wc rebels simple oblivious little animal ☣︎ chatting

Grooming herself with her hindquarters so wounded was a trial, lifting a leg to get at her haunch near impossible with how plastered in cobweb and whatever nonsense Wolfsong had put on her she was - the sickly scent of herbs making her wrinkle her nose everytime she got a whiff of it, never did like that medicinal smell, hated the aromatic aroma of plucked plants. There was something about it that remindered her too much of the badgerset she'd nearly died in, of Weaselclaw's gradual decay and rot until he succumbed to Yellowcough. If he'd lived would this be happening? Her sister had always been getting a little too big for her paws, a little too dismissive of their warrior ancestors but it had been the loss of her mate that tipped her this far over the edge, Mintshade wonders if this was always going to happen and the tabby's death only escalated it or if it was the catalyst in the end. She thinks of that scorch mark at Fourtrees and grimaces, last she was at the gathering it was still there; sooty ash to polish the stone of who came after the moorland queen.
The black she-cat stifled an annoyed growl, turning back to the task of grooming her shoulder which she could get to a little more easily than the lower half of her body, she went from being unable to do anything due to sickness to unable to do anything due to an injury and it was perhaps the cruelest thing life had ever dealt her; back to back pain's in the tail end.
"You know..." She mutters out, catching the eye of the first cat she saw, "...we can't stay in this barn forever. What's the plan? What have I missed? Sunstride decide anything yet?"
Would she follow the rosette tom in the end? The tom she butted heads with constantly, who she considered a friend in the way a predator regarded prey as 'an aquaintance'? She wanted to bite him most the time, but there was no denying his tenacity and few had the grit to go against Sootstar with such open defiance. You had to admire that in a man.


  • dglidql-38672caf-31b5-4a8d-a1d5-a70acefed897.png
    —⊰⋅ Warrior (Moor Runner) of WindClan
    —⊰⋅ She/Her
    —⊰⋅ SH Solid black cat w/ acid green eyes.

When Pinkpaw sees her, she initially gasps. Wasn't Mintshade like, Sootstar's sister, and so like, also totally evil? Pinkpaw debates maybe using her really cool recent training to jump on her while she's grooming and then Pinkpaw could save everyone... But, oh. Bluepool was here wasn't she? And Bluepool was nice. Not like mean Bluefrost. So... did that mean Mintshade was nice. And if there was another WindClan cat named Mintclaw or something, they'd be totally evil... that makes sense to her.

Pinkpaw still eyes her suspiciously when she speaks, but she guesses she would spare her from her super tough warrior fighting moves... " Umm... " she says, tail waving behind her. She doesn't really know, actually. She didn't wanna be in the " barn " forever either. Did someone say something, or did she forget...? Someone told her, um... something, but she doesn't remember what. She'll just tell the maybe - evil - but - probably - not cat her own theory. " We're gonna go... beat them up! "

  • EZIRq0S.png

    A tiny, longhaired calico she - kit with suburst eyes ringed blue around her pupils (central heterochromia). While you can clearly see her flame markings on her face, the rest of her body is currently covered by a grey fever - coating. Though the whites of her are still very much visible. Pinkpaw bounces around WindClan without a care in the world! Her emotions are big, and she makes little effort to regulate them, resulting in both her usually cheerful disposition, as well as making her prone to sudden bouts of extreme anger or sadness. Rarely seen without a smile!
    HEAVY IC OPINIONS! Pinkpaw is a very irrational and childish character!​

Featherpaw had never been so tired in his life. The force of the sleepy-headache inflicted upon him was a horrid wrenching on his skull, one that tightened his teeth together and just made the pain worse and worse and worse. It was a battle with every exhalation to keep her eyes open. And, and- to make it worse, two loud and unruly cats she knew better than she would like were conversing nearby.

The chocolate molly looked about as pleased as if someone had made dirt in her freshkill the moment she set sun-glare eyes upon the pair of them, disdain initially glimmering in her gaze. If they'd been discussing something ridiculous like dreams of moss-ball she might have clipped Mintshade around the ear (whether she was Bluepool's sister or not, some cats just needed some sense smacked into them)... instead, though, they were talking strategy. To the best of Pinkpaw's understanding, at least...

Well. At least Pinkpaw was trying.

