private SILVER BULLET [☾] attack

Before the yowl of retreat is sounded from Sunstride, Sootstar leaps at Brightshine. The blue she-cat is a blur as she tries to come down upon her with forepaws outstretched, claws glinting in the light of the dusk. ”Traitor!” Spat the leader, her green eyes ablaze with a fury never seen before as thunder splits the clan, dividing cats she had once considered her most loyal against her.

Sootstar spins around, aiming to force Brightshine to stand in the sun’s direction so that it may blind her. ”I should’ve chased you and your kin out from here the moment this land became mine. I’ll allow you one last favor of getting to die here!” Again Sootstar lunges forward, her legs kicking up sand as she flies by the calico she-cat to drag her claws against her flank. It’s what Sootstar was best at, small attacks, retreat. She’ll do it again and again until she brings Brightshine to the ground and the rest of her family with her.
  • » SootSootstar
    » WindClan Leader
    » She/her ․ Mate to Weaselclaw
    » Tiny blue smoke she-cat with green eyes.
    » "Speech"thoughtsattack
  • » A high-stamina foe who can be difficult to hit.
    » Excels in quick, short moves.
    » Fights to kill and maim
    » Fatal attack of choice is an underbelly dive.
    » May powerplay minor harm. Can powerplay healing
  • Wow
Reactions: Floppie
Brightshine is caught off guard as a shadow covers the sun from where she stands by Sunstride. She blinks up in shock only to see Sootstar coming down upon her, drawing a hiss of surprise from tricolored lips. She ducks away from her and crouches, eyes following as she circles her, heels shuffling back and back until the sun beams down on her face. She squints her eyes against its light, trying to keep the mad leader in her sights. Traitor, she calls her - the word has become all too familiar to her over the last several seasons. It’s been used to describe her two sisters, her son, her friends. It’s only fitting that she now dons the title, and she will do so with pride.

Her teeth bare, high-pitched voice pitching higher in fury, “I was born under these moors, they never belonged to you, ever! I may die, you may die, but my family’s blood will always run through these tunnels!” Sootstar leaps towards her then, and Brightshine does the same, claws unsheathed. She is done cowering before the one who took her home and twisted it into something awful. She’s done not fighting for if. The blue she-cat’s claws score her flank, and Brightshine is quick to lash out with her own paws to try and claw at Sootstar’s lower legs to trip her up.

WindClan. It was not something Heavy Snow is sure he can even call by name anymore. So quickly had they been divided, split apart in two until their little group was fragmented. There were the cats who believed in Sunstride, and the cats who still clung to the hope that Sootstar had not completely lost her marbles. Heavy Snow and his family had made it clear on which side of the line in the sand they stood, and now he and his mate found themselves going toe to toe with non other than the moorland queen herself. Traitor. He hears the words spit at his mate but he does not recoil. To Sootstar, they are traitors yes but to Sunstride, to the real WindClan, they are loyal.

Sootstar is distracted with Brightshine. He can see it in the way the gray molly only focuses in on his mate, can tell by her movements and the words she directs at her like blows, he takes that moment of business to strike and, at the same time Brightshine launches her own assault, he lashes out as well. If Sootstar is successully knocked off her feet he would jump and aim to pin her, then he would aim strikes to her head with those large paws of his. If she did not trip, he would aim a different kind of attack, claws would attempt to dig into her hindquarters and shred her.

// sorry this is so horribly late