silver linings [open/playing in the mist]


OOC- okay, i live by a big-ass river and on days where the wind is SUPER crazy coming off the water, we'll get these gusts of wind that have water mist in them- it's kind of hard to describe, but its sort of like if you put a garden hose on mist mode, but finer???? If any of you have ever been on the maid of the mist at niagra falls you'll have a vague idea of what I mean lol, only not as instense as that, obviously. Thought it would be fun to throw it at the cats XD // next poster can feel free to either be the cat talking to Johnny, or to just treat it as an NPC. Whichever you prefer!

The wind that had struck the territory over the last few days had been nothing short of intense and consistent. It made it difficult to track prey, and walking in the trees had become a far riskier thing with torrents of winds threatening to blast you out of the branches all day. It was that very thing that had the tomcat on the ground, short, stocky frame braced against the wall of wind trying to bar him from and the rest of the patrol from reaching their destination.

Luckily though, the river wasn't all that far off.

The wind honestly wasn't doing much to cut through the heat, just blasting hot air around and making things difficult. And so imagine Johnnys pleasant surprise when the river finally came into view, only to find the violent gusts of wind blowing sprays of mist right off the water. Their side of the riverbank was damp and muddy, and the plantlife and trees misted over with water.

A damn beautiful sight considering the heat in the air.

"Johnny.." came a voice of warning from behind him, a clanmate who could clearly see the mischievous look glinting in those amber eyes of his, but he only laughed and charged forward.

The patched tabby skid through the mud just as another violent gust of wind sent a spray of misty water over him, dampening his fur and causing him to howl with laughter.

"Stars that's refreshing!" he said as he shook out his coat, almost slipping and falling into the mud beneath him in the process with an amused yelp.

"Didn't your twolegs just give you a bath this morning? For the love of-"

"Ah, haud yer wheesht!" he called back with a playful growl, flicking a bit of mud at the cat. "Come cool off with me- might as well take advantage of all this wind."


Twitchbolt was not one to disparage others for enjoying the wonders of weather- thus, he did not say a word pertaining to discouraging Johnny from what others could clearly tell he was about to do. The sight of it- misted water, almost like rain in stasis, being flung by the wind and yet keeping up a consistent fog... the ensuing conversation between other patrol members was blanked out almost completely by the warrior as he let his mismatched eyes settle upon the vision of this... odd occurrence, brought on by nothing else than the surreal hands of a storm.

He could not hide his smile.

Mud clung to his pelt, blending in with his brown legs and camouflaging his white one, as he walked into the spindrift after Johnny. It wasn't quite as violent as direct rainfall, but certainly felt- his scruffy pelt glimmered like dew-coated branches as he too was hit with a gust, his eyes fluttering closed as it washed over him.

"Have you- you ever seen this before?" he asked Johnny, wide eyes inquisitive despite the slight spasm of his neck as he had stuttered. He was unbothered by the muddiness, the wetness- let all those ugly parts of the weather wash over him like it was a cleansing he had needed for moons.
penned by pin ✧

⭒✧ Chalk's legs dipped between boulders, pale stilts wavering in his pursuit of whatever caught his interest. A twist of perspiration drew his eye. It slid across the earth in shivering waves, curled by currents of air. Johnny's silhouette phasing into a wall of rain, the texture of which finer than any water he had seen in his life, quickly replaced his investigations. That was new.

The crests of his ears grew cold. Air, thick with vapour, pressed against his fur. Chalk found himself beside Twitchbolt and was glad the warrior was as quiet as he was- he didn't want to think up a conversation just yet. He let each sensation linger in his attention before moving on to the next. And then, with a decisive blink, he split off to catch up with Johnny. A measured enthusiasm fuelled each step- still cataloguing the phenomenon. The mud was slick beneath him, the light sporadically splintering into colours- waves, that's what twolegs called it.

