Simple little talks {Butterfly}

Jun 14, 2022
( ) Oh yes, Deersong had heard about what Tugger had done to poor, sweet Butterflypaw. It made her angry of course, but Deersong had never really been one to show when something angered her. It always left her feeling so drained and tired afterward. But when she heard about her friends' feeble attempt at an apology, a sigh of exasperation had left her lips and the molly moved to go and find the poor apprentice.

Spotting the young she-cat's unique pelt within the camp, the deputy would make her way over and meow softly, "Hey there, Butterfly. You got a minute to talk?" Her voice was its usual gentle coo, eyes half-lidded as she smiled in her whimsical way. "You're not in trouble, promise." She would giggle softly, the thought only now occurring to her that the second in command asking to talk was probably a little anxiety-inducing.

"I heard what went down with Crimsonbite and just wanted to confab with ya about how you're doing. I'm sorry I couldn't do it sooner."


Deersong had approached on surprisingly quiet feet, so quiet that the apprentice hadn't even heard her coming! She's hard at work grooming down her unruly fur when the gentle voice speaks up from behind her, causing her to flinch in surprise. Upon turning around, the cowardly she-cat immediately relaxes. It's only the new deputy, a cat who has always been kind, if not a little odd. She lets out a soft giggle at the assurance that she isn't in trouble and moves to fully face the creamy molly, ears perked.

At the mention of his name, her ears suddenly fall and her eyes widen in surprise. The very thought of that tom strikes fear into her, and she can feel her throat drying up. "'m okay.....thanks." She murmurs softly, almost inaudibly. Yellow eyes drop to the ground and her black and white paws shuffle uncomfortably. With her tail wrapping tightly around herself, she slowly lifts her gaze back up to Deersong's, frowning slightly. "I, um. I don't want to train with him anymore." She's deputy. She can control that, right?
( ) Aqua eyes would watch the apprentice with gentle patience, but she feels sad when the pretty colors around Butterfly darken the instant that Tuggers' name is mentioned. She knew from personal experience how rough and tumble the flat-faced tom could be, and of all the young ones he had to snap at, why did it have to be Butterflypaw?

Her heart hurts for the tortoiseshell as she looks back up and states that she no longer wishes to train with the warrior and the deputy appears thoughtful for a moment before meowing, "That's totally understandable, Butterfly. I'll try my best, but" she would tilt her head lightly as her tone was gentler, "You live in the same clan. You can't avoid him forever."

The deputy appeared thoughtful for a moment before meowing, "I know it's hard to deal with a cat like Crimsonbite. He isn't the easiest to get along with." She would smile softly, "But I think you're very brave because you at least tried to train with him, as badly as it turned out."

Her tail would swish behind her and she continued, "You don't have to forgive him for what he did. Boundaries are important after all but don't let it darken your pretty colors down more than it needs to."