Silver-lined Clouds [Whisker]

. Wildflower .

Friends with the monster under my bed ~
Jul 14, 2022

✵ ღ ☾ LOVE WITH EVERY STRANGER - As charismatic and sociable as the molly seemed, in truth, she was often terrible at introductions, so she opted for a bold impression most of the time- though most often rejected that, she never really took notice, unless they were outright rude, but that hasn’t happened so far!
She was enjoying a robin for her lunch when someone settled near by, possibly enjoying their own food, but Wildflowers attention was quickly caught, and she looked up.
Oh, she knew this cat! Whiskey? No… Whisker? Yeah, that was it. She hadn’t interacted with them much, but this was a golden opportunity if she ever had one!
❝ Do you think the sun goes to sleep like we do and that’s why it disappears at night?❞ She prompted, genuine curiosity in her pine hues as she looked to Whisker, her head tilting to the side. ❝ Because I think it does! I only wonder what it’s nest looks like… I don’t think there is moss and bracken in sky… maybe clouds? I’m not sure. What do you think? ❞ She added after a brief moment.

❝ Speech. ❞

They'd just settled down with a mouse, tucking long forelegs underneath themselves, when a voice nearby diverts their attention. Whisker blinks at the gray she-cat, who they've inconveniently forgotten the name of, as she asks them a bizarre question... They aren't the greatest at conversation starters themselves, but this one is much less awkward than the typical small talk of weather and prey.

They mull over the question, humming to themselves in thought. They've... never thought about where the sun goes during the night, truthfully. But maybe her theory is right? The ashen-furred she-cat, who they are calling Sleepy Sun for now, claims that she believes her theory in full. Whisker isn't entirely convinced, but they nod anyways. "Yeah! I mean, yeah, that makes sense!" A lie. It seems rather far-fetched... The sun isn't even alive, after all, so how could it sleep?

Or, at least, they didn't think it was alive.

Oh, but they're not going to tell Sleepy Sun that they doubt her theory. Not in a million moons. That could ruin their chances of becoming friends with her. "Clouds look comfortable; I'm sure they'd make good nests?" They're essentially just parroting what Sleepy Sun had said, but it's the safest option. No room for disagreement when they're in agreement, right?

"So, if the sun sleeps during the night... Does that mean that the moon sleeps during the day?"

✵ ღ ☾ LOVE WITH EVERY STRANGER - The joy radiated off of Wildflower as Whisker entertained her whimsical thoughts.
❝ You’re so right! Now I wish I had a cloud nest… ❞ she gleefully chirped, even shuffling a bit closer to be able to hear the other better.
Now, Whisker had a question of their own, and Wildflower took a moment to ponder the inquiry.
❝ Hmm… that would make sense. Maybe the moon and sun turns in the sky- ❞ she began to muse, but stopped herself to really think about it.
❝ Well, I suppose they aren’t conscious beings, but maybe they’re like flowers are in the cold months, and the sun stops glowing at night, while the moon “wakes up”… ❞ She hummed, her gaze straying as she began to inwardly wander off, but luckily she caught herself.
❝ Anyways! How’re you liking it here so far? I’ve never lived with so many cats at once, so it’s a bit nerve wracking! I’ve always been on my own- well, except for the last few moons ❞ She redirected the conversation, using her best social skills with the hope of a new friend in mind, she turned her glowing gaze back to Whisker, finding that she was quite enjoying their company already.

❝ Speech. ❞

Whisker chuckles as Sleepy Sun practically glows with joy, nodding. "Mhm, me too," they hum, their gaze drifting to the clouds floating lazily above. They do look comfortable, don't they? Whisker wonders how soft they are.

The bicolor feline watches through the corners of their eyes as Sleepy Sun ponders over their question, their head tilting at her answer. Thinking of the sun and moon like flowers does make more sense to them. Maybe Sleepy Sun is right after all? Whisker purrs. "Huh. Yeah, you're probably right!" Now they're beginning to believe it themselves.

Sleepy Sun asks them how they're settling in, confiding in them that it's been nerve-wracking for her. Whisker blinks sympathetically, and they nod once more. "Yeah, it's definitely... different." Their fur prickles suddenly, feeling as if eyes are scrutinizing them from all around. Had anyone overheard the doubt that slipped past? Their gaze darts around, but they cannot pinpoint the source. "Uh, but I mean, I've been doing good! I like it a lot here, yep..." Not necessarily a lie, but not the whole truth, either. They're having a hard time fitting in. Too many faces to remember. Too many names. Too many changes. It makes their head reel.

"So, uh, what's your favorite thing about living in..." Oh, no. They've forgotten the name of this group again. "" Their voice is drawn out in an uncomfortable manner, their ear tips burning.