sing a song of love & war ✘ Patrol Assignments

With Buckgait in the nursery and most of their more capable warriors out of commission from the WindClan battle and subsequent Sunningrocks one Smokethroat can't help but feel at a bit of a loss. RiverClan has overcome many obstacles, leafbare’s treacherous and icy grip, the flooding of their camp, the skirmish at the bridge, but they had always persevered and they would continue to do so. They just needed time but duties could not be ignored, so he stepped up to the mantle; plastered in poultices and moving stiffly limbed forward into the middle of the camp his voice rose like the river itself; overpowering and forceful.
“If you’ve blood in your body and all your limbs are still attached, gather around for patrols.”
He remembers long ago when he and Willowroot struggled to organize, but he is not that foolish cat biting off more than he can chew this time; he knows how the clan works, he knows his clanmates, he knows their strengths and weaknesses and he knows what to do as naturally as he breaths now.

He is mindful of the drypaws, not wishing to send their cats near ThunderClan so soon after the Sunningrocks battle and certainly not the ones most at risk of an accident near the river’s edge. He is aware of the losses and what cats would be less inclined to cause more war at their borders when they needed a moment’s respite to recover first. Most of all, Smokethroat knows not a cat he names here will waver in face of what needs to be done.

“Mudpelt, you will go with Houndstride and your apprentices as well as Antlerpaw and Sablepaw to WindClan’s border.” Cindershade and Clayfur were both unable to go but their apprentices should get the chance to continue their duties all the same.

“Willowroot, your apprentices as well as Wolfglade, take a close look at ThunderClan’s border…but be mindful.”
Those wretched territory stealing forest rats were almost on par with WindClan for how irritating they are and he frankly wanted nothing to do with the once neutral clan. Really went down after Emberstar died, she would not have been so relentless as Howlingstar was.

“Snakeblink, Darterwing, take your apprentices and Iciclepaw with you to SkyClan’s border.” He pauses, there is irritation in his voice as he continues, “Beesong won’t let me leave camp…” The only reason he was being obedient and well-behaved was the medicine cat had enough on his plate as it were and Smokethroat would not add to it. This time at least.

“Stoatsplash, Sneezefur, take Thrushpaw, Gillpaw and Koispots for a hunting patrol.”
Lightningstone was out of commission, Koispots was newly promoted and he didn’t need her pestering Buckgait in the nursery so she could go out and be productive and Gillpaw needed work. Needed a focus. Something to keep him off dwelling over his loss as well.

“Lakemoon, Hyacinthbreath and take Dovepaw and Crappiepaw with you. Check back at our camp and see how the water is receding and then check upriver for any blockage, report back to me the moment you return.” With hope they could move back soon, he tired of this temporary camp, especially now that WindClan knew where they were. It was unsettling. Once they knew if the camp was livable again he’d report it to Cicadastar, see if they can’t send another patrol later to clean it up and prepare for the move back. He sighed, he missed the willow den.

WindClan Patrol
-apprentice tags: @FERNPAW & @DARKPAW & @Skunkpaw & @ANTLERPAW & @Sablepaw

ThunderClan Patrol - @willowroot & @WOLFGLADE
-apprentice tags: @ashpaw! & @Steeppaw

SkyClan Patrol - @Snakeblink & @DARTERWING
-apprentice tags: @frogpaw & @iciclepaw & @RAVENPAW.

Hunting Patrol - @stoatsplash & @Sneezefur. & @koispots
-apprentice tags: @Thrushfern & @GILLPAW
--Patrol lead will recieve a DM of plot.

Camp/River Check - @Lakemoon . & @hyacinthbreath
-apprentice tags: @dovepaw. & @CRAPPIEPAW
--Patrol lead will recieve a DM of plot.
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Reactions: willowroot
Crappiepaw is surprised to hear that they are being assigned to a patrol. An official patrol, even. And being tasked with visiting the island camp is a hefty responsibility; what if they mess it up somehow? They will not even have Koipaw—Koispots there as a friendly face. "Okay..." The apprentice flicks a speckled ear, though, and nods in the Smokethroat’s direction. They will accept their patrol assignment, of course; who are they to deny a lead warrior’s orders?

