pafp SILVER SPRING [✨] SkyClan hunting patrol


Figfeather takes in the warm green-leaf air on her fur as she steps from the shade of the pine forest. The river hums its usual melody as it flows to the south, it’s tides calm and graceful today.

A cicada chirps in the distance as she approaches @CHRYSALISWING and @oakrumble who huddle at the edge of the water. She eyes the younger of the tom-cats suspiciously, noting that his paw hovered above the water. Not before sharing a sideways glance with @Daisypaw she meows ”What are you doing?” Her nose scrunches in disbelief.

(Please wait for at least 1 skyclan warrior before replying!)

Greenleaf spread its wings upon Chrysaliswing's purling fur, like a deluge mellowed into the breath of the summer, gracious and fortunate beast upon his skin. With the prosperous season surely followed the prey in its stead, a parade of feline's delight and ire alike. Kittypets always gave into the well of gluttony, but on days like these, it was hard for clan cats not to do the same. Only the chirp of a lone cicada graced the patrol's ears, a mere splash of a raindrop to douse the silence, as if nature could not stand to truly suspend itself for long. Bustling and buzzing and budding, even the grass could not stay itself for long. To mistake the noise for chaos was unwise, though, aside from the stirrings of one Skyclan patrol. The river rustled and riled before Chrysaliswing's paws, like the brine kissing at the bilge of a ship, running its hands all along the deck of the sandbanks. It was still so foreign to the chimaeric tomcat, who viewed the waters as some uncrossable territory, something that he should not dabble in. Still, he tested his luck with the abyss, and hoped it would not chide his insolence.

Chrysaliswing did not know what compelled him to attempt to catch a fish. It was partially curiosity, like a fear of missing out what he could try. It was partially stupidity, for his clanmates could not save him if he tripped into the rolling river. As he crouched near the roiling waves of the river, the water gurgled back at him like it spat of aspersion, like it knew that he had overstepped his domain. He maintained his ground, mismatched eyes squinting and piercing at the light. Whiskers bobbed up and down with the motion of the droplets, like it rode to their rhythm, or perhaps was beholden to do nothing but. Silver dart blinked upon the murk of the unknown, and Chrysaliswing immediately slapped his paw into the water, moreso like a sunken anchor than anything of Riverclan's elegance. Unsheathed claws caught upon a strangely rough and moving body, much to his surprise. He immediately pulled up a medium-sized fish, of glimmering silvers and bulging eye, as though he had taken from the pulp of the seas itself. He hadn't the expertise to tell what kind of fish this was, only that it would slowly suffocate out of the water, heaving breaths a silent cry to deaf suns. "Uh... We're eating fish tonight, I guess." He stammered.

  • OOC:
  • eUVAhNL.png
  • —— CHRYSALISWING / He/They / 27 Moons
    —— Warrior of Skyclan / Mentoring n/a
    —— A long-haired tomcat with chimaeric patterning. His left side is fully black and his right side is black splotched with sunset-orange. He has complete heterochromia, with his right eye being a bright green and his left eye being a glowering yellow.
    —— Abrasive, temperamental, and critical. Approach at your own risk and engage at your own cost. Despite this, he is a hard worker and quick to call out what he finds wrong.
    —— Penned by Tempest. Contact on Discord (naruk4mi) for plots and threads.


-ˋˏ The greenleaf heat warms Oakrumble's long coat, causing her to warily pant besides Chrysaliswing. It is a heat that makes her near-silent on the patrol, ears pressed back against her skull as she eagerly awaits for their return to camp. As soon as Oakrumble saw Chrysaliswing pull away from the patrol towards the riverside, Oakrumble eagerly padded after with the intentions to lap up the cool water. Her neck now careens forward to watch the tom's paw hover over the bubbling river- perfectly still as they wait.

It is surprising when a black and orange-splotched paw hit the water and clumsily pull out a glimmering fish. Oakrumble rears back, droplets of water flying onto her rotund face from the thrashing creature. She had not actually expected Chrysaliswing to catch such a thing, and the surprise is highlighted in her mouth, partially agape. She exclaims, "Well damn! Look at that!" The fish is dropped by the tom and it continues to flop helplessly on the ground, much to the sadness of Oakrumble- just because it is not their usual prey, it should not suffer pointlessly- and so she bats a broad paw at it, dispatching it with one stroke.

