Simple Misunderstanding || O. Prompt

Sep 19, 2022

Squeak Squeak

Mothpaw had been minding her business when another apprentice had approached her, having completely misunderstood a situation that had happened earlier when the two had gone out on a patrol. "Hey! Why did you avoid talking to me while we were on patrol? Do you not like me? Is their something wrong? huh? and the girl's eyes widened before she quickly shook her head and backed up at bit "N-no I... I don't.... Sorry..." the she-cat said as she looked down at the ground, taking the blame for something she did not even do. It wasn't like she didn't want to talk to the other apprentice, it was more that she wasn't good with starting conversations so she attempted to do what she could to avoid the whole situation.

"You don't what? Seriously Mothpaw, every time we're out on patrol you completely avoid a conversation or end up avoiding me entirely I just want to know why the other apprentice expressed as the she-cat nervously shuffled her paws and shrank a little, looking away as she felt bad for avoiding conversing with the other apprentice as she shook her head, she wasn't sure what to do in this sort of situation, never one who was good with explaining or expressing things to others. "N-no it's nothing like that, I-I promise, S-sorry I didn't mean to make you feel like that, r-really, I'm just...just not good with...c-conversations" the girl said softly, not realizing this whole thing was a simple misunderstanding between the two and the girl was quick to take this as her own fault for making the other feel like she didn't even want to talk to them.

Another cat approached the two and frowned a bit "Hey you shouldn't be apologizing for this, it's not your fault, you're just shy and Beetlepaw should consider that. So, stop apologizing for it" the apprentice expressed towards Mothpaw as she blinked a bit looking between the two as she shuffled her paws slightly and looked down at them, was it truly not her fault for not speaking to them? She did feel bad for it but...the other apprentice did make point and her ears pinned onto the back of her skull, how embarrassing of her to take the fall for something as silly as a misunderstanding between the two, the other hadn't taken in the thought first that Mothpaw wasn't good with making conversation and decided to confront her on something, and she nodded slightly "r-right, you...have a point" she said softly, still not looking up from her paws.

An apprentice approached her asking why she didn't want to talk to them and apologize for it thinking it was her fault when conversing isn't something that comes naturally to her, another apprentice points it out and she reacts by thinking on it and eventually agreeing with what the apprentice had to say ))

Prompt:There is a misunderstanding, and Mothpaw is in a situation where she apologizes for something that is not her fault. A clanmate gets onto her for apologizing when an apology isn't necessary. How does she react?