
drinking lemonade and playing with my hair
Jun 7, 2022

  • Its the same cliche, the tale as old as time. Two childhood friends become something much more than that when they reach adulthood. The quiet and withdrawn Siltcloud, who’s mother abandoned her, and who lost her mate and closest confidant overnight to yellowcough. The noble and righteous Lilacfur who lost her mother to the thunderpath, and lost a friend the same night Siltcloud did when Loampelt died. Playful conversations through ivy walls, gifts of prey and warm nests, a message from the stars themselves - it had seemed every bit the fairytale romance.

    But this story is not a romance - it's a tragedy.

    Siltcloud had been lying to Lilacfur - and to the entire clan - for moons. She'd witnessed her brother Granitepelt murdering Pitchstar, had lied for him and told the clan he was with her to cover it up. Knows that he killed Ghostpaw too, for knowing what he'd done. Had been sneaking out of camp and the territory to wander the twolegplace and other loner lands - attacking and killing indiscriminately. Had already claimed two lives - that of an unknown kittypet, and that of the former thunderclanner Basilwhisker. Injured so many others she's lost track.

    And then she makes a fatal mistake - blinded by her loyalty to her brother, she aids him in taking Halfkit and Laurelkit to windclan under Sootstars orders. When the kits return, she's caught out in her lies. Forced by such a public confrontation, she doesn't even bothering to try to pretend anymore, even if it hurts to see Lilacfur upset by the truth of her older brothers death. But her own betrayal is not the only one revealed that day - she learns that Granitepelt had lied to her, had also killed her best friend Poppypaw. While he flees to the promised safety of windclan, bloodied by her own paws, she's left floundering on her own, surviving off the kindness of the twolegplace cats alone.

    But anger and grief cloud her mind, the hurt of betrayal snapping her remaining strands of sanity. She wants to make them suffer - hurt as much as she did. She blames others for her exile - certainly, if they'd been in her paws, seen their own siblings in such a position, they'd have made the same foolish choices. And so mutilated prey is left bloody upon the borders, pawsteps drifting through the snow, scent markings purposefully strewn about the marshlands as though taunting them. Shadowclan cats who are out alone are met with teeth and claws when they come across her.

    Until it all goes quiet - as though she's vanished into thin air. Because it's hard to cause mayhem when you realize you’re pregnant.

    Forced to halt her activities upon finding her condition, Siltcloud finally settles into life as a rogue, putting her vengeance on hold. Instead, she focuses all her efforts into safely giving birth to her kits. But leafbare is cruel - or perhaps, starclan is finally punishing her for her sins. Her kits are born weak, and as frail as she is only one survives. They manage to make it through those perilous first weeks - but things only get worse when the kit finally weans. Prey is scarce, and she struggles to catch enough for them both. Even as she gives what little she finds to her kit, she feels her own strength waning - she fears that soon enough, she won't have the strength to catch anything at all. Forced to make a hard decision, she risks it all to give her child to Lilacfur at the border - hoping that shadowclan will keep them safe in her stead.
    — The choosing date for this litter is 01/25, with the kitting being on 02/01
    — The kit(s) will start out at one month old and age real time. For reference, this means they will have just barely begun to eat prey instead of milk.
    — Kit(s) will be born in the Loner Lands, but move to Shadowclan later on. During Siltcloud’s time with them, she will not encourage loyalty to Shadowclan specifically, but will tell them of starclan, the warrior code, and other traditions which she grew up with.
    — Kit(s) will be given traditional names despite not being clan-born - Siltcloud despite her many faults is still a born and raised clan cat, and wants to cling tight to what little familiarity she can.
    — There is no set activity requirement - both Lilacfur and Siltcloud are fairly casual characters. However, for the duration of the main plot you will be expected to at least post in all relevant threads, and at least once a month after the plot wraps up. Inactivity without notice may result in the slot being rehomed. It is also highly prefered this kit not be killed off until adulthood, unless there is a good reason and it is discussed beforehand. They are not canon fodder.
    — While this is an angsty litter, Siltcloud will not be a bad mother to this kit, nor treat them poorly in any way. At most, she may be a bit overprotective or strict - but only because she wants what's best for them. While they are free to hate her once they got to shadowclan for leaving them or after having learned what she has done, please avoid hate plots pertaining to the way she raised them. The same goes for Lilacfur - Siltcloud will speak nothing but praises of their other mother to this kitten; explaining away her absence from their life by saying Lilacfur would have loved them very much, and that she is just too far away to come visit, rather than telling them the truth.
    — This is an angst and drama heavy litter - please bear that in mind when applying! Siltcloud is not a good cat, and has done some very bad things - more so than even shadowclan knows.