Green eyes shift to seek out the two she-cats, wide and hesitant. Lakemoon and Hyacinthbreath are scary, intimidating. At least Dovepaw will be there with them, though, so they will not have to be alone with the two frightening warriors.
જ➶ Narrowing eyes shift as he watches the lead warrior,
not really showing much on how they feel on what is about to happen. Though they know that despite everything Riverclan needed normalcy again the moggy wonders just what will become of them. Huffing they push themselves to their paws and follow suit at the call given. They are able bodied and they have enough strength to deal with anything or anyone that decides to push too far. With a twitch of his ear he sits down and listens to the patrols given. Tail twitching just slightly. Thunderclan. The disgusting backstabbers. Their muzzle curls then and they shake their head before just nodding. "Right." Gaze of olivine tones flick to find the patrol lead. Ready to go when she was.
His paw aches nearly as terribly as his chest does when he hears he will turn to WindClan. To find himself there so quickly again after the bitter tongue and teeth that had felt out his wounds– he's no great love for Smokethroat in this moment, asking it of him, but the grim truth'f it all is that there's no such choice. Too many of their own are wounded and worn. His scrapes burn, but he's come out lucky. Luckier than the splotched tom, in any case. It's not missed that his name's not one of the listed few. Snakeblink, Lakemoon. It's good to see them well enough to carry on when the others're not.

With a dry curve of his mouth and a dull nothing to his eyes, Houndstride nods to the wounded warrior, and turns part-way to search for Mudpelt. But before he can wander far, summer-green eyes turn back to Smokethroat. His smirk widens. "I'll make sure to send your warm regards to the moor rats," he chuckles. "Think your friend's well enough to pay a visit?" He's no real intention of speaking to them, much less finishing what the lead warrior'd started (no, it's his battle to fight), but the joke's better when he almost means it.

  • ooc:
  • ──── houndstride. trans male, he - him - his pronouns.
    ──── over three years old. born late december of 2020.
    ──── bisexual but with a heavy masc preference; single.

    ──── a chocolate tabby with ( stylized ) low white and intense lime eyes. lean and lanky,  with whiplike musculature and a long, quick stride. hound's notable features include his impressive height, the long scar across the left side of his face from nose to jaw, his very deep, dense fur, and the confident manner with which he conducts himself.
  • "speech"
A patrol with Iciclepaw? Ravenpaw was sure the calico would claw his too-large ears off for any misstep. He tried to swallow down his unease and looked every other way except into any other cat's eyes. He would stick to Darterwing during this patrol. He ought to be fine then. He saw Crappiepaw amidst the growing crowd of cats and narrowed his eyes discretely as he snorted. He would have rather been put on that patrol—at least Dovepaw was on it.


Dovepaw listened to his assignment with a hint of hard-to-disguise disappointment shading over his face. Regardless of the actual job he had been assigned, he was to be separated from Ravenpaw—who, to be perfectly honest, seemed to be going somewhere much more interesting. It did not help that Dovepaw found Hyacinthbreath nothing short of terrifying.

Accepting his draw, Dovepaw awkwardly filed into line. Unlike Ravenpaw, he was not familiar with Crappiepaw at all.

Iciclepaw's ear twitches, but she gives no other indication she's heard her mentors orders. A SkyClan border patrol sounds relatively uneventful to her; she almost wishes she'd been put on the patrol back to their camp, or to WindClan's border. Perhaps it's for the best, though. Her pride is still wounded from the raid.

Pale eyes flick to Snakeblink, their patrol leader, before settling on Darterwing and her apprentice Ravenpaw. She says, voice cool, "Hopefully this doesn't take long."


LAKEMOON — me and the devil, walking side by side.
She is reluctant to leave her mates side, but in all honesty Lakemoon wouldn’t be surprised if Beesong was on the verge of kicking the silver warrior out themselves with how much she had been hovering over Lilybloom, neglecting her responsibilities in her worry.
When Smokethroat announces patrol assignments, Lakemoon is one of the first to arrive, being one of the only warriors that had been able to evade any critical wounds, though not for lack of trying.
She stands next to Houndstride, flicking a silvery ear towards her old mentor is a silent greeting.
Her face is as stoney as ever as she’s enlisted to lead a patrol alongside Hyacinthbreath. She has no real opinion on the apprentices assigned to follow them, they were all future warriors with a surplus of potential. Even the more timid ones.
Hyacinthbreath, however, was a grating name against her ear drums. Lakemoon blamed her, perhaps unjustly so. Her meager public apology had meant next to nothing to the cynical young warrior. If the former moor rat had not killed that tom, Riverclan could have been stronger against Thunderclan. Still, a clanmate was a clanmate despite the mollys personal opinions, and she wouldn’t hesitate to defend the silver lynx to outer forces once more, if it came down to it.
She turns to the other warrior, "Let’s go."
Her tone is blank when she speaks to Hyacinthbreath, turning to the apprentices assigned to them and beckoning them along too with a curt nod of her head.