Gracelessly avoiding a stumble, he managed to croak out, "Yes- is this common?" Chalk squinted as another wave rolled over them. "I never knew the wind could kick up water like this, from ground level." The mud flung between their clanmates caught his gaze for a moment. With a wet paw, he penned a swirl through the moisture-dimpled clay, savouring the feeling.
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"Nope, never seen it in my life." the tailless tomcat replied,flexing his toes in the mud with a grin and wrinkling his nose at the gross sound it made. "Not about to start complaining though- it's been hotter than a thunderpath in greenleaf even with all the wind."

The mud was quick to stain the white fur of his legs and chest, but he didn't seem to mind it in the least. "Come on, let's see who can make the longest slide track!" he said, flashing the pair a grin before he suddenly ran forward and then slid through the watery mud.

Dirty water sprayed up in either direction, and in the end he managed to get a pretty good distance from it. "WOO! Beat that, boys!" he laughed as he turned to face the pair, glaring at them in friendly challenge.

OOC- you don't have to, but I rolled in discord to see how far he went. He got a 14, so not bad? XD

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His smile warmed at the presence of another, one of his... shelter-mates (an odd phrase)... Chalk. He spoke a little more- more eloquently than Twitchbolt had, though. Despite the inconvenience of the rushing, relentless storm-wind, he was glad that there were other cats who could appreciate how beautiful and interesting it could be too, where many others might run and hide. Mud slicked to his limbs, flattening his fur like a clogging quartet of socks, but despite the normal signs of anxiety that stuttered along his musculature he seemed profoundly and oddly unbothered.

Games were- were not the sort of thing he'd been invited to partake in as a child, nor had he particularly come up with his own. Faced with the opportunity to partake now, as a warrior- it was odd, but he met it with a continued grin. "You're on," he said, allowing the patchy daylight warrior to surge forward and slide his own distance. Observing the technique, Twitchbolt was not long to follow; it was a wave of sludge that sprayed behind him, but as he screeched to a halt he found he was a tail-length or so behind Johnny.

"We'll- we'll have to have a rematch," he said, the smallest shudder of a laugh in his voice. Being a sore loser was simply not in his genetic makeup, it seemed, for the glow of enjoyment from him had not dulled even in his loss. Humoured, he turned his head and set humoured eyes expectantly upon Chalk.

\ rolled an 11 !!
penned by pin ✧

⭒✧ A heavy breath, laden with amusement, broke from Chalk’s inquisitive countenance. ‘Hotter than a thunderpath in greenleaf’ was an apt description. He’d had to stray from his typical spots on the windowsill at the learningplace to the trees nearby, which while cooler reduced his view of the lessons being taught. He levelled his gaze at the lead warrior, mouth open on the edge of another question, when the twin-tone tom began to rush through the mud.

The displacement of muck was a sight to see, though it was hard to see as some dashed wetly across Chalk’s flanks. His ears flared in shock. He didn’t know why it was more uncomfortable to have it in his pelt like that when he’d been walking through it fine- likely something to do with it being unwittingly. The loner wasn’t put off though, instead tucking his newfound dislike in his growing list of discoveries.

Twitchbolt lanced after the other, scoring another grove in the mud. A little shorter but still an impressive distance. It took him a beat to gather his plan, fanciful boards of equations drifting through his mind before Chalk met Twitchbolt’s expectant look. "I don’t know know successful this will be..." Getting a little run-up and striking what he hoped was an aerodynamic pose, the now not-so-pale cat skimmed towards them. It was cold and wet but had his heart in his throat in seconds.

Chalk came to rest several paces past the pair, managing to halt the skid with surprising ease. Success! "Well. I think I won?" The sly satisfaction that warped his maw countered his dry tone. "I think a rematch would prove the results more reliable." Smugness drained away with a chuff of laughter as he tossed his chin down in a nod. Then, with a glance of muted thanks to Johnnyflame, Chalk wriggled his mire-soaked tail. "This makes the grooming later worth it."

/rolled a 16
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