He strode up to the pair of them, trying to seem somewhat pleasant past his headache and utterly failing. His scowl was plain as daylight. "Do you remember what you're not g-g-going to do, Pinkpaw?" Featherpaw inquired. A deep sigh left her, as she glanced over to Mintshade. "A b-buh... b-b-battle's coming, obviously." He was sure Mintshade could have worked that one out. Right?
✦ penned by pin
  • Wow
Reactions: PINKSHINE

Much like Mintshade, Rattleheart had been struggling so far with the extent of her injury and the tools used to heal it. While she wasn't in anywhere near as bad of a state as Sootstar's kin, the long wound down her side was still not nearly close enough to fully healed for her liking. The cobwebs plastered to her side always presented an unpleasant texture whenever she went to groom herself, and she often found herself muttering apologies to Venomstrike whenever he offered to help. At least the poultices that had been applied were underneath, meaning that they didn't cause her to recoil at the unpleasant taste that would surely strike her.

Besides, it could have been worse. At least she didn't arrive with the smell of rot following after her every step.

The tunneler had been trying to keep an eye on Mintshade - and everyone, really - ever since the other's late arrival, though it was doubtful she'd be able to do anything herself if the moor runner's condition abruptly soured. Pretty much the only option she would have would be to rush and grab Wolfsong before things potentially got worse. Feeling so useless caused a rush of anxiety to slither along her spine, a traitorous and uneasy shiver running through her. At least Mintshade's questions provided a distraction, though they also prompted a frown to curl on Rattleheart's muzzle. "Strategizing has been... difficult. With so many of us injured, I doubt Sunstride would want to try some direct rush on our camp." Or at least she hoped he would have a little more sense than that, knowing more enthusiastic cats among their group would probably jump at the chance to go charging right in. Not that she wasn't raring to dig her claws into Sootstar herself, but she was also certain of the fact that they needed a little more tact.

Looking between both Pinkpaw and Featherpaw, she couldn't help but feel that anxiety from before squeeze at her entire body even tighter. Neither of them should have been worrying about something like this, both just barely out of kithood and yet still faced with being ejected from their home. "I'm pretty sure we're all in agreement about going and getting our home back from Sootstar and her loyalists, but maybe it'll be something more subtle. A battle, but one where we have the advantage this time." Instead of being caught off guard and desperately trying to turn the tides, only to end up rushing after Sunstride in order to stay alive.
Pollenfur’s pelt stands on end most days. She walks amongst cats who moons ago would have called her enemy, who would have shredded her for putting a paw wrong on their heavily-marked moorland. Those who had met her gaze with scorn and chided her for her caution slept fitfully in the place she’d made into a sanctuary for herself. They hunt mice amongst the straw, they share tongues in the broken way a shattered Clan does, they mind their kits and flash one another weary, war-torn looks. She does not like them here, but there’s a part of her that accepts this as yet another part of some unknown penance StarClan expects her to carry out.

She pads awkwardly, stiffly, beside Pinkpaw. She lefts her tail rest lightly on the little calico’s shoulder—the two of them are not close, not yet, but she relishes what little time she has left with her kin all the same. A black cat she recognizes as Sootstar’s sister grouses about what WindClan’s plan is to reclaim their home, and Pinkpaw and an auburn-coated denmate with a shaggy pelt muse about a battle.

Her jaw clenches. She does not want more of her kin dying to Sootstar and her stragglers, but she knows it is inevitable, and that her kits and her sister’s would be expected to life their claws in such a war. Such is the life of Clan cats—such is the life she’d wished fervently to protect her children from.

A black-and-white feline with a calm affect asserts that although strategizing has been difficult, she believes the rebels will band together and reclaim WindClan for their own. Pollenfur’s eyes darken, but she only dips her head. “It will be dangerous to fight Clanmates who know your territory as well as you do.” She looks at Pinkpaw, imagining her in a collapsing tunnel as claws reach for her tiny gray-puffed pelt. Her jaw clenches. “You’ll need… you’ll need every set of claws, if that’s the route you wish to go, won’t you?

, ”

"If it's claws that you need, then perhaps I can lend my own." Sunnyday chimed in with a low chuckle as he flexed his claws against the ground beneath him. Doing something to help the displaced clanners seemed better than doing nothing at all, and besides, with the worst of leafbare still ahead of them could the barn cats really afford having so many mouths to feed? Ultimately something needed to be done, and he didn't want to be the sort who turned a blind eye to it all. Slowly his focus drifted towards that of the apprentices. "Ideally you'll want to remain unpredictable so they can't guess what you might do. Maybe learning some new battle moves won't go amiss." In the end he was not a WindClanner, he did not know their battle style, but he did know his own. It had been born from utilising his size and strength, and from using the forest to his advantage. If he was permitted to assist with the displaced cats then he knew that he had to stay smart and alert in order to overcome the speedy loyalists.
Not a day goes by thinking about the fact that her own kin decided to follow Sootstar. It stings and yet there is nothing that can be done. Even though she said that she'll be there for the rest of them, knowing one was missing is not easy. It brought her no joy in knowing the next time they meet it will be in battle. For now, she must take care of Rattleheart the most. Scorchstreak is doing well for now with her kits (the remaining ones). That is why she is beside her, waiting for any sign of discomfort to ask if she needed anything. However, Mintshade asks what's the plan. Rabbitclaw herself has no idea. The only cat who would have an idea and she could ask would be her sister Scorchstreak, but she didn't do that normally. She would not use her sister.

