private sincere efforts // cragpaw

May 1, 2024
She misses her older friends.

Robinheart's stint in the medicine den had left the child wanting for more attention. Whilst undoubtedly loved and cherished by the queens of the nursery and her mother when she got the chance, Rivuletkit could not help attaching to the side of one of the older kits. It was cool to see them play and mimic them, after all! And sometimes they'd ask her to play, too... At least, Cragpaw did. But now Cragpaw is an apprentice, seeing the world and hunting for his own. Robinheart is back in the nursery again, at least, but there's holes in her heart still. Would she ever be full in that regard?

It's sunhigh when she plucks a lone piece of dried up moss from the edge of the nursery. She holds it between kitten sharp teeth as she parades into RiverClan camp, eyes searching for a similarly colored tom. Eventually, she finds him, and with the gusto of a child she runs towards him. "Cragpaw, Cragpaw!" The kitten cheers, a grin stretched across her face. She drops the moss by his paws, obviously seeking approval and attention from the older cat. "You left this behind in the nursery! I thought you may want it back," it only vaguely smelled like him, in the same way that everything in the nursery vaguely smells like everything else. She tapers back the grandness of her smile. "How's... training? Is it fun?"


Cragpaw's whiskers twitch in amusement as he sees his nursery friend bounding toward him with a piece of moss clutched between her tiny teeth. He can't help but smile warmly at her enthusiasm and he lifts a paw to laugh into. He misses always being around the antics of the other kits. But I'm not a kit anymore.

Shaking his head, he grins. "Hey, Rivuletkit!" He greets, nudging the moss aside with a gentle paw. He observes it for a long moment, as if wracking his brain for what it was. An old moss-ball they played with maybe? Well, no matter what it is and regardless of whether he remembers it or not, she seems quite excited to give it to him. Wiping all confusion from his face, he returns his attention to her, "Thanks for bringing this back. I guess I did leave it behind, didn't I?" He can't really bring himself to disappoint her.

He sits down then, his eyes sparkling with genuine eagerness as she asks about training. "It's going really well, actually. It's a lot of hard work, but it's exciting! I'm learning all kinds of new things - like how to track scents." Suddenly he gains a bit more confidence, because when he's talking to a kit who hasn't even begun training yet, he's not compared to his sister who's definitely more talented than he is. He's not compared to anyone. He's just the cool apprentice. Cragpaw's gaze softens and he ducks his head, ears falling back. "I miss hanging out with you and the other kits, though. Anything fun going on in the nursery lately?" And then an idea hits him, and he purrs excitedly. "Wanna learn how to pounce like a warrior? I could show you!"