The day has passed as they journeyed from the sand - lined border of RiverClan, winding around pines and through sparse underbrush. The sun travels with them, arcing high in the azure - washed dome of the sky until it seems content to rest in its heat - scorched centre for a moment . . . Doeblaze doesn't doubt @mica~, much like her, yearns to take such a break. The tabby had encouraged her charge to get a good amount of water at the riverbank, having anticipated the gentle heat that now blankets the earth, rising from the grass—morning dew long burnt away—and encouraging one to do nothing but have a drink and a long nap. She's apt to work long days, though, even if today is harder than most; no doubt she'll have to award poor Cloudypaw's sore paws with some choice prey and a break as soon as they're home.

" We're nearly to the ThunderClan border, " she mrrows, doing her best to keep the pair of them under the scarce shade the evergreen boughs above provide. Perhaps they should've started here, instead . . . but then again, they might not have had the fortune of meeting the RiverClan dawn patrol earlier today. Besides, they'll be spending a crucial couple of moons training in this kind of heat . . . it's best they both get inured to it, and stars know they'll be wishing it was making a return once leaf - bare descends. " Tell me what you know about them. "

Doeblaze's voice is rounded, sloped syllables spilling out with the friendliness of a hopeful mentor as her lone green eye glances towards Cloudypaw. The tabby forces the heavy fur along her shoulders to remain flat as they approach . . . ThunderClan is diplomatic and Howlingstar kind, but this border has proven itself fraught . . . ThunderClan's deputy ought to reconsider who she sends on border patrols, she thinks with a hum of amusement, they always seemed to get hit with the few bad eggs the forest Clan had to offer.

" Here we are. Now, more than ever, ensure you're being diplomatic here. " She blinks over at her apprentice, half - tail swishing behind her to shoo away a fly, no doubt having made its way over from the leaf - litter across the scent line. Doeblaze had taken pains to ensure the two of them were a solid distance from it, so no claw - happy young warriors decided they were trespassing. " ThunderClan is friendly more often than not, " Thanks, in part, to the efforts of her late mate . . . the mention stings, but she finds herself startlingly able to push the weight of memory away and focus on the tabby pelt at her side. No better way to honor that work than to pass it on to Cloudypaw. She clears her throat and adds, " but it doesn't hurt to be careful. "

OOC : No need to wait for Cloudypaw to post! :-)
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"Well, well, if it isn't our friends in SkyClan!" Raccoonstripe's voice is languid, lazy, dripping superiority. He beckons Thistlepaw closer with his tail, his dark gaze narrowed with thought. The scarred, long-pelted she-cat that stands with what he assumes is her apprentice is faintly familiar to him. Is that the cat he replaced my sister with? Distaste curdles his muzzle, though he manages to turn the disturbed smile into a smirk.

"Bobbie," he finally says, remembering. She had served Blazestar for a short period of time, unique enough with her kittypet's name. "It's been sometime since I've seen you at our border. Who's this?" He narrows his eyes, flicking them from Bobbie to the apprentice in question. Another kittypet, he thinks with some sourness.

"This is Thistlepaw, my apprentice." He twitches his tail tip against the dark tom's flank.

  • ooc: @THISTLEPAW
  • 74327127_amPwOaY4eGaGkj8.png
  • Raccoon . Raccoonstripe, he/him w/ masculine terms.
    — "speech”, thoughts, attack
    — 43 moons old, ages realistically on the 5th.
    — mentored by n/a ; mentoring Thistlepaw ; previously mentored Wildheart, Moonwhisper
    — thunderclan lead warrior. gray wolf x howlingstar, gen 2.
    — currently mated to Nightbird.
    — penned by Marquette.

    lh black tabby with white and dark brown eyes. charismatic, charming, calculating, ambitious, shallow, manipulative.


Burnstorm pads along at his uncle's side as they make their way to SkyClan's border. Some talk is passed between them, but its surface level at best. He had never exactly been close with Racconstripe, but no longer did he hold the same anomosity towards the dust-coated tom as he did when he was an apprentice and his every move was questioned, when he couldn't even breathe without judgement rolling off his kin like waves. Prove them wrong His mother had said in that gentle voice of hers when he had complained about it to her one night. So he had.

He looks across the border at the she-cat who stands across it, the same disgust worming its way through him at the sight of the kittypet beyond. Unlike Racconstripe he makes no effort to hide it and he makes no move to greet her. He would let his uncle do the talking here if he so wished but Bobbie would not find a friendly face in the likes of his features, so similar to his fathers, like a blackened shadow of him.

