
New member
Jul 11, 2024

For the first time, there is more in her life than her parents and sister. There are cats taking over for her parents, who are presumed dead (despite her knowing fully well that they were not), and kittens that are, through Periwinklebreeze, stepping in as her new siblings. Weepingkit had done well to avoid them thus far, huddling deep into the nest she shared with her sibling in this new nursery - and for the most part, they have kept their distance as well. Something about the kitten spending her free time silently crying and her nights tossing and turning was a good deterrent for her new 'Clan-mates', as they were called.

Today.. a new courage summons her out of her nest. Unlike Mourningkit, this kitten hadn't yet felt the drive to explore her surroundings. With prey being brought to her, under the guise that she is grieving, she hasn't had any need to leave the nursery. But, something today had rose the girl from her nest with the sunrise. It took a long time of prep-talk; she paced around the nursery until the sun was visible in the sky; but eventually, finally, the pointed kitten pokes her head out of the den.

She saw it, briefly, when Mourningkit and herself were brought to WindClan. But now that she was taking the time to really look at it, she was catching many more details than before. Cats of all shapes, sizes and colors made their rounds; leaving, returning, dropping off and picking up prey, and sharing tongues. It was all very communal.. all something strange that made Weepingkit's stomach churn with anxiety.

After another while and some deliberation, Weepingkit prepares to take her first steps out of the den.. but as she steps out, a sudden shape blocks her vision and she stumbles back, startled. In front of her stands one of Periwinklebreeze's other kittens, one she can't quite remember the name of... and stars, they don't look happy..

  • speech is #58778d
  • WEEPINGKIT kit of windclan
    she/her ━ afab ━ ?? moons
    a small, wispy blue point kitten with dull blue eyes.
    sister to mourningkit
    penned by ixora@.ixora on discord, feel free to dm for plots.


˖⁺‧₊ ☽◯☾ ₊‧⁺˖  These new kittens are a mystery to Vulturekit. Siblings, suddenly. Come into their life when they were already bracing for a different change, adopted kittens who will only know their shared father for a short while before they are to leave the nursery forever. It's not fair. They can't help but resent Periwinklebreeze a little bit (only a little, they could never manage anything more - ) for dumping this unwelcome change upon them so suddenly.

Weepingkit and Mourningkit. Their names churn in his belly like rotten and roiling sickness. He'd thought his own name morbid, a carrion-bird circling overhead, but now he questions his father's naming even more. Kits defined by tragedy, dragging it along behind them like the very bodies they mourn.

They keep to themselves. He barely knows anything about them.

Until - his dark form blots out the sun, swallowing the mouth of the nursery in shadow. He's getting too big for it, they all are. She's not much smaller, this little mystery kit with her wispy, starbleached fur and teardrop eyes. She looks like a little portrait of misery, a tragedy sculpted in snow and stardust. It's almost too perfect. "You," he hisses softly in surprise, amber eyes slicing firebright through the dark of the nursery's entrance.

She stumbles back, and they match her step for step, closing in. "Which one - are you Weepingkit or Mourningkit?" His eyes narrow. He can't quite tell them apart yet.

  • 78719023_Dn5AkWBYFbxxqzb.png

  • VULTUREKIT he / they, kit of windclan, five moons.
    a spiky-furred dark tabby with amber eyes.
    skittish and dour, with little time for typical kit games.
    micheal x npc, adopted by periwinklebreeze. sibling to dustkit and bilberrykit.
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted / / underline and tag when attacking
    penned by SATURNIDsaturnids on discord, feel free to dm for plots.

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Vulturekit's reaction is not at all unexpected, but surprises her none the less. Pale blue ears fall back against Weepingkit's head as she shrinks away from the kitten as he hisses his surprise and distaste. You, the dark-furred feline says, and Weepingkit feels too stunned to reply, though her mouth hangs agape as if some retort or defense should fall out.

As Weepingkit shuffles backwards, Vulturekit follows in her pawsteps with narrowed golden eyes that pierce her soul. She feels her limbs begin to shake, and her heart-beat rings in her ears. Suffocating, she thinks, widening her fearful eyes as if they could swallow Vulturekit whole. I am suffocating..

In the quick moments before Vulturekit speaks, Weepingkit turns her darting gaze to her surroundings. Where is Mourningkit? Periwinklebreeze? Gravelsnap? Her heart aches - where is her mother, always on her paws to defend her little kittens? Must she face the scrutiny of her denmate alone? Must she face her fears?

For a moment, she feels determined, like she could stand nose-to-nose with Vulturekit until he backs down. It is a bitter, vengeful thought, to squash the cat who stares at her with such contempt now. She could.. she could.. but when Vulturekit speaks again, all that confidence drains as quickly as it grew. "W-weepingkit," the blue-point stammer out, almost too quiet to hear. As if on cue for her namesake, her blue eyes begin to glimmer with impending tears. "You're .. you're scaring me.." she croaks out, feeling her rear bump into a wall she had mistakenly backed into. If she stops moving now, will the kitten pounce? Will she meet her adopted father with a scratched face?


˖⁺‧₊ ☽◯☾ ₊‧⁺˖  Weepingkit. She lives up to her name, eyes wode and wet. She shrinks away like a wilted leaf, clumsy paws stumbling away away away. Her voice is halting, a stuttered sort of thing that sounds as if it was clawed from her throat againat her will. She looks terrified.

It's all too familiar, and Vulturekit freezes.

You're scaring me... He takes a step back, no longer chasing her down "I'm..." His voice trails off, a confused echo. He's never thought of himself as scary - no, he's anything but. He's the one who cowers and bristles, fear as much a part of him as the fur on his back. He knows fright well, but never from this side of it. He doesn't think he likes the feeling.

"Sorry!" He blurts suddenly, ears lying flat. Guilt floods him. For all that he resents the place these kits have taken, stealing his dad, he can't bear the sight of a cat looking so distaught. "Sorry, I d-d-d... I d - I didn't mean to, I..." He swallows thickly. He doesn't know how to explain.

"It's just - weird," he spits, and the word is not the right one. It's wrong, having new kits here when things were already about to change. Siblings, when he's been living with the ones he already had for moons. "I d-don't even know you," he mutters, tone landing somewhere between bitter and regretful.

  • 78719023_Dn5AkWBYFbxxqzb.png

  • VULTUREKIT he / they, kit of windclan, five moons.
    a spiky-furred dark tabby with amber eyes.
    skittish and dour, with little time for typical kit games.
    micheal x npc, adopted by periwinklebreeze. sibling to dustkit and bilberrykit.
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted / / underline and tag when attacking
    penned by SATURNIDsaturnids on discord, feel free to dm for plots.