pafp simply existing | hunting



જ➶ Eyes like the burning sun shift and flick across the edge of camp. A hunting patrol she has been deemed worthy enough to attend is to head out soon. Her paws are restless and it shows in her constant shifting along the reeds. She hasn't touched the waters in a while, perhaps even avoiding the river all together. But she is ready to hunt. She is ready to stretch her limbs instead of sitting idly by and waiting for her prey to come to her. Lifting her head, words drift on her tongue. Posion dripping and yet she keeps them to herself. No point in being a bit feisty. The patrol will leave soon enough and granting her wish finally, finally the group is departing. Her own paws push forth and she follows after them with ease, perfering the outside perimeter of the patrol. Hermuzzle parts and she is already scenting, checking to see what is around them that she can stalk and find claws stuck into. There is a lot of movement around, especially near Windclan's border. A good place to check, dancing with danger. The thought is almost pleasing as she keeps her path, watching as the rest of the Riverclanners head to the banks of their watery home. At least for them the river is calm this day. Shadow stained warrior shifts her stands and she disappears into the tall grass.

Her eyes narrowing as she begins her easy movememts. One paw touching down with the sounds of a ghost. A water vole hides near and she zeros in on the sounds of cracking seeds. Ears pulled back her body hunches and she keeps herself low as it finally comes into sight and with a sudden movement she launches herself. Claws find their mark, dragging and tearing flesh as she pulls the prey to her. Teeth snap and it's dead. The burning in her limbs feels good, feels nice. A slow purr pulls from her throat as she licks the taste of blood from her muzzle.