"It's not my call, but if I was allowed then I would say join us Sunnyday." To be honest, even though he explained himself and why he was cast out from Thunderclan, that wasn't enough for her to shy away from him. Everyone has made mistakes. If they were to cast out Sunnyday and not see him as someone valuable then they were no better than Sootstar. They had followed her orders and all of them were at fault for the kitnapping of Shadowclan kits. As much as they wanted to refuse the truth what was happening now was their fault as well. Then, she turns to Pollenfur. What she has said alongside Sunnyday holds merit. The enemy they are fighting is not Thunder, Sky, River, or Shadow. It is their own. Which meant this battle would be deadly. Each side knew each other from the inside out.

Lives were at stake. Both sides had already lost some, who knows how many more they would lose the next time they faced each other. "Pollenfur and Sunnyday are correct. Our enemies are our clanmates and to make it worse they have total control of our camp. They have it so much easier to sway the tide of battle in their favor. But that's also their weakness. Who knows our clanmates? What a Windclanner's strength's are?" Rabbitclaw is not stupid. Sootstar has always said they were the most powerful of the forest, but that was not true. They were the fastest of all the clans, but none of them were as towering as Thunderclanners. None of them could swim. None of them could blend themselves within the shadows, nor could they climb trees as gracefully as Skyclan.

As if to prove her point she takes her place beside Sunnyday and the difference between them is day and night. He easily towers her. With one look alone, Rattleheart and all the other Windclanners here are aware that Sunnyday could give one good bat and she would be seeing stars. "I don't think it's a bad to learn some new battle moves." She would proceed to playfully shove Sunnyday as if they were clanmates and add, "I want to spar with you anyway."
  • — rabbitclaw / windclan tunneler / feminine pronouns / 45 moons
    — pansexual / single / looking / open to flirting and crushes
    — scar riddled short-haired lilac tortoiseshell with blue eyes
    — may powerplay minor harm / can powerplay healing
    biography / @ on discord for plots
    — penned by velou
A quiz suddenly, as Featherpaw comes to join them in their really - cool strategy making... Do you remember what you're not gonna do? Was this a trick question, or just a tricky question? She knows the answer for sure! " Umm, lose? " she answers. Obviously. Cause where would they go if they lost? Stay in the stinky barn forever? Go to ThunderClan? No way, no way. That wasn't an option, not really... Not if she didn't want to sleep someplace icky where she'd never see the stars again...

Strategizing. That's a bit of a better word than strategy making, really. Pinkpaw blinks at Rattleheart, who was pretty wise... as wise as tunnelers could be, anyways. An... advantage. What did they have that Sootstar had, besides Sunstride and Wolfsong and Brightshine and Scorchstreak and Rattleheart and... That's a lot of cats isn't it? Oh, but Sootstar had cats they didn't have either... Pinkpaw's face shifts with her thoughts, bright and then not as plans keep forming and failing... Strategizing is hard...

You'll need every set of claws, someone says. Pinkpaw perks up. " Are you gonna help us, aunty Pollenfur? " Pinkpaw asks with wide eyes, shooting Featherpaw an Isn't that great? look. She turns her head to look at the stranger that just showed up. " And mystery cat? Sootstar will never expect that!"

Rabbitclaw talks then, sooo... she's like, totally not listening anymore... Too bad she wasn't all smart - like like Scorchstreak or Rattleheart... Her idea that she got, um, right now, is like way better! " You know what Sootstar doesn't have? A Medicine Cat! Wolfsong should ask StarClan to help up! " How lucky are the barn cats to have Pinkpaw on their side?

  • EZIRq0S.png

    A tiny, longhaired calico she - kit with suburst eyes ringed blue around her pupils (central heterochromia). While you can clearly see her flame markings on her face, the rest of her body is currently covered by a grey fever - coating. Though the whites of her are still very much visible. Pinkpaw bounces around WindClan without a care in the world! Her emotions are big, and she makes little effort to regulate them, resulting in both her usually cheerful disposition, as well as making her prone to sudden bouts of extreme anger or sadness. Rarely seen without a smile!
    HEAVY IC OPINIONS! Pinkpaw is a very irrational and childish character!​