  • 73593410_oSE7LuZcU8tOnrY.png
    A large, sharp tongued, tom with long black fur and golden, oval shaped, eyes.
    Difficult in battle. A skilled fighter + fights honorably
"Must we always greet them..." Skyclaw huffs beneath his breath, no different than a petulant child being told to hug a distant relative. Fadingpaw is held close to his side with a flick of his tail, amber eyes fitting onto the she-cat across the way. He notes her ugly scarring with a pursed lip, noting silently that something must've scooped her up and shook her about. Maybe a dog, if she erred still in the twoleggedplace. Ugh.

He's not polite in extending a greeting. Raccoonstripe is as kind as he is boastful, excited to share his bountiful news no doubt. ThunderClan is always thriving when they're meeting opposing Clans - no one would dare share that they're poisoned from the inside, with a pitiful, thin-skinned leader tugging them about. A sigh rattles from his chest as he finally turns to Fadingpaw, hissing a clipped, "Say nothing," to the she-cat. They have nothing to give to the fed and comfortable. He will teach her that.​
જ➶ Quietly he hangs back at the fringes of this patrol, eyes surveying the territory and making sure that @Dwindlingpaw is close by his side. This outing is among the first for her and he wishes nothing ill to befall then. The guardian feline keeps himself at the rear only for the purpose to safeguard should it be necessary. As they come upon the Skyclan border he glances to his apprentice then. "This is Skyclan's border. They are unique in how their clan functions. Much different from our own as they allow cats from the twolegplace to come and go. They maintain their warriorhood and are willing to put their lives on the line for Skyclan just as we do for Thunderclan." The tom informs gently as he allows his gaze to life up and peer at the mentor and apprentice on the other side. Personally he has no ill towards the Skyclan cats and thus he merely dips his head in greeting himself.

"Hello, is this your apprentice's first time to the border? If so it is my own as well. You can say hi Dwindlingpaw." Gently he attempts to nudge his apprentice forward, keeping himself close to Racconstripe as the lead talks to the Skyclanners.
*+:。.。 Wrathpaw pads alongside his mentor, @WILDHEART , as they catch up to the rest of the patrol. Large ears flick as he sees why the rest of the party has stopped, eyes falling on - he winces. The woman standing on the other side of the border is terribly scarred, her ears practically hanging on by threads. She reminds him of Fallowpaw, but as soon as that thought endears her to him, Raccoonstripe's name-drop makes him stiffen. Bobbie. "What a horrible name" he mumbles under his breath, deep blue eyes narrowing into abyssal depths. Unconsciously, Wrathpaw starts to walk ahead of his mentor, coming to stand beside Skyclaw who's equally inflamed ire he finds camaraderie with. His attention snaps briefly to Bluestride as he explains to his apprentice the odd customs of their dishonorable neighbors. Wrathpaw's nose wrinkles with disgust, tension running down his spine as he imagines what cowardice would lead a warrior to abandon their clan for two-leg-place and then be allowed right back in. Kitty-pets he thinks with lips pulled back in disgust.
His eyes fall on the apprentice standing beside her. Poor kid, trained by a coward. Thunderclan was doomed.

  • // OOC opinions I'm sorry he's a brat!

    DMAB— He/Him
    9 moons — Ages 1 moon every month real-time
    Brother to Lovelight, Joywing, Laughblossom || Pridepaw, Merrypaw
    Thunderclan — Kit
    Mentored by Wildheart

    Physically mediocre | mentally easy
    Attack in bold #4a59ff
    injuries: None currently
⁺₊⋆ ☀︎ ⋆⁺₊ Although there was a clear distinction between the two clans, her hesitation kept her near her mentor's side with her ears tucked as she scanned the strange border. Some of her clanmates got closer to the border, while others stayed back.Strange cats were patrolling too, but on the other side, which caught her off guard. The young apprentice appreciated Bluestride's calm demeanor on patrol; some of her clanmates sorely needed to fix their disgusted faces, and she felt humiliated to be connected with them.