    LILACFUR [02] x SILTCLOUD [02] | gen 03
    → nieces & nephews to: Granitepelt; Sparkkit; Twighlightpaw; Sootspot; Cloudedsky; Chittertongue; Pitchstar; Skunktail; Starlingheart
    → cousins to: Sablemist; Stalkingpaw; Ghostpaw; Nettlpaw; Flintpaw; Pipit; Snipe; Hawk;
    → grandchildren to: Flint; Sandra; Briarstar; Amber
    → grandnieces & grandnephews to: Boneripple
  • SIRE: LH LILAC ROSETTE TABBY (carrying cinnamon, solid)
    DAM: SH CINNAMON CLASSIC TABBY w LOW WHITE, POLYDACTYL (carrying longhair, dilute, solid)

    Kits can be chocolate, chocolate tabby, lilac, lilac tabby, cinnamon, cinnamon tabby, fawn, or fawn tabby
    — kits can be shorthaired or longhaired
    — kits can have no white or low white
    — kits without white can have any realistic eye color besides blue; kits with white can have any realistic eye color
    — tabbies will display classic, spotted, marbled, or rosette pattern; solid kits will mask one of these; classic/marbled will mask spotted
    — kits may or may not have polydactyly
    — shorthaired kits will carry longhair; chocolate-based kits will carry cinnamon; non-dilute kits will carry dilute; tabbies may or may not carry solid

    minor brownie points may be given for green eyes
    After The Dead: loam, poppy(or similar colored flowers)
    After The Parents (preferred for look a likes only): lilac, silt (less likely)
    Any Rock/Soil Themed Names: sand, pebble, gravel, dirt, mud, clay, chalk, marble, slate, shale, stone, boulder, etc.
    Avoid: granite, soot, flint

    After Her Family: lavender, murmur, amber, chirp, badger, or similar
    After Things She Loves: sycamore, kite, mushroom, or similar

    * while siltcloud will be the ones naming the kit(s), she may use name ideas that she remembers lilacfur mentioning in past conversations

    There is currently only one slot for this litter. If there is a lot of interest, we may discuss opening another, but we plan to keep this litter very small.
    — slot one
' didn't mean to leave you and all of the things that we had behind '
-> likened to lilacfur, named for a similar flower and a memory that stirs with it.
-> afab, she/her currently. subject to change

-> lh lilac rosetted tabby w/ low white, blue eyes (c. cinnamon, solid). will look at parents' refs for more inspiration.

-> quiet, watchful, vibes tba but relatively harmless when young. subject to change when it comes to being mentored, likely to take on some traits from them.
-> loves her mothers a great deal. aware that there's things siltcloud isn't telling her, but won't ask. will likely carry some wariness towards lilacfur depending on how she receives the news of her daughter. something about dreams vs reality on this?

-> may request a name change to sand/siltkit upon joining shadowclan in honour of her mother. she will assume that siltcloud is dead.
-> the first time she watches a leader die will mess her up. a lot. casual starclan believer to that point but after may lean into that faith in a somewhat childish hope it'll put her family back together again.
-> joining shadowclan brings with it ambition, a small spark that reminds older cats of silt should they be aware of lavie's mother.
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Shatter me
Sycamorekit . Sycamorepaw . Sycamoreshriek, Sycamoreleap, Sycamorecloud, Sycamoreflutter(s)?

↳ Sycamore - Name for their cinnamon fur, kit for their rank
— Starts off a loner, becomes kit of Shadowclan; previous allegiances or thoughts of other clans if n/a
— AMAB, genderfluid, he/she/they; undiscovered
parent x parent, sibling to ???

LH Rosetted Cinnamon Tabby with low white and green eyes Sycamore will be a bit stunted in growth so a bit more on the smaller end of things with deep pools of green eyes similar to his own mother's. Long hair rosetted tabby with cinnamon and small splotches of white on the face and one ear white. He has a little extra set of toes as well (hehe) and a long feathery tail.
↳ carrying / masking / etc?