// IC opinions as always <3
( ) the smoke hued feline sits, poised, beside her child, observing smokethroat with tired but expectant eyes. scratches and freshly healed bites litter her frame, but nothing so bad as to keep her out of commission, and for this she is grateful. even the bites along her throat are healing alright. buckgate is in the nursery, cicadastar recovering, and cindershade is in no state to be working, so, it's willowroot, snakeblink, and smokethroat trying to lead the clan to the best of their abilities. it she's being honest, willowroot is certain smokethroat should not be working either- the man is still recovering from his intense battle with weaselclaw. still, she knows her friend well, and he is not happy sitting and waiting for others to do things. so, he's assigning patrols today, something that, thankfully, doesn't take too much energy.

tufted ears prick expectantly as the tom begins to speak, and willowroot will give a nod to smokethroat as he assigns her patrol. thunderclan border.. this she can do, although she half prays no rat-faced thunderclanners will appear. glancing around for wolfglade, she'll blink at them with a smile. the warrior is nice enough, if a bit quiet. with steeppaw and ashpaw coming along, it'll be nice to have another authority figure.

antlerpaw is assigned to a windclan patrol, and the idea of it sends prickles of anxiety churning in the lead warrior's stomach. still, she knows her kit will be alright- they've been strong in their training. bending down to quickly swipe her tongue across their head, she murmurs, "stay safe, little love! listen to mudpelt." with this, she'll stand and begin to gather her own patrol.

// speaking to @ANTLERPAW <3

Her name is called for the first time in a few hours, ears twitching above her head as she swivels towards the sound. A patrol to check on the river? Seemed simple enough. If they were careful enough, they could get this done quickly- though the one leading the patrol takes charge soon after. Lakemoon, the molly that had protected her mate during the Battle of Sunningrocks like a fierce lioness. Her opinion on her wasn't complete yet, but.. She could respect Lakemoon well enough for her bravery. Licking the healing wound momentarily, she winces in disgust at the smell of herbs. "On your six," She meows curtly, following a short distance behind the molly. She doesn't know of the fear from Dovepaw, does not know Crappiepaw well either- but she gives a toothy, awkward excuse for a smile to the two apprentices. "Come on, then."
❝ there are wounds inside me, gaping holes of disconnect.
can you drown inside your own body? can you suffocate within this mind? ❞


Cats die and bleed, battles are fought and lost, but the world goes on. No matter how much Snakeblink would like to spend the next moon moping and licking his wounds both figurative and literal, there are still patrols that need doing and preys that need hunting. He’s at least glad that the duty of dealing with them in the wake of Buckgait’s… indisposition fell to Smokethroat: that’s a tangle of works he’s not eager to go poking at.

”We’ll take good care of her,” he tells Smokethroat when the other announces they shall take Iciclepaw with them. Besides, the young molly can probably run circles around all of them: his training is no joke.

Glancing around, he tries to find his apprentice and their patrol companions without getting up. He’d like to remain seated just a little longer — pushing back the time when he has to put weight on his wounded shoulder. There’s no rush, is there?

——————————————————————————————————— so god damn lonely

  • Snakeblink • he / him. 37 ☾, riverclan warrior
    — a sleek, skinny tabby with long ears and a scar over his right eye.
    — gay, not actually evil, penned by @Kangoo

In every situation you give me peace
Sablepaw looks in Smokethroat's direction, listening as he splits up patrols to different locations. She is surprised to hear her name called alongside her brother's. Cindershade was not yet cleared from Beesong's den but she had been assigned to Houndstride's patrol regardless. She nods warily. "Looks like I'm hanging out with you today." She whispers, coming to stand next to Skunkpaw.
Don't gotta be afraid because you're in the lead