@BLUESTRIDE turned to face her, and in her desperation for a diversion, she met his stare with open curiosity. She had heard rumors about Skyclan as a kit, but it confused her to learn that although their warriors are free to travel to their two legs—almost like Kittypets—they are nonetheless devoted to their clan. Dwindlingpaw did not question her mentor vocally, but she did tip her head to the side. Dwindlingpaw's mouth drops open when Bluestride turns to acknowledge the Skyclaners. And she hurries to mimic his head moment as he introduces her. Cream brows furrowed together at his nudging to go forward but she complies. "Hello, it is terribly hot but nice to meet you"

  • ooc:
  • 84389885_V6q52PfdEXDypST.png

    Dwindlingpaw— She/Her ・ Thunderclan Apprentice・ PENNED BY @Ghostunes!
    ☀︎ A fluffy (LH) flame point kit with low white and has blue eyes
    ☀︎ Crimsonsun x Shadedmoon
𓆝 . ° ✦Cloudypaw had yet to even get used to his new name before being pulled about the territory. Doeblaze's words made him slow in thought. What did he know? Not much. "Um, I don't know really anything, I just learned they're even there..." he admitted quietly. "They seem kinda like us, I guess," he added. He definitely appreciated her patience so far with him.

Raccoonstripe's voice was... sickening. Not in a way he could place, but in a way that made him uncomfortable. They looked between the ThunderClan patrol. They might not know much, but they could at least tell where they weren't wanted. They hadn't quite filled out yet since, y'know, getting fed regularly, and it was apparent to him upon seeing their neighbor's. Mica- Cloudypaw, decided that maybe trying to shrink himself was the better option here. Usually worked before. These cats were not as friendly as Doeblaze made them out to be, at least from this meeting.
 ° .  . ° 
  • ooc:
  • 68747470733a2f2f73332e616d617a6f6e6177732e636f6d2f776174747061642d6d656469612d736572766963652f53746f7279496d6167652f5946625a416c54423263767043773d3d2d3433383230373331322e313463666332353665323430663131353434313033333535343434382e6a7067
    lanky and tall light brown tabby with high white and green eyes. Big ol' himbo.
Wildheart prowled after the patrol, admittedly with growing conflict in his heart. From afar he had watched how a section of the clan had turned down a darker road, and it had seemingly taken Wrathpaw down with it. Upon hearing his apprentice's comment he found his lip curling back into the begins of a snarl. "Watch your tongue!" He snapped before watching the youth hurry ahead to join Skyclaw. A low growl rumbled in his throat as he quickened his pace in order to keep level with them both. Looking towards the SkyClanners he then dipped his head in greeting. "How are things in SkyClan?"
  • Crying
Reactions: WRATHHOWL
He doesn't say it, but it's. . . difficult not to agree with both Wrathpaw and Skyclaw. Raccoonstripe keeps him in line, but Thistlepaw's eyes are narrowed and judging from across the border. Bobbie, he said. A kittypet's name– surely she was one of their daylight warriors, then, coming to teach another of their kittypets how to play pretend. It grates. He doesn't realize it at first, but then it comes with vicious intensity — it hurts. Being confronted with a life better than his own– had his mother chosen SkyClan rather than ThunderClan, would they look at him so poorly? Would they whisper about kittypet blood, and weakness? He wouldn't be as strong there. That's how the older apprentice soothes his aching heart. Without the strength of ThunderClan warriors, he would fall into the same pit they were trying to protect their clan from.

Kittypets had no place in the forest. He'll only play nice because his mentor is. "Don't do that," he mutters to the shrinking Cloudypaw. "Be better. Stand up." Far from a mentor himself, or even the helpful older clanmate teaching a young apprentice how to most efficiently do their chores, Thistlepaw speaks as if trying to instill the forest into this stranger's blood. "You can't hide."

  • OOC.
  • 𝐓𝐇𝐈𝐒𝐓𝐋𝐄𝐏𝐀𝐖. HE - HIM. YOUNG APPRENTICE OF THUNDERCLAN. ————— the son of an ex-kittypet has spent most of his life confined to the medicine den. bad circumstances and worse healing left him in a limbo between life and death which he only just escaped. he feels he must prove himself a great warrior so his clanmates will see him as anything more than a weak kittypet.   PENNED BY REVELATIONS

    a prickly-furred chocolate and slate cat with amber eyes. finally growing into his frame with moons of hard work and steady enough food, thistlepaw has taken a blocky, bulky shape with broad shoulders and densely muscled hindlimbs. his fur remains a tough-edged cloak, but now carries a well-groomed sheen despite how unruly it is.
  • Nervous
Reactions: cloudypaw~
Truly, she understands there are only so many warm and able bodies in one Clan, but . . . stars above, was Flamewhisker trying to send her least friendly warriors to their border? Send them over to WindClan, for the sake of the stars! The moor Clan, though presided over by a new leader, had more than enough transgressions on their conscience to at least deserve this kind of behavior; what had SkyClan ever done to them? They could at least be diplomatic, if they weren't going to be nice, but that seems to be asking too much of the small army of ThunderClanners that gather before her, as if they all had some kind of Clanwide alarm for holy shit, there's a SkyClanner on the border!