( + ) Outgoing, brave ( / ) adventurous, nosey ( - ) abrasive, blunt, chaotic Sycamore once strong and healthy will be very outgoing, she will not let anything tie her down and will tend to cause chaos or trouble with others, if this is out for attention seeking or not only time could tell. He tends to be very outspoken and says whatever is on his mind even if it tends to be rude/mean they'll still say it. However, this is subjected to change as he grows older depending on who her mentor is or what behaviors they soon take from Lilacfur once he joins Shadowclan.
mannerisms: scthuff
— will (not) start fights | will (not) end fights | will (not) flee | will (not)show mercy
— (will) excel at skill(s)


— Starts off at 1 moons old, very sickly and pale, eventually becomes a bit stronger but still not enough.
Believes that Siltcloud abandoned him with Lilacfur when the time comes and might grow to potentially resent her as time goes on
— If another slot opens up, potentially Sycamore seeking them out or accidentally stumbles upon them (if abandones), if not and they also join the clan, Sycamore will be overly protective of them and drag them around the clan, possibly stick close to them until they're apprentices
— potentially accepting that Siltcloud had left them in Shadowclan and trying to believe it was out of the "goodness of her heart" even becoming close to their mother Lilacfur and attempting to badger her for more information on Siltcloud. Also questioning why Siltcloud left him in the first place and thinking it was their own fault which could lead to imposter syndrom
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UGH UGHHHHHH-Withdrawing, I should not make another character even if I really wanna </3 Goodluck everyone!
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Marblekit has a thin, knobby build—she looks to be all limbs and tail to the naked eye. Her tail is long and feathery, like Siltcloud's, and her fur is thin with a wiry texture, like Lilacfur's. Like both parents, her coat is on the dull side, short and sticking to her frame as if to emphasize her build. With proper nutrition and warrior training, she has potential to become more muscular, but she'll never quite get to Lilacfur's frame. Marblekit's fur is a washed-out tan, erring almost gray; it hardly seems to have any pigment at all in some lighting. Her tabby stripes ripple thickly across her pelt in classic bands and whorls, a slightly darker shade of dry sand. Her eyes are large, impossibly circular, but the hue is similarly washed-out. Her eyes are like moss left to dry in the sun for days, yellow-green and drab.

TROUBLEMAKER.—Above all, Marblekit is mischievous and troublesome, with her paws in every metaphorical cookie jar. She is nosy, constantly trying to eavesdrop on the adults around her, and she will use every scrap of interesting information to get her way. Marblekit wants to do things her way or no way at all, and inherently this leads her in her youth to be something of a rulebreaker and flaunter. Even as an apprentice and possibly as a young adult, she will never tire of practical jokes, pranks, and even mean-spirited gossip.

RINGLEADER.—Marblekit is at the center of every game. She is the circus barker, ordering the other kits around and instructing them how to play and when to say what. She is the one who comes up with all of the games, and she is the one who pouts when the other kits don’t do things the way she wants them to. Despite her bossiness, Marblekit genuinely has fun playing ringleader. If there’s a gaggle of kits getting into mischief, rest assured Marblekit is in the middle of it somewhere.
↳ As an adult, this could get her into trouble within the typical hierarchical structures of the Clan; she does not like being bossed around and does not like having to do what others tell her to do. She may grow out of this, depending on who her mentor is and how her experience growing up goes.

SKEPTIC.—Though Siltcloud will raise her to believe in StarClan even from her time as a rogue, Marblekit will remain a skeptic until she sees proof of their existence for herself. She may openly mock StarClan to Clan cats, which could get her into a spot of trouble. As an adult, she may come around (especially after witnessing proof, ie a leader coming back from the dead), but she remains somewhat disrespectful of her warrior ancestors and the power they have.

