simple pleasures [private]


astronaut in the ocean
Aug 7, 2022


OOC- this takes place after Quill is released from the MCs den, but before the windclan exiles show up and he's put on guard duty lol.

It felt good to wake up in his own nest again. Felt even better to be able to climb into Twitches halfway through the night when he found himself just a bit too cold. Comfortable and content, had it not been for moons upon moons of it being drilled into his head to rise with the sun, he probably would have spent the entire day like that.

But alas, there was work to be done.

As the clan woke and went about it's business, Quillstrike slipped out of the warriors den and set his gaze toward that of the apprentices sleeping area. He'd been out of commission for a while thanks to yellowcough, and he was feeling a little eager to return to normalcy.

"Plagupaw, Doompaw!" he called, gesturing to the duo to come over with a flick of his tail. "We're doing something with the four of us today, so don't go far. We're just waiting for Twitchbolt." he informed them, not wanting the pair to run off with plans of a free day. Whoevers nest they were planning on sticking snakes in today could thank him later for the interference.


skyclan - male - 16 months (Feb 17th) - bisexual - homoromantic - a very tall, dark chimera tomcat with mismatched eyes and several scars. has bluejay feathers woven like spikes along his spine and neck.


After what felt like moons of attempting to wrench a knot out of his fur, Twitchbolt was well and truly done with it; heaving himself to his paws, he picked up his pace to join Quillstrike's side. Today had been a day he'd actually been looking forward to- though Doompaw and Plaguepaw were quite a formidable pair to wrangle (with matching terrifying names), Quillstrike and Twitcbolt together had quite the combination of sternness and hot-temper to reign them in at least a little.

He purred with ill-hidden affectionate greeting as he wandered over to the small group, bumping his forehead to Quillstrike's shoulder in a wordless hello. Asymmetrical eyes flickered toward the two, watching them hawk-like, as if they would go for his face any moment. Doompaw, especially- though, maybe it would be best to not act as if he was scared.

"You'll have to show s-someone new your skills, Doompaw," Twitchbolt murmured, knowing that the calico tom normally reacted quite well to encouragement like that... oh, was he going to craft a hulking ego in this tom?
penned by pin ✧
Their last excursion as a foursome had ended badly. Doompaw had still not shaken the adrenaline experienced after his near-death experience with a monster—nor had he forgotten that scolding he’d received from both his mentor and Plaguepaw’s. He knows better now—when he feels like it. He does not want to be squashed flat by a monster’s enormous paws, so he has no interest in playing on Thunderpaths anymore. He stalks beside Twitchbolt, noting how he’s reached his mentor’s shoulder now. Their builds are not similar—one still walks with the gangly half-swagger of an adolescent cat—but Doompaw blinks with satisfaction. Soon, he will be grown, and no one will try to command him anymore!

Twitchbolt greets Quillstrike far more affectionately than he does Plaguepaw. While the lead warrior bumps his friend softly against the shoulder with his muzzle, Doompaw launches himself at Plaguepaw and attempts to bowl him over.Yeah! I can climb real good now, can you? Watch this!” He streaks for the nearest tree, beginning to shimmy up the bark like a clumsy squirrel.

  • doomguy . doomkit . doompaw
    — afab, he/him, apprentice of skyclan
    — unknown sexuality ; single
    — short-haired blue tortoiseshell with white and green eyes
    — “speech”, thoughts, attack
    — penned by Marquette
    — chibi by Oliver