That's mean, she thinks, but it's hard not to be in the face of the many glittering, unfriendly eyes across the border. Then Raccoonstripe greets her, voice lazily arrogant: Bobbie, he says, and she holds fast against the old name; hides the way her muzzle wants to twist as the faces of the patrol sharpen with distaste, disgust on the bitterness of her kittypet's name on their tongues. Her sharp green eye flicks to the tabby lead warrior, to the soot - dusted countenace of Burnstorm; family of Little Wolf, whose soul rests among the stars. One of them the son of her late mate, the identity of whom lingers in her new name.

" It's Doeblaze, now, actually, " she corrects pleasantly enough, half - tail flicking with the nervous energy she works to keep off her face. Spite curls, a small flame popping into life; they will look down on her no matter which name she bears, after all. " And this is Cloudypaw, my own apprentice, " she mrrows after a nod of greeting to the prickly - looking countenance of his apprentice.

She does not look at Burnstorm more than in passing as she glances over the rest of the ThunderClanners; she does not need to see a ghost's face twisted in disgust, gnarled like the sprawling roots of an old tree, rough - barked and resentful, resistant of climbing claws. The tabby - patched shape of SkyClaw, too, is given little more than a flicker of a holly - bitter green eye; for now, at least, when she does not know the blood of her sons stains his claws.

" Indeed, it is, " she meows with a nod to Bluestride, appreciative that someone in the forest Clan has retained the skills of diplomacy and etiquette alongside hunting and fighting. If you asked her, the art of the silver tongue could be as difficult as that of the flashing claw, not that she'd dare voice that opinion around this cloud. His ginger apprentice steps forward to say hi, in opposite to the sour countenance of Wrathpaw; at least someone here is setting a good example for Cloudypaw of how to act on the border. She supposes the rest of them are demonstrating how not to.

" Greenleaf is treating us well, as I hope it is you, " she replies to the friendly ginger - and - black cat with her own incline of the head, eye flicking between the faces of the more friendly cats and the hissing mutters of Thistlepaw. " Best we get going, " Doeblaze mrrows, eager to leave these scowling muzzles and unfriendly eyes behind. She nudges Cloudypaw, nods a goodbye to the group of ThunderClanners, and makes to disappear between the stout trunks of the pines.

OOC : Out unless stopped!

More of their patrol catches up and Burnstorm lets out a small huff of agreement to his kins words. Why couldn't they just go their separate ways and skip this whole dance where they pretended SkyClan was still among their allies? They had made it clear by their psuedo gathering with RiverClan where their loyalties lay and it was not among the cats of the oak forest - that alliance, it seems, had died along with his father.

His father. The cat before him was Bobbie, and he remembers her name called at a gathering along with the names of kits he hopes to never meet. Lionkit in particular. An insult. Bobbie had taken something that belonged to his mother, to his family, and turned it into a mockery and here she was, doing it again, parading around with a new name that brings a snarl to his shadowed features. "You've gotta be kidding me" he scoffs as she turns to walk away, too afraid to face them it seemed based on the fact that she would not meet his narrowed gaze. "Yes, best you do Doeblaze" he spits and upon his lips it is a jaunt, an insult in every sense and as she turns back to her clan to retreat, he finds himself leaning closer to his brother and speaks plainly, loud enough that the speckled warrior could hear as she draws further away from them "She can change her name to whatever she likes but it doesn't change who she really is inside." and then he turns to the rest of the patrol. His kin, Bluestride, and their army of apprentices "We should be off too. There is still much that needs to be done. A whole nother border that needs patrolled. And with that, he turns and stalk off without waiting for the rest of the patrol to follow.

  • 73593410_oSE7LuZcU8tOnrY.png
    A large, sharp tongued, tom with long black fur and golden, oval shaped, eyes.
    Difficult in battle. A skilled fighter + fights honorably
  • Angry
Reactions: cloudypaw~