silver dagger | firepaw


it's time to acknowledge me.
Jan 3, 2023
TAGS — Ravencry wants updates on their training, which means it's Smokepaw's responsibility to squeeze that information out of his sister. The black tabby tom stalks through the heather tunnel, shaking loose snow off of his pelt as he enters camp. Not that things are much better without the cover of any trees. The blizzard's snow is intense, and with a twinge of resentment he finds himself doubting that the kittypet-coddling ThunderClanners are having as much trouble with the snowfall, what with the protection of their trees. If he didn't have a mission to do for his mother, maybe he'd find himself deep below the surface in the tunnels, but alas. And besides, he figures he wouldn't want to be caught in there once the snow started melting. With a sigh, Smokepaw continues towards the camp's burrows, wondering if Firepaw would've had the sense to huddle up in one or not.

"Firepaw!" Smokepaw calls, tail flicking behind him. "Where are you?" He can't tell her why he's seeking her out (even if she likely already knows why)- he doesn't want her to avoid him before he can even get a word in. The tunneler apprentice begrudges the ache in his paws, and tries not to begrudge Firepaw for keeping him waiting. Not that he's entirely succeeding. Their relationship has always been fraught, and anymore he doesn't think either of them are really keen on mending it. But it isn't like they hate each other. Right? "Firepawwww!"

Ravencry was akin to her shadow, always present always watching looming near her no matter where she went but never reachable rarely did she speak to Firepaw not after her blunder moons ago that left her banished to the moor above and her brother nursing a injury that would never fully heal. It’s her fault she no longer looks at her with any mirth, she let her down and she knows it she was raised to be strong the best of the best mistakes were a critical thing something below them. She’d always followed their mothers philosophies to a T, always craving her shallow affection and lukewarm encouragements that never filled her ears. She wonders sometimes if Ravencry wishes she’d been buried in that tunnel, but it’s not a thought she likes to entertain she’d earn her mothers attention again she just had to prove herself. She spends her days trying to get stronger not letting anyone tell her different and pushing her peers to do the same whilst hoping they too would see her value.

She cares very little however for how Smokepaw thinks of her, she knows better then to ponder what was behind those flaming eyes they shared. He mocked her, every word that came out of his maw twisted the metaphorical thorns embedded into her flesh. She wished he’d stay underground where he belonged in the darkness surrounded by filth. Where she didn’t need to face him… But like the pest he is he follows her buzzing around aimlessly just begging to be swatted at. Her ears twitch from where she lays half outside of one of the burrows nose crinkling with disgust as her littermate calls for her. Her teeth grit and she hopes he has the sense to go away and stop calling her name like that was gonna summon her so obediently but it doesn’t and she loses her patience springing out of the burrow.

❝Starclan, can you shut up already!❞ she yowls none to pleased to be bothered especially by him. Her tail lashes irritably ❝What do you want? and make it quick, I can only stand starin’ at your ugly mug for so long❞ she snaps ready to go back into the relative warmth of her temporary little nest.​

TAGS — "Oh good," Smokepaw rumbles when he spots his littermate at least partially sheltered in a burrow, "you won't get frostbite. Maybe." Silently his own paws flex in the snow, lips pursing as he sits through her yowling. He supposes it isn't entirely uncalled for- even though he keeps his reason for visiting implicit, it's not like he really seeks her out for any other reason. Does he resent the way Ravencry has turned them against each other? He doesn't think so, but mostly because he doesn't realize it quite yet. Smokepaw does dislike his carrier-pigeon occupation, but only because it makes these interactions feel more like a chore than a genuine attempt to check up on Firepaw. Though, he supposes he isn't sure he'd check up on her at all if Ravencry didn't make him. Hm.

"You're in a good mood," Smokepaw growls in response, non-committal. His ash-hued tail flicks behind him. Suddenly his words are caught in his throat; how could he phrase this without her shutting down completely? Ravencry wants to know how your training is going. No, he's doubtful she'd be responsive to anything mentioning their mother. He's not ignorant to the way the woman favors her sons over her daughter- but he tries to be. Still, it's not a viable avenue. I'm apprenticed to Sootstar. What do you have to show for yourself? Definitely not (even if it was a not entirely inaccurate representation of his feelings). "Um, how's your training going?" That's what he settles on. It's almost too casual for the way he'd been seeking her out. Really, she'll probably pick up on it in the end anyway, but at least he's tried.​
Firepaw was not a patient cat at the best of times, she hated playing little waiting games hated when Smokepaw skirted around and wasted her time. Her brother was never too much of a talker but he talks just enough to always get her riled, if only his tone wasn't so infuriating they'd get along more! If only he wasn't mommy's stupid lil' errand boy tail kisser. She's no mousebrain it's not hard to guess his true intentions after all why else would he care enough to seek her out when he seemed happy buried deep in the earth chattering with the moles and worms and the other tunnelers of his ilk. He would never come to just chat with her just like she wouldn't come after him, they survive off the distance they share. They live two separate lives walk two different paths and part of her prefers it that way because the more she looks at him the more she's reminded of her failure and his "sacrifice". He bore the scars of her mistake and it's not something she can ever forget, but she would be crippled or worse without him and a bitter part of her wonders if Ravencry would prefer that, at least if she was bound to camp she wouldn't have to send her esteemed son to chase after her like a flighty hare.

She'd one day be able to tell her of her progress herself, she'd become the strongest in Windclan and maybe then she'd be enough. Uncertainty swells within her. ❝Why do you care Tunnel-Boy?❞ she hisses at him already beginning to turn away from him, she doesn't care to keep eye contact why should she? ❝Better then you're doin' that's for sure❞ it's not true, her mentor couldn't keep up with her she was far to bullheaded with a temper to match they simply weren't ready for the challenge and she suffered for that fact. Yet somehow she'd say she was doing better then most of the other mewling kits she shared a 'rank' with. ​