Her striped face turns as she hears Figfeather's inquiry, a grin twisting on her disporportional face. "Dinner," she agrees with Chrystaliswing, a broad shoulder shrugging. "It.... should feed at least two, don't ya think?"

  • OAKRUMBLE she/her, warrior of skyclan, 56 moons.
    lh chocolate torbie, stout and muscular she-cat with an overbite.
    important relations blah blah idk
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted / / underline and tag when attacking

    penned by @ken_Unot, feel free to dm for plots on disc!



The cry comes from across the reed-woven border that separates the land of rivers from dense pines. Suggestion of words exchanged are carried by the wind towards the RiverClanners, only ever increasing in volume with each pawstep; the babble of the streams do not hinder their ability to overhear private conversation, ears already accustomed to the lull of such background noises. Eveningpaw knows to expect company, but she had not expected to see theft.

Spikes of fur stand on end as she regards the SkyClanners with angry hostility. "That's ours! Fish are RiverClan prey!" How could they? How did the one with mismatched eyes even manage to hook one? The technique is so off... those paws should never come into contact with fish.

Restless paws tear at the grass — her desire to jump into action is evident, but she does not know how this goes. Do they attack instantly? Eveningpaw stares at Gladefrost with clear desperation in her eyes, throwing a more quiet accusation that transforms her into a petty kitten, rather than an outraged and territorial apprentice. "They're taking our food."

Foxtail pushes through the reeds shortly after Eveningpaw, his olive green eyes widening at the fish that lays on the other side of the river. It lays in the claws of a SkyClanner with mismatched eyes, and a bicolored pelt.... and Foxtail's fur bristles as the fish helplessly flops on the shore. "R-Release it," He demands as he struggles to hold back a stammer; the SkyClanner that swiped it out of the river sounds quite.... surprised at himself. You were just lucky, He thinks to himself, considering how it flops helplessly.... the SkyClanner doesn't know what to do with it.

"That f-fish belongs to RiverClan, it's our prey...." He glances over at the red tabby with the mangled hind leg, her nose wrinkles with disbelief at the sight of her two clanmates. She can see how wrong this is just as he can— will she allow her patrolmates to break the warrior code? His olive green eyes briefly plead to her orange eyes, before looking back at the two prey-stealing SkyClanners. StarClan, he doesn't want blood to be drawn— but will he have to initiate attack if the SkyClanners refuse? He tries to stop his limbs from shaking as he hisses one more time. "...Let it go, n-now."

  • apprentice tag @PEBBLEPAW
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    credit to raphaelion (via da) for the artwork <3
  • Foxtail
    lead warrior
    22 moons
    experience: trained
    backstory: [HYPERLINK]
    biography: [HYPERLINK]
    credit to trops for the chibi <3
    cisgender male [he / him]
    eyes: green
    pelt: cinnamon/chocolate
    fur length: long
    parents: dawnflower and redfur (riverclan npcs)

જ➶ Baleful eyes watch from the shadows of reeds as the Skyclanners sit upon the bank of the river. Her muzzle twitches and she remembers Hazecloud's annoying words the last time she talked to the kittypet clan. Yet what she observed is even more grieving than showing a little apprentice to the border. They sit there watching the waters, a clumsy paw held over the flowing current. Shadows so splayed over the river that she doubts they will be able to catch anything that way. Besides the fish that swim through belong to Riverclan and Riverclan alone. Yet just the same as everyone else present they stab their paw into the water and actually manage to nab one. Immediately she steps from the reeds after Eveningpaw's sharp words, hackles raised and tail snapping back and forth. "You better drop it if you know what's good for you." Her tone is easily hostile, vengeful ambers locked on the Skyclanners.

Truthfully she has no issue with bounding the river to strike against them. If they wish for blood to be spilled then this is the best way to do it surely. Stealing prey from another clan and she will most certainly not allow for Riverclan to be showed up by kittypets. "You'll get one warning, so make the right decision." Quick to anger but always loyal to her clan the warrior's claws flex against the ground.