SPITEFUL.—Grudge could be Marblekit’s middle name. When other kits or Clanmates do something to harm her or insult her, Marblekit will hold onto that with petty fervence. She may go out of her way to disrupt someone’s day even weeks after the slight occurs. Simple and seemingly innocuous things may form her opinions of others almost immediately and it may take an act of God to break those molds later on.
  • Will be wildly resistant to hearing anything negative about Siltcloud from the ShadowClanners who take them in; how much of this she hears could affect her relationship with her Clanmates going forward.
  • Will take family/kin very seriously and likely be very protective of the siblings who join the Clan with them.
  • Clan culture will take time for Marblekit to adapt to, but I do intend for her to eventually, with time, training, and patience, become a loyal ShadowClan warrior.
  • As always, this is a blueprint and Marblekit may take a very different path due to IC factors if chosen!
  • Alternative names: Sandkit, Bristlekit
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Tracking 👀



SH Lilac and white rosette tabby with dull green eyes
A skinny young thing in her youth, age and a more stable environment (or as stable an environment as ShadowClan can provide) will ensure she grows healthy and strong. She will never be a bulky cat rather more on the slender side, with long legs, and a slim face. She takes primarily after Lilacfur, inheriting the same lilac hued fur and rosette patterning from him, but with shorter fur like Siltcloud. Her lilac colouring is broken up by small splashes of white on her nose and forehead as well as white toes on her right front paw. Her eyes are bright and clear and pale green in colour.

Personality. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Praesent vitae nibh eu diam condimentum fringilla. Etiam mollis laoreet lorem, quis sagittis est lacinia quis. Mauris a ligula enim. Aliquam erat volutpat. Nam sem est, pellentesque vulputate volutpat sit amet, pulvinar vel augue. Ut nisl diam, feugiat at risus sed, consequat dignissim odio. Nunc consequat lorem id efficitur faucibus. Vestibulum consectetur tristique vulputate. Maecenas convallis feugiat est sit amet mattis. Pellentesque purus dui, vehicula non lectus nec, convallis suscipit lacus. Vestibulum est ex, porta sit amet gravida nec, lobortis vel nisi. Maecenas eu tellus sapien.
  • Despite the deeds committed by Siltcloud, will love her mother dearly. She'll accept that Siltcloud did bad things but struggle to reconcile the loving mother with the cruel cat described by clanmates.
  • Will be obsessed with legacy and her legacy. May feel doomed to walk a darker path given the actions of her mother, Granitepelt, and Pitchstar. May also feel hopeful and a tad proud about being descended from Briarstar too, which might help alleviate some concerns.
  • Notes
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Born with the naturally lithe frame of her mothers and touched by the harshness of the cold season, the plush fur that creates a protective mane around her collarbone is perhaps the only thing that conceals Poppykit's from appearing as frail as she truly is during her first few, short, moons of life. While the majority of her pelt is tinted almost blonde, the dark chocolate patches that wrap themselves around her throat, tail, and hindleg create a striking contrast within her appearance, complimented by the white freckles that bloom around her nose and left eye. Large round eyes are deep pools of green, dark enough to seem almost black under scarce moonlight. Peachy toned nose and paw pads blend smoothly with her earthy visuals.

While living with Siltcloud, Poppykit will adapt to the virtues her mother raises her by, comfortable enough to remain obedient, kind, and dutiful. In her small and shiny new world, her mother is the star gravity revolves around, Poppykit's best friend and biggest comfort. Once her voice was found, there was no turning it off with the way she will happily chatter her mothers ear off from sunrise to sundown.
Until, in what she doesn't realize is Siltclouds best attempt to save her life, she is suddenly lost in a sea of dozens of strange cats, living by rules Poppykit has only heard of in bedtime tales. With this change, it seems as though Poppykit's own light had been flickered off. She will be defensive and cautious, only ever shuffling around the outskirts rather than putting herself into the conversation. Deviance will grow within her like a weed, and most of her early time in Shadowclan will be spent evading the queens and warriors. Like a caged lion, one may not want to come too close, or she will bite.
  • As the adjustment stage slowly begins to settle, and Poppykit begins to lower her walls, the soft-spoken kitten she once was will have long been gone, in place she may begin to adopt a more forward, confrontational persona.
  • Despite remaining good-hearted, Poppykit's behavior may earn her more enemies than friends over time.
  • Persona & Development is subject to change based on IC situations and interactions, this is simply the original concept I have for her as of right now.
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Apologies for the delay - loved everyone's apps, and it was definitely a hard decision, so much so we did go ahead and add that second slot. In the end we decided to go with:

@Rynnaroo with Sycamorekit
@Marquette with Marblekit

You should be getting invites to the applicable family discords (if you aren't already in them) sometime today <3