private SILVER SPRINGS — orangeblossom

Having just returned to camp from the latest patrol, the Maine Coon gave a quick shake of his snow-flecked shoulders and deposited his pair of catches onto the fresh-kill pile. It seemed that the lead warrior had some luck today on today's hunt. The scarred tom's stomach stirred, craving the taste of tender meat, but catching a quick glance of the red-splashed deputy was enough to subdue any hunger he felt. Clawing at his gut now was a feeling of anxiety, though his neutral features were betraying his inner turmoil.

Then, an idea strikes him — he takes the blue jay he caught into his jaws, lifting his head and addressing the she-cat through a mouthful of feathers, "Orangeblossom," Slate nearly calls her Ora, as he usually does, but reminds himself otherwise. He wonders if the deputy prefers others to use her full name — if she viewed it as a matter of respect or something like that.

Slate faces the smaller feline, flicking his shredded ear twice — a sign, perhaps telltale if Orangeblossom took note of such things, that his nerves were acting up. "I, uh... thought you'd like this." He hated this. He hated thinking too much about what he was saying. He hated obsessing about how he came off, if it looked like he was trying too much or maybe too little. Slate did not want to diminish his relationship with Orangeblossom so soon after they've begun to reconcile but did not want to come off strongly at all. Maybe this was not so bad. This was nothing but a friendly gesture, right?

Alright, maybe he should put this damn bird down instead of sounding like a mousebrain by trying to speak through a maw of feathers. So he does, laying the prey onto the snow and nudging it forward. The charcoal-hued male swiped his tongue over his lips before adding, "I mean, I didn't catch it for you, but I... want you to have it." His ear twitches again. Stars, it feels odd to actually reach out to a clanmate, even if it was someone he was more comfortable with. It's so much easier to stick to his old ways and keep to himself, but... something about the deputy inspires Slate. He likes talking to her, even if he can only manage to steal a couple of moments with her busy schedule and all. "... If y' want it." He couldn't force her to accept his offering, but there was no harm in trying.

  • @orangeblossom
  • 65130298_NehVJpKdIdopdn5.png
    —— he/him; lead warrior of skyclan; former rogue
    —— bisexual; single; not looking
    —— hulking, scarred charcoal-black colored maine coon with amber eyes
    —— "speech", thoughts, attack
    —— link to full tags; @ on discord for plots.
    —— penned by beatles