurt radiated through their chest, but they had to push it aside and unsheathed their claws, "Let her go!" Hissed the black legged cat, fur standing on end as they reared for a fight. Spiderfall and Raccoonpaw should be equally matched, even if Spiderfall was bigger than they where.

It wasn't like Raccoonpaw didn't know how to fight, maybe not the clan way of fighting but it was something that could save a life. They crouched to the ground, waiting for a moment to strike as they were not going to leave Frostpaw here. Even if she had tried to kill her- she didn't deserve to be trapped or harmed. Not waiting another moment they lunged for Spiderfall. Aiming to bowl into him and away from Frostpaw, hoping they could get free from the trap.