The amount of kits pouring from the nursery as dawn touches the sky is only indicative of the better weather to come. Many of them are her own blood, one litter of kits sired by her late older brother, the other brought to camp by her sister but it was undeniable who’s they were. They were the spitting images of their two parents combined. She would never hold it against them, not when her own son so closely resembled his father with her slate gray fur and broken by splashes of white. Flintpaw was not her father though, and these kits were not their mother.

"Gather round kits!" she trills from her place near the nursery, a bundle of herbs at her side "its check up time, which one of you wish-wishes to be my helper today hm?" she had always wanted a big family, a large brood to call her own. Those dreams were gone, or at least part of it was. She would love her nieces and nephews like they were her own, watch over them, care for them. They (and all the other kits) were the future, after all.

// this thread is primarily for kits but adults can come get a check up as well!

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    A skinny she cat with short black and white fur littered with scars and one singular green eye.
    Easy in battle + has little to no formal battle training
🕊️ One by one, Needledrift herded her youngest children over to the medicine cat. Still so small and on shaky, unsure legs, it was a lot more hauling than herding and a lot more sleepy squeaks than excited squeals. She smiled apologetically to the black and white she-cat in front of her.

"We're still a little tired from our nap, but I think we're alright beyond that." Branchkit, Morelkit, and Gigglekit were all as happy and healthy as kittens could be at this stage. They ate well, they slept well, they squeaked well. Well enough that any mother should be overjoyed at their progress. Needledrift could only muster a small smile at the thought. She herself felt... deflated. As if someone had snuck up behind her and stolen her lungs from her chest. Her heart still felt intact but slowed, as if trapped in amber or honey on a cold, sunless day. At first she had thought it simply exhaustion but the weight of her amber-heart had not dissipated after a few good days of rest after the birth.

The amber-weight stayed and with it returned her summer-storms and leaden paws, though this time she couldn't even fake a reason why they plagued her.

She gulped, forcing away the heat that itched at the backs of her eyes and lowered her voice. "But... for me... do you know if it normal to feel... feel wrong even after the kitting is done? They're perfectly fine but I still feel tired and weird... is that bad?"

// @BRANCHKIT @MORELKIT @Gigglekit + a little ppd needle <3 normal mommy tings speech is in #B9D0F5
𖠰𖠰 Since the little lilac tom first opened his eyes to see the world around him, he has not stopped toddling about the nursery—and now, outside of it. The gray and white cat that he’s come to know as his mother herds him out of the nursery and into the first rays of the morning light. She attempts to guide him in one direction, but the little tom resists her as much as he can. Everything is still bright and new to the tabby-striped kit, and he would much rather toddle off to check out all the new and interesting things in the camp.

Still, the boy is eventually moved to stand before a clanmate who he doesn’t quite recognize. As he’s moved in front of the black and white she-cat, Branchkit gazes up at her with sleepy kitten-blue eyes. Understanding of what he’s here for escapes him, but still he leans against his mother’s paw and lets out a series of purrs. He doesn’t know why he’s here or why she’s here, but he is happy to be somewhere with his mother at his side nonetheless.

Morelkit and his world grow with each passing day. With something new learned with each opportunity he’s awake, he’s settled into the blooms of color that mark the end of his slumber, and his wobbling form only pushes himself to explore his realm in short bursts of energy, before sleep inevitably arrives again.

He knows his mother, he knows his sister and brother, knows milk and the brown cat that lingers nearby, the bigger — but not quite as big as gray and brown fur — cats that come to see them. He knows the comfort of where he sleeps, the edge of the shelter they sleep under.

Sleep is interrupted once more, and a tired, unhappy mew is squeaked out toward his mother as she ushers him and Brother and Sister in a direction Morelkit has yet to investigate. Through the place the light comes in, he is guided, and the kit is faced with all sorts of new sights. Like his brother, he wishes to toddle in the direction of the first thing that catches his eye, but a white muzzle herds him elsewhere, eliciting a squeak in protest.

He is stopped in front of a new face today, one black and white in patterns unrecognizable to him. Not gray like his mother, not the same color as him and his littermates. He isn’t certain why he’s here, but with a yawn, Morelkit looks up at the new face with kitten-blue eyes, sticking close to his mother as she speaks words unknown into the air.

Roused by her mother's touch and her brothers' incessant mews, Gigglekit found that she was being nudged to her shaky paws and led towards the bright outside that Gigglekit remembered other cats came and went out of. What lay beyond the brightness was alien to Gigglekit entirely, and as she blinked rapidly, she found herself in an unfamiliar location that was so much different than the nursery that she had come to know.

For a moment, Gigglekit threatens to wander off too far in a bout of following after her brother as he goes against the grain their mother is herding them in, but she is quickly swept back into direction and placed before a stranger. Gigglekit knew there were other cats out in the brightness, considering there was one cat in particular that came and went with frequency, but Gigglekit wasn't sure she'd ever seen this particular cat come out of the brightness before.

Managing a small hop before choosing to lay down on her stomach, Gigglekit looked up at the stranger with wide, blinking eyes, wondering